Jumat, 21 Agustus 2015

Daftar Laptop Asus Harga 5 Jutaan Lengkap, Terbaru 2016

Laptop Asus Harga 5 Jutaan - Daftar Laptop Asus Harga 5 Jutaan Lengkap, Terbaru 2016 - Siapa yang tidak kenal dengan merk laptop yang satu ini ? Asus salah satu perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang teknologi yang sudah sangat mendunia, bahkan di indonesia sendiri laptop asus merupakan laptop terfavorit dan disusul oleh lenovo dan acer. Nah Setelah kemarin kita membahas Laptop Asus Harga 3 Jutaan dan Laptop Asus Harga 4 Jutaan, Pada kesempatan kali ini saya akan memberikan sedikit informasi Laptop Asus Harga 5 Jutaan yang mungkin sedang anda butuhkan.

Laptop Asus Harga 5 Jutaan

Laptop Asus Harga 5 Jutaan

Spesifikasi Laptop Asus Harga 5 Jutaan, Untuk spesifikasinya sendiri laptop asus harga 5 jutaan ini sudah termasuk laptop yang memiliki kualitas yang baik pada bagian sepsifikasinya, Seperti Processor yang rata-rata memiliki Core i3 dan Core i5, kemudian Kapasitas Ram Rata-rata dari 2GB DDR3 hingga Ram 8gb ddr3, Tentu saja jika dilihat dari kedua parameter tersebut laptop asus harga 5 jutaan ini sudah memiliki spesifikasi yang baik.

Apalagi Jika kita melihat lebih detail dari laptop asus harga 5 jutaan diatas, banyak laptop yang memiliki fitur-fitur tersendiri dan pastinya membantu anda dalam perkerjaan sehari-hari anda, Nah Jika dilihat soal desain, Daftar Laptop Asus diatas memiliki desain khas tersendirinya walaupun asus tidak pernah banyak merubah pada bagian desainnya tapi, Desain asus yang elegan tetap banyak peminatnya.

Daftar Laptop Asus Harga 5 Jutaan Lengkap

Tipe Laptop
Harga Laptop Asus
Rp 5.020.000
Rp 5.020.000
ASUS VivoBook S200E
Rp 5.050.000
ASUS Transformer Book T100TA-DK066H
Rp 5.063.400
Rp 5.100.000
Rp 5.150.000
Rp 5.250.000
Rp 5.250.325
Rp 5.254.700
Rp 5.300.000
Rp 5.324.400
Rp 5.399.000
Rp 5.400.000
Rp 5.400.000
Rp 5.548.075
Rp 5.724.900 
Rp 5.799.000
ASUS A46CA-WX043DRp 5.900.000
ASUS X75A-TY114DRp 5.950.000
ASUS A42F-VX271DRp 5.990.000

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[6]  [7]  [8]  [9]  [10]

Oke Mungkin hanya sekian informasi laptop asus harga 5 jutaan yang dapat saya sampaikan, semoga bermanfaat dan bisa menjadi referensi buat anda, Nah Jika anda punya pertanyaan mengenai harga laptop terbaru diatas, silahkan kirim komentar anda dikolom komentar dibawah, Sekali lagi Terima Kasih Telah membaca artikel Berjudul Laptop Asus Harga 5 Jutaan.

Daftar Laptop Asus Harga 4 Jutaan Terbaru 2016

Laptop Asus Harga 4 Jutaan - Daftar Laptop Asus Harga 4 Jutaan Terbaru 2016 - Asus adalah perusahaan yang bergerak dibidang teknologi terutama dibagian laptop asus merupakan yang terbaik diantara vendor-vendor yang lainnya, Nah Setelah kemarin kita telah membahas Laptop Asus Harga 2 Jutaan dan Laptop Asus Harga 3 Jutaan Pada Kesempatan kali ini saya akan kembali memberikan informasi laptop asus harga 4 jutaan yang mungkin bisa menjadi referensi buat anda dalam membeli laptop.

Laptop Asus Harga 4 Jutaan

Laptop Asus Harga 4 Jutaan

Bagaimana Spesifikasi Laptop Asus Harga 4 jutaan ?
Spesifikasi Laptop Asus harga 4 jutaan tentunya sudah mumpuni dengan processor rata-rata yaitu Intel Core i3 dan Intel Core i5 yang pastinya dengan processor ini anda dapat melakukan perkerjaan online anda dengan mudah dan cepat, Selain itu Fitur-fitur yang terdapat dalam laptop asus harga 4 jutaan ini sangat beragam dan juga cukup lengkap dalam membantu anda mengerjakan tugas sehari-hari.ript>
Desain Laptop Asus Harga 4 jutaan ini tentunya memiliki kriteria tersendiri yang mungkin bisa menarik perhatian orang-orang untuk melirik sejenak laptop asus ini.

Daftar Harga Laptop Asus Harga 4 Jutaan

Tipe Laptop
Harga Laptop Asus
Rp 4.084.300
Rp 4.250.000
Rp 4.250.000
Rp 4.350.000
ASUS Eee Book X205TA
Rp 4.399.000
ASUS Transformer Book T100TAM-BING-DK013B
Rp 4.675.000
Rp 4.695.000
ASUS Transformer Book T100
Rp 4.699.000
Rp 4.699.000
Rp 4.699.000
Rp 4.754.075
Rp 4.799.000
Rp 4.799.000
Rp 4.800.000
Rp 4.815.000
Rp 4.864.200
Rp 4.864.200
Rp 4.869.900
Rp 4.890.000
Rp 4.899.000
Rp 4.899.000
Rp 4.915.000
Rp 4.960.000
Rp 4.969.800
Rp 4.985.000
Rp 4.999.000

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Oke mungkin hanya sekian daftar harga laptop asus yang dapat saya berikan, semoga bermanfaat bagi anda dalam membeli laptop murah namum berkualitas. Nah Jika anda punya pertanyaan mengenai harga laptop asus diatas silahkan kirim komentar anda dibawah. Terima Kasih Telah membaca artikel yang berjudul Laptop Asus Harga 4 Jutaan.

Hungry for some Big Android BBQ?

Posted by Colt McAnlis, Head Performance Wrangler

The Big Android BBQ (BABBQ) is almost here and Google Developers will be there serving up a healthy portion of best practices for Android development and performance! BABBQ will be held at the Hurst Convention Center in Dallas/Ft.Worth, Texas on October 22-23, 2015.

We also have some great news! If you sign up for the event through August 25th, you will get 25% off when you use the promotional code "ANDROIDDEV25". You can also click here to use the discount.

Now, sit back, and enjoy this video of some Android cowfolk preparing for this year’s BBQ!

The Big Android BBQ is an Android combo meal with a healthy serving of everything ranging from the basics, to advanced technical dives, and best practices for developers smothered in a sweet sauce of a close knit community.

This year, we are packing in an unhealthy amount of Android Performance Patterns, followed up with the latest and greatest techniques and APIs from the Android 6.0 Marshmallow release. It’s all rounded out with code labs to let you get hands-on learning. To super-size your meal, Android Developer instructors from Udacity will be on-site to guide users through the Android Nanodegree. (Kinda like a personal-waiter at an all-you-can-learn buffet).

Also, come watch Colt McAnlis defend his BABBQ “Speechless” Crown against Silicon Valley reigning champ Chet Haase. It'll be a fist fight of humor in the heart of Texas!

You can get your tickets here, and we look forward to seeing you in October!

Kamis, 20 Agustus 2015

Daftar Laptop Asus Harga 3 Jutaan Paling Terbaru 2016

Laptop Asus Harga 3 Jutaan - Daftar Laptop Asus Harga 3 Jutaan Paling Terbaru 2016 - Nah pada kesempatan kali ini saya akan memberikan sedikit informasi mengenai laptop asus harga 3 jutaan yang mungkin anda sedang mencari-cari, Siapa yang tidak kenal dengan merk yang satu ini ? Saya rasa semua sudah mengetahui bahwa asus adalah brand laptop yang sudah sangat mendunia dengan berbagai produk-produk terbarunya yang sukses di pasar internasional.

Laptop Asus Harga 3 Jutaan

Laptop Asus Harga 3 Jutaan

Spesifikasi Laptop Asus Harga 3 Jutaan, Untuk spesifikasinya sendiri tentu saja sudah lebih mumpuni dibanding Laptop Asus Harga 2 Jutaan dan Laptop Asus Harga 1 jutaan yang sudah kita bahas sebelumnya, Dengan Harga 3 Jutaan anda sudah bisa mendapatkan laptop dengan spesifikasi yang anda butuhkan, Processor yang digunakan juga memiliki rata-rata yaitu intel core i3 yang tentu saja dengan processor ini anda dapat melakukan perkerjaan multitasking dengan mudah.

Design Laptop Asus Harga 3 Jutaan, Untuk desainnya sendiri laptop asus harga 3 jutaan ini, pastinya sudah keren dengan berbagai model dan bentuk menawan serta ringan sudah bisa anda dapatkan dengan harga 3 jutaan saja.

Daftar Laptop Asus Harga 3 Jutaan Paling Terbaru 2015

Tipe LaptopHarga Laptop Asus
Asus X45U-VX057D
Rp 3,179,000
Asus X451MA-VX048D
Rp 3,199,000
Rp 3.199.000
ASUS Eee PC 1015E
Rp 3.300.000
Rp 3.360.000
Rp 3.399.000
Rp 3.463.825
Rp 3.499.000
Rp 3.499.000
Rp 3.500.000
Rp 3.500.000
Rp 3.578.000
Rp 3.578.300
Rp 3.599.000
Rp 3.599.000
Rp 3.599.000
Rp 3.639.000
Rp 3.690.000
Rp 3.690.000
Rp 3.692.100
Rp 3.749.000
Rp 3.812.000
Rp 3.950.000
ASUS Eee PC 1225B
Rp 3.970.000
Rp 3.989.850

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[6]  [7]  [8]  [9]  [10]

Jangan Lupa Baca Juga :
Laptop Asus Harga 1 Jutaan Paling Murah
Laptop Asus Harga 2 Jutaan Termurah

Oke mungkin hanya sekian informasi harga laptop 3 jutaan yang dapat saya sampaikan, semoga informasi ini dapat bermanfaat dan bisa menjadi referensi buat anda, Nah Jika anda punya pertanyaan mengenai harga laptop terbaru diatas, anda bisa kirim komentar anda melalui kolom komentar dibawah, Terima Kasih Telah membaca artikel berjudul Laptop asus Harga 3 Jutaan.

Interactive watch faces with the latest Android Wear update

Posted by Wayne Piekarski, Developer Advocate

The Android Wear team is rolling out a new update that includes support for interactive watch faces. Now, you can detect taps on the watch face to provide information quickly, without having to open an app. This gives you new opportunities to make your watch face more engaging and interesting. For example, in this animation for the Pujie Black watch face, you can see that just touching the calendar indicator quickly changes the watch face to show the agenda for the day, making the watch face more helpful and engaging.

Interactive watch face API

The first step in building an interactive watch face is to update your build.gradle to use version 1.3.0 of the Wearable Support library. Then, you enable interactive watch faces in your watch face style using setAcceptsTapEvents(true):

setWatchFaceStyle(new WatchFaceStyle.Builder(mService)
// other style customizations

To receive taps, you can override the following method:

public void onTapCommand(int tapType, int x, int y, long eventTime) { }

You will receive events TAP_TYPE_TOUCH when the user initially taps on the screen, TAP_TYPE_TAP when the user releases their finger, and TAP_TYPE_TOUCH_CANCEL if the user moves their finger while touching the screen. The events will contain (x,y) coordinates of where the touch event occurred. You should note that other interactions such as swipes and long presses are reserved for use by the Android Wear system user interface.

And that’s it! Adding interaction to your existing watch faces is really easy with just a few extra lines of code. We have updated the WatchFace sample to show a complete implementation, and design and development documentation describing the API in detail.

Wi-Fi added to LG G Watch R

This release also brings Wi-Fi support to the LG G Watch R. Wi-Fi support is already available in many Android Wear watches and allows the watch to communicate with the companion phone without requiring a direct Bluetooth connection. So, you can leave your phone at home, and as long as you have Wi-Fi, you can use your watch to receive notifications, send messages, make notes, or ask Google a question. As a developer, you should ensure that you use the Data API to abstract away your communications, so that your application will work on any kind of Android Wear watch, even those without Wi-Fi.

Updates to existing watches

This update to Android Wear will roll out via an over-the-air (OTA) update to all Android Wear watches over the coming weeks. The wearable support library version 1.3 provides the implementation for touch interactions, and is designed to continue working on devices which have not been updated. However, the touch support will only work on updated devices, so you should wait to update your apps on Google Play until the OTA rollout is complete, which we’ll announce on the Android Wear Developers Google+ community. If you want to release immediately but check if touch interactions are available, you can use this code snippet:

PackageInfo packageInfo = PackageManager.getPackageInfo("com.google.android.wearable.app", 0);
if (packageInfo.versionCode > 720000000) {
// Supports taps - cache this result to avoid calling PackageManager again
} else {
// Device does not support taps yet

Android Wear developers have created thousands of amazing apps for the platform and we can’t wait to see the interactive watch faces you build. If you’re looking for a little inspiration, or just a cool new watch face, check out the Interactive Watch Faces collection on Google Play.

Senin, 17 Agustus 2015

Develop a sweet spot for Marshmallow: Official Android 6.0 SDK & Final M Preview

By Jamal Eason, Product Manager, Android

Android 6.0 Marshmallow

Whether you like them straight out of the bag, roasted to a golden brown exterior with a molten center, or in fluff form, who doesn’t like marshmallows? We definitely like them! Since the launch of the M Developer Preview at Google I/O in May, we’ve enjoyed all of your participation and feedback. Today with the final Developer Preview update, we're introducing the official Android 6.0 SDK and opening Google Play for publishing your apps that target the new API level 23 in Android Marshmallow.

Get your apps ready for Android Marshmallow

The final Android 6.0 SDK is now available to download via the SDK Manager in Android Studio. With the Android 6.0 SDK you have access to the final Android APIs and the latest build tools so that you can target API 23. Once you have downloaded the Android 6.0 SDK into Android Studio, update your app project compileSdkVersion to 23 and you are ready to test your app with the new platform. You can also update your app to targetSdkVersion to 23 test out API 23 specific features like auto-backup and app permissions.

Along with the Android 6.0 SDK, we also updated the Android Support Library to v23. The new Android Support library makes it easier to integrate many of the new platform APIs, such as permissions and fingerprint support, in a backwards-compatible manner. This release contains a number of new support libraries including: customtabs, percent, recommendation, preference-v7, preference-v14, and preference-leanback-v17.

Check your App Permissions

Along with the new platform features like fingerprint support and Doze power saving mode, Android Marshmallow features a new permissions model that streamlines the app install and update process. To give users this flexibility and to make sure your app behaves as expected when an Android Marshmallow user disables a specific permission, it’s important that you update your app to target API 23, and test the app thoroughly with Android Marshmallow users.

How to Get the Update

The Android emulator system images and developer preview system images have been updated for supported Nexus devices (Nexus 5, Nexus 6, Nexus 9 & Nexus Player) to help with your testing. You can download the device system images from the developer preview site. Also, similar to the previous developer update, supported Nexus devices will receive an Over-the-Air (OTA) update over the next couple days.

Although the Android 6.0 SDK is final, the devices system images are still developer preview versions. The preview images are near final but they are not intended for consumer use. Remember that when Android 6.0 Marshmallow launches to the public later this fall, you'll need to manually re-flash your device to a factory image to continue to receive consumer OTA updates for your Nexus device.

What is New

Compared to the previous developer preview update, you will find this final API update fairly incremental. You can check out all the API differences here, but a few of the changes since the last developer update include:

  • Android Platform Change:
    • Final Permissions User Interface — we updated the permissions user interface and enhanced some of the permissions behavior.

  • API Change:
    • Updates to the Fingerprint API — which enables better error reporting, better fingerprint enrollment experience, plus enumeration support for greater reliability.

Upload your Android Marshmallow apps to Google Play

Google Play is now ready to accept your API 23 apps via the Google Play Developer Console on all release channels (Alpha, Beta & Production). At the consumer launch this fall, the Google Play store will also be updated so that the app install and update process supports the new permissions model for apps using API 23.

To make sure that your updated app runs well on Android Marshmallow and older versions, we recommend that you use Google Play’s newly improved beta testing feature to get early feedback, then do a staged rollout as you release the new version to all users.

Minggu, 16 Agustus 2015

Daftar Laptop Murah Asus Harga 2 Jutaan Terbaru 2016

Laptop Asus Harga 2 Jutaan - Daftar Laptop Murah Asus Harga 2 Jutaan Terbaru 2016 - Halo pada pembahasan kali ini saya akan memberikan sedikit informasi penting yang mungkin anda sedang mencari-cari nya, Nah Setelah kemarin kita membahas harga laptop asus 1 jutaan, pada kesempatan kali ini kita telah merangkumkan harga laptop 2 jutaan yang mungkin bisa berguna buat anda semua.

Laptop Asus Harga 2 Jutaan

Laptop Asus Harga 2 Jutaan

Spesifikasi laptop asus 2 jutaan, Untuk spesifikasi dari laptop asus 2 jutaan sendiri sangat cukup untuk memenuhi kebutuhan sehari-hari baik itu jika hanya digunakan untuk mengetik, menonton film, atau hanya sekedar browsing, mungkin laptop asus harga 2 jutaan ini sangat cocok anda gunakan, Laptop ini juga sangat cocok buat anak-anak , anak muda yang membutuhkan laptop hanya sekedar mengerjakan tugas sekolah.

Untuk Desainnya sendiri laptop asus harga 2 jutaan ini tidak terlalu mewah, karena rata-rata memiliki desain yang simpel dan bobot yang sangat ringan, tentunya tidak akan menggangu aktifitas anda sehari-hari karena membawa beban yang terlalu berat.

Tipe Laptop
ASUS Eee PC 1215BRp 2.000.000
ASUS Eee PC 1215PRp 2.000.000
ASUS A42F-VX402DRp 2.500.000
ASUS Eee PC 1015CXRp 2.518.000
ASUS Eee PC 1015BXRp 2.524.500
ASUS Eee PC 1015BX-BLK067WRp 2.524.500
ASUS Eee PC 1025C-BLU008WRp 2.622.400
ASUS X401U-WX011DRp 2.817.100
ASUS Eee PC 1015PWRp 2.840.000
Asus X401U-WX107D/WX108DRp 2,600,000
Asus X401U-WX099D/WX100DRp 2,849,000
Asus X200MA-KX264D/KX265D/KX266D/KX267DRp 2,949,000
Baca Juga : Laptop Asus Harga 1 Jutaan
Halaman : [1]  [2]  [3]  [4]  [5]

[6]  [7]  [8]  [9]  [10]

Nah, Mungkin hanya sekian informasi laptop asus harga 2 jutaan yang dapat saya sampaikan semoga bermanfaat, Jika anda punya pertanyaan mengenaik harga laptop terbaru diatas anda bisa kirim komentar anda melalui kolom komentar dibawah,

Daftar Laptop Asus Harga 1 Jutaan Paling Murah Terbaru 2016

Laptop Asus Harga 1 Jutaan - Daftar Laptop Murah Asus Harga 2 Jutaan Terbaru 2016 - Lagi-lagi asus membuat kejutan dengan berbagai tawaran harga laptop asus yang sangat menarik perhatian para calon pembelinya, Nah Pada kesempatan kali ini saya akan memberikan beberapa informasi seputar harga laptop asus 1 jutaan yang mungkin bisa menjadi referensi anda.

Laptop Asus Harga 1 Jutaan

Laptop Asus Harga 1 Jutaan

Spesifikasi Harga Laptop Asus 1 Jutaan, Untuk spesifikasi laptop asus 1 jutaan ini memang tidak dapat disandingkan dengan harga-harga diatasnya, tapi perlu anda perhatikan adalah penggunaan nya sendiri, Laptop ASUS 1 jutaan ini sangat cocok di gunakan untuk memenuhi keperluan sehari-hari seperti browsing atau sekedar nyantai menonton film atau mendengar video tanpa harus kerepotan membawa laptop yang berukuran besar, karena dapat dipastikan bahwa ukuran laptop asus 1 jutaan ini sangat ringan dan mungil jadi sangat cocok buat anda yang suka berpergian.

Untuk Desain laptop asus 1 jutaan ini tidak terlalu elegan, tapi cukup untuk menjadi penutup atau casing yang indah dari laptop asus 1 jutaan ini. Langsung saja kita berikan daftar harga laptop asus 1 jutaan.

Tipe Laptop
Harga Laptop Asus
ASUS Eee PC 1015BRp 1.427.000
ASUS Eee PC 1015PXRp 1.688.000

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[6]  [7]  [8]  [9]  [10]

Oke Mungkin hanya sekian yang dapat saya sampaikan semoga bermanfaat, dan jika anda punya pertanyaan mengenai hal diatas anda bisa kirim komentar anda di kolom komentar dibawah ini. Terima Kasih.

Jumat, 14 Agustus 2015

Barcode Detection in Google Play services

Posted by Laurence Moroney, Developer Advocate

With the release of Google Play services 7.8 we’re excited to announce that we’ve added new Mobile Vision APIs which provides the Barcode Scanner API to read and decode a myriad of different barcode types quickly, easily and locally.

Barcode detection

Classes for detecting and parsing bar codes are available in the com.google.android.gms.vision.barcode namespace. The BarcodeDetector class is the main workhorse -- processing Frame objects to return a SparseArray<Barcode> types.

The Barcode type represents a single recognized barcode and its value. In the case of 1D barcode such as UPC codes, this will simply be the number that is encoded in the barcode. This is available in the rawValue property, with the detected encoding type set in the format field.

For 2D barcodes that contain structured data, such as QR codes, the valueFormat field is set to the detected value type, and the corresponding data field is set. So, for example, if the URL type is detected, the constant URL will be loaded into the valueFormat, and the URL property will contain the desired value. Beyond URLs, there are lots of different data types that the QR code can support -- check them out in the documentation here.

When using the API, you can read barcodes in any orientation. They don’t always need to be straight on, and oriented upwards!

Importantly, all barcode parsing is done locally, making it really fast, and in some cases, such as PDF-417, all the information you need might be contained within the barcode itself, so you don’t need any further lookups.

You can learn more about using the API by checking out the sample on GitHub. This uses the Mobile Vision APIs along with a Camera preview to detect both faces and barcodes in the same image.

Supported Bar Code Types

The API supports both 1D and 2D bar codes, in a number of sub formats.

For 1D Bar Codes, these are:










For 2D Bar Codes, these are:

QR Code

Data Matrix

PDF 417

Learn More

It’s easy to build applications that use bar code detection using the Barcode Scanner API, and we’ve provided lots of great resources that will allow you to do so. Check them out here:

Follow the Code Lab

Read the Mobile Vision Documentation

Explore the sample

Kamis, 13 Agustus 2015

Face Detection in Google Play services

Posted by Laurence Moroney, Developer Advocate

With the release of Google Play services 7.8, we announced the addition of new Mobile Vision APIs, which includes a new Face API that finds human faces in images and video better and faster than before. This API is also smarter at distinguishing faces at different orientations and with different facial features facial expressions.

Face Detection

Face Detection is a leap forward from the previous Android FaceDetector.Face API. It’s designed to better detect human faces in images and video for easier editing. It’s smart enough to detect faces even at different orientations -- so if your subject’s head is turned sideways, it can detect it. Specific landmarks can also be detected on faces, such as the eyes, the nose, and the edges of the lips.

Important Note

This is not a face recognition API. Instead, the new API simply detects areas in the image or video that are human faces. It also infers from changes in the position frame to frame that faces in consecutive frames of video are the same face. If a face leaves the field of view, and re-enters, it isn’t recognized as a previously detected face.

Detecting a face

When the API detects a human face, it is returned as a Face object. The Face object provides the spatial data for the face so you can, for example, draw bounding rectangles around a face, or, if you use landmarks on the face, you can add features to the face in the correct place, such as giving a person a new hat.

  • getPosition() - Returns the top left coordinates of the area where a face was detected

  • getWidth() - Returns the width of the area where a face was detected

  • getHeight() - Returns the height of the area where a face was detected

  • getId() - Returns an ID that the system associated with a detected face


The Face API is smart enough to detect faces in multiple orientations. As the head is a solid object that is capable of moving and rotating around multiple axes, the view of a face in an image can vary wildly.

Here’s an example of a human face, instantly recognizable to a human, despite being oriented in greatly different ways:

The API is capable of detecting this as a face, even in the circumstances where as much as half of the facial data is missing, and the face is oriented at an angle, such as in the corners of the above image.

Here are the method calls available to a face object:

  • getEulerY() - Returns the rotation of the face around the vertical axis -- i.e. has the neck turned so that the face is looking left or right [The y degree in the above image]

  • getEulerZ() - Returns the rotation of the face around the Z azis -- i.e. has the user tilted their neck to cock the head sideways [The r degree in the above image]


A landmark is a point of interest within a face. The API provides a getLandmarks() method which returns a List , where a Landmark object returns the coordinates of the landmark, where a landmark is one of the following: Bottom of mouth, left cheek, left ear, left ear tip, left eye, left mouth, base of nose, right cheek, right ear, right ear tip, right eye or right mouth.


In addition to detecting the landmark, the API offers the following function calls to allow you to smartly detect various facial states:

  • getIsLeftEyeOpenProbability() - Returns a value between 0 and 1, giving probability that the left eye is open

  • getIsRighteyeOpenProbability() - Same but for right eye

  • getIsSmilingProbability() - Returns a value between 0 and 1 giving a probability that the face is smiling

Thus, for example, you could write an app that only takes a photo when all of the subjects in the image are smiling.

Learn More

It’s easy to build applications that use facial detection using the Face API, and we’ve provided lots of great resources that will allow you to do so. Check them out here:

Follow the Code Lab

Read the Documentation

Explore the sample