Selasa, 20 Oktober 2015

Android Developer Story: RogerVoice takes advantage of beta testing to launch its app on Android first

Posted by Lily Sheringham, Google Play team

RogerVoice is an app which enables people who are hearing impaired to make phone calls through voice recognition and text captions. Founded by Olivier Jeannel, who grew up with more than 80 percent hearing loss, the company successfully raised $35,000 through Kickstarter to get off the ground. Today the team publicly released the app on the Android platform first.

The team behind RogerVoice talk about how material design and beta testing helped them create an interface which is accessible and intuitive to navigate for users.

Learn more about how RogerVoice built its app with the help of Google Play features:

  • Material Design: How Material Design helps you create beautiful, engaging apps.

  • Beta testing: Learn more about using beta testing on Google Play for your app.

  • Developer Console: Make the most of the Google Play Developer Console to publish your apps and grow and engage your user base.

Senin, 19 Oktober 2015

Introducing the Tech Entrepreneur Nanodegree

Originally posted on Google Developers Blog

Posted by Shanea King-Roberson, Program Manager

As a developer, writing your app is important. But even more important is getting it into the hands of users. Ideally millions of users. To that end, you can now learn what it takes to design, validate, prototype, monetize, and market app ideas from the ground up and grow them into a scalable business with the new Tech Entrepreneur Nanodegree.

Designed by Google in partnership with Udacity, the Tech Entrepreneur Nanodegree, takes 4-7 months to complete. We have teamed up with most successful thought leaders in this space to provide students with a unique and battle-tested perspective. You’ll meet Geoffrey Moore, author of “Crossing the Chasm”, Pete Koomen, co-founder of Optimizely; Aaron Harris and Kevin Hale, Partners at Y-Combinator; Nir Eyal, author of the book “Hooked: How to build habit forming products” and co-founder of Product Hunt; Steve Chen, Co-Founder of YouTube, rapid prototyping company InVision and many more.

All of the content that make up this nanodegree is available online for free at In addition, Udacity provides paid services, including access to coaches, guidance on your project, help staying on track, career counseling, and a certificate when you complete the nanodegree.

The Tech Entrepreneur offering will consist of the following courses:

  • Product Design: Learn Google’s Design Sprint methodology, Ideation & Validation, UI/UX design and gathering the right metrics.

  • Prototyping: Experiment with rapid-low and high-fidelity prototyping on mobile and the web using online tools.

  • Monetization: Learn how to monetize your app and how to set up an effective payment funnel.

  • App Marketing: Understand your market, analyze competition, position your product, prepare for launch, acquire customers and learn growth hacks.

  • How to get your startup started: Find out whether you really need venture capital funding, evaluate build vs. buy, and learn simple ways to monitor and maintain your startup business effectively.

Pitch your ideas in front of Venture Capitalists

Upon completion, students will receive a joint certificate from Udacity and Google. The top graduates will also be invited to an exclusive pitch event, where they will have the opportunity to pitch their final product to venture capitalists at Google.

Daftar Laptop Toshiba Harga 8 Jutaan Terbaru 2016

Laptop Toshiba Harga 8 Jutaan - Daftar Laptop Toshiba Harga 8 Jutaan Terbaru 2016 - Laptop saat ini sudah menjadi kebutuhan yang sangat banyak digunakan dan hampir setiap orang menggunakan laptop untuk memenuhi kebutuhan sehari-hari, nah setelah kemarin kita telah membahas laptop toshiba harga 7 jutaan dan laptop toshiba harga 6 jutaan, pada kesempatan kali ini saya akan memberikan beberapa referensi laptop toshiba harga 8 jutaan.

Spesifikasi laptop toshiba harga 8 jutaan ini tentu saja sangat mumpuni dengan minimal processor intel core i5 ataupun i7 yang dapat menjalankan berbagai program sekaligus dengan sangat lancar, Selain itu Ram pada laptop toshiba harga 8 jutaan ini berkisar antara 2-8gb yang sangat memperngaruhi kinerja dan kecepatan pada laptop, Media tempat penyimpanan pada laptop toshiba harga 8 jutaan ini tergolong sangat besar berkisar antara 500GB-1TB yang dapat menyimapan berbagai macam file ataupun dokumen anda.

Desain dari laptop toshiba harga 8 jutaan ini memiliki bentuk dan model yang sangat menawan untuk dipandang dan tidak bosan ketika kita melihatnya, desainnya yang soft membuat kita semakin nyaman menggunakan laptop toshiba harga 8 jutaan ini, Nah jika anda tertarik dengan laptop toshiba harga 8 jutaan ini tenang saja karena kami telah menyediakan beberapa daftar harga laptop toshiba 8 jutaan, oke langsung saja kita simak, berikut.

Daftar Laptop Toshiba Harga 8 Jutaan

Laptop Toshiba Harga 8 Jutaan

Tipe Laptop
TOSHIBA Portege R830-2018UB
Rp 8.000.000
TOSHIBA Satellite L745-1196U
Rp 8.385.147
TOSHIBA Portege R830-2005UB
Rp 8.500.000
TOSHIBA Satellite L40-AS107
Rp 8.600.000
TOSHIBA Satellite L645
Rp 8.743.500

Baca Juga :
Laptop Toshiba Harga 7 Jutaan
Laptop Toshiba Harga 6 Jutaan
Sebagai catatan perlu anda ketahui juga bahwa laptop toshiba harga 8 jutaan diatas dapat sewaktu-waktu berubah sesuai dengank kondisi dan daerah tempat tinggal anda, Terima kasih telah berkunjung di Hargalaptop99 dan membaca artikel Daftar laptop toshiba harga 8 jutaan terbaru.

Sabtu, 17 Oktober 2015

Daftar Laptop Toshiba Harga 7 Jutaan Terbaru 2016

Laptop Toshiba Harga 7 Jutaan - Daftar Laptop Toshiba Harga 7 Jutaan Terbaru 2016 - Nah setelah kemarin kita telah membahas lengkap laptop toshiba dengan harga 6 jutaan dan laptop toshiba harga 5 jutaan, Pada kesempatan kali ini saya akan membahas laptop toshiba dengan harga 7 jutaan baik itu dari spesifikasi model laptop dan bentuk laptop toshiba ini.

Dilihat dari spesifikasi Laptop toshiba dengan harga 7 jutaan terbilang memiliki spesifikasi yang sangat mumpuni dengan Minimal Processor Intel Core i3, i5 atau bahkan Intel Core i7 yang tentu saja dengan processor yang canggih dapat memberikan perintah komputer dengan tepat dan prosesnya juga jadi lebih cepat, sehingga menjalankan suatu program atau game adalah hal yang sangat mudah dilakukan, Selain itu Ram pada laptop toshiba harga 7 jutaan ini berkisar antara kurang lebih 4-8GB yang sangat memperngaruhi kecepatan suatu laptop anda.

Nah dari desain sendiri laptop toshiba harga 7 jutaan ini terlihat lebih stylish dan sangat menawan untuk dipandang, selain itu bahan yang kuat dan kokoh telah ditanamkan pada laptop toshiba harga 7 jutaan ini, Nah jika anda tertarik dengan laptop toshiba ini tenang saja karena kami telah menyediakan beberapa daftar laptop harga 7 jutaan yang mungkin bisa menjadi refensi anda, Oke langsung saja kita simak berikut.

Daftar Laptop Toshiba Harga 7 Jutaan

Tipe Laptop
TOSHIBA Satellite L635-1066XW
Rp 7.900.000
TOSHIBA Satellite L840-1045
Rp 7.755.000
TOSHIBA Satellite L840-1015
Rp 7.669.000
TOSHIBA Satellite L840-1006XW
Rp 7.497.600
TOSHIBA Satellite L745-1114XW
Rp 7.334.575
TOSHIBA Satellite L735-1007XB
Rp 7.334.575
TOSHIBA Satellite M840-1047
Rp 7.332.360
TOSHIBA Satellite L40-AS117
Rp 7.125.000

Baca Juga : 
Laptop Toshiba Harga 6 Jutaan
Laptop Toshiba Harga 5 Jutaan
Oke cukup sekian informasi yang dapat kami sampaikan kurang dan lebihnya mohon dimaafkan, semoga bermanfaat buat anda dan terima kasih telah berkunjung di pada artikel daftar laptop harga 7 jutaan terbaru.

Daftar Laptop Toshiba Harga 6 Jutaan Terlengkap dan Terbaru 2016

Laptop Toshiba Harga 6 Jutaan - Daftar Laptop Toshiba Harga 6 Jutaan Terlengkap dan Terbaru 2016 - Nah setelah kemarin kita telah membahas laptop toshiba dengan harga 5 jutaan dan laptop toshiba dengan harga 4 jutaan, pada kesempatan kali ini akan membahas laptop toshiba dengan harga 6 jutaan baik itu dari spesifikasi model dan bentuk laptop toshiba tersebut.

Spesifikasi laptop toshiba harga 6 jutaan ini tergolong memiliki spesifikasi yang mumpuni dengan min processor core i3 anda sudah dapat menjalankan berbagai program aplikasi dengan lancar tanpa ada hambatan sedikit pun, selain itu Ram pada laptop toshiba harga 6 jutaan ini berkisar antara 2-8GB yang sangat berpengaruh terhadap kecepatan laptop toshiba ini, Nah jika anda tipe orang yang suka menggunakan dan menyimpan berbagai program atau game dengan berukuran besar mungkin laptop ini sangat cocok buat anda, pasalnya pada laptop toshiba harga 6 jutaan ini disediakan media tempat penyimpanan data yang cukup besar antara 500GB - 1TB.

Nah jika anda tertarik dengan harga laptop toshiba diatas anda tidak perlu khawatir karena kami telah menyediakan beberapa daftar laptop toshiba dengan harga 6 jutaan yang mungkin bisa menjadi referensi bagi anda.

Daftar Laptop Toshiba Harga 6 Jutaan

Tipe Laptop
Toshiba Satellite U945-S4110
Rp 6,000,000
Toshiba Satellite NB10T-A100S
Rp 6,060,000
Toshiba Satellite C40-A135X
Rp 6,100,000
Toshiba Satellite L510-P4019
Rp 6,100,000
Toshiba Satellite L50
Rp 6,150,000

Baca Juga :
Laptop Toshiba Harga 5 Jutaan
Laptop Toshiba Harga 4 Jutaan

Oke cukup sekian infromasi laptop toshiba harga 6 jutaan yang dapat saya sampaikan, semoga bermanfaat dan mohon maaf jika ada kesalahan dari kalimat atau kata yang tercetak, dan terima kasih telah berkunjung dan membaca artikel Daftar Laptop Toshiba Harga 6 Jutaan.

Jumat, 16 Oktober 2015

Game Performance: Vertex Array Objects

Posted by Shanee Nishry

Previously, we showed how you can use vertex layout qualifiers to increase the performance and determinism of your OpenGL application. In this post, we’ll show another useful technique that will help you produce increased performance and cleaner code when drawing objects.

Binding the vertex buffer

Before drawing onto the screen, you need to bind your vertex data (e.g. positions, normals, UVs) to the corresponding vertex shader attributes. To do that, you need to bind the vertex buffer, enable the generic vertex attribute, and use glVertexAttribPointer to describe the layout of the buffer.

Therefore, a draw call might look like this:


// Bind shader program, uniforms and textures
// ...

// Bind the vertex buffer
glBindBuffer( GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, vertex_buffer_object );

// Set the vertex attributes


glEnableVertexAttribArray( ATTRIBUTE_LOCATION_NORMALS );
glVertexAttribPointer( ATTRIBUTE_LOCATION_NORMALS, 3, GL_FLOAT, GL_FALSE, 32, 20 );

// Draw elements
glDrawElements( GL_TRIANGLES, count, GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT, 0 );

There are several reasons why we might not like this code very much. The first is that we need to cache the layout of the vertex buffer to enable and disable the right attributes before drawing. This means we are either hard-coding or saving some amount of data for a nearly meaningless task.

The second reason is performance. Having to tell the drivers which attributes to individually activate is suboptimal. It would be best if we could precompile this information and deliver it all at once.

Lastly, and purely for aesthetics, our draw call is cluttered by long boilerplate code. It would be nice to get rid of it.

Did you know there is another reason why someone might frown on this code? The code is making use of layout qualifiers which is great! But, since it’s already using OpenGL ES 3+, it would be even better if the code also used Geometry Instancing. By batching many instances of a mesh into a single draw call, you can really boost performance.

So how can we improve on the above code?

Vertex Array Objects (VAOs)

If you are using OpenGL ES 3 or higher, you should use Vertex Array Objects (or "VAOs") to store your vertex attribute state.

Using a VAO allows the drivers to compile the vertex description format for repeated use. In addition, this frees you from having to cache the vertex format needed for glVertexAttribPointer, and it also results in less per-draw boilerplate code.

Creating Vertex Array Objects

The first thing you need to do is create your VAO. This is created once per mesh, alongside the vertex buffer object and is done like this:


// Bind the vertex buffer object
glBindBuffer( GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, vertex_buffer_object );

// Create a VAO
GLuint vao;
glGenVertexArrays( 1, &vao );
glBindVertexArray( vao );

// Set the vertex attributes as usual


glEnableVertexAttribArray( ATTRIBUTE_LOCATION_NORMALS );
glVertexAttribPointer( ATTRIBUTE_LOCATION_NORMALS, 3, GL_FLOAT, GL_FALSE, 32, 20 );

// Unbind the VAO to avoid accidentally overwriting the state
// Skip this if you are confident your code will not do so
glBindVertexArray( 0 );

You have probably noticed that this is very similar to our previous code section except that we now have the addition of:

// Create a vertex array object
GLuint vao;
glGenVertexArrays( 1, &vao );
glBindVertexArray( vao );

These lines create and bind the VAO. All glEnableVertexAttribArray and glVertexAttribPointer calls after that are recorded in the currently bound VAO, and that greatly simplifies our per-draw procedure as all you need to do is use the newly created VAO.

Using the Vertex Array Object

The next time you want to draw using this mesh all you need to do is bind the VAO using glBindVertexArray.

// Bind shader program, uniforms and textures
// ...

// Bind Vertex Array Object
glBindVertexArray( vao );

// Draw elements
glDrawElements( GL_TRIANGLES, count, GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT, 0 );

You no longer need to go through all the vertex attributes. This makes your code cleaner, makes per-frame calls shorter and more efficient, and allows the drivers to optimize the binding stage to increase performance.

Did you notice we are no longer calling glBindBuffer? This is because calling glVertexAttribPointer while recording the VAO references the currently bound buffer even though the VAO does not record glBindBuffer calls on itself.

Want to learn more how to improve your game performance? Check out our Game Performance article series. If you are building on Android you might also be interested in the Android Performance Patterns.

Kamis, 15 Oktober 2015

Android Support Library 23.1

Posted by Ian Lake, Developer Advocate

The Android Support Library is a collection of libraries available on a wide array of API levels that help you focus on the unique parts of your app, providing pre-built components, new functionality, and compatibility shims.

With the latest release of the Android Support Library (23.1), you will see improvements across the Support V4, Media Router, RecyclerView, AppCompat, Design, Percent, Custom Tabs, Leanback, and Palette libraries. Let’s take a closer look.

Support V4

The Support V4 library focuses on making supporting a wide variety of API levels straightforward with compatibility shims and backporting specific functionality.

NestedScrollView is a ScrollView that supports nested scrolling back to API 4. You’ll now be able to set a OnScrollChangeListener to receive callbacks when the scroll X or Y positions change.

There are a lot of pieces that make up a fully functioning media playback app, with much of it centered around MediaSessionCompat. A media button receiver, a key part to handling playback controls from hardware or bluetooth controls, is now formalized in the new MediaButtonReceiver class. This class makes it possible to forward received playback controls to a Service which is managing your MediaSessionCompat, reusing the Callback methods already required for API 21+, centralizing support on all API levels and all media control events in one place. A simplified constructor for MediaSessionCompat is also available, automatically finding a media button receiver in your manifest for use with MediaSessionCompat.

Media Router

The Media Router Support Library is the key component for connecting and sending your media playback to remote devices, such as video and audio devices with Google Cast support. It also provides the mechanism, via MediaRouteProvider, to enable any application to create and manage a remote media playback device connection.

In this release, MediaRouteChooserDialog (the dialog that controls selecting a valid remote device) and MediaRouteControllerDialog (the dialog to control ongoing remote playback) have both received a brand new design and additional functionality as well. You’ll find the chooser dialog sorts devices by frequency of use and includes a device type icon for easy identification of different devices while the controller dialog now shows current playback information (including album art).

To feel like a natural part of your app, the content color for both dialogs is now based on the colorPrimary of your alert dialog theme:

<!-- Your app theme set on your Activity -->
<style name="AppTheme" parent="Theme.AppCompat.Light.DarkActionBar">
<item name="colorPrimary">@color/primary</item>
<item name="colorPrimaryDark">@color/primaryDark</item>
<item name="alertDialogTheme">@style/AppTheme.Dialog</item>

<!-- Theme for the dialog itself -->
<style name="AppTheme.Dialog" parent="Theme.AppCompat.Light.Dialog.Alert">
<item name="colorPrimary">@color/primary</item>
<item name="colorPrimaryDark">@color/primaryDark</item>


RecyclerView is an extremely powerful and flexible way to show a list, grid, or any view of a large set of data. One advantage over ListView or GridView is the built in support for animations as items are added, removed, or repositioned.

This release significantly changes the animation system for the better. By using the new ItemAnimator’s canReuseUpdatedViewHolder() method, you’ll be able to choose to reuse the existing ViewHolder, enabling item content animation support. The new ItemHolderInfo and associated APIs give the ItemAnimator the flexibility to collect any data it wants at the correct point in the layout lifecycle, passing that information into the animate callbacks.

Note that this new API is not backward compatible. If you previously implemented an ItemAnimator, you can instead extend SimpleItemAnimator, which provides the old API by wrapping the new API. You’ll also notice that some methods have been entirely removed from ItemAnimator. For example, if you were calling recyclerView.getItemAnimator().setSupportsChangeAnimations(false), this code won’t compile anymore. You can replace it with:

ItemAnimator animator = recyclerView.getItemAnimator();
if (animator instanceof SimpleItemAnimator) {
((SimpleItemAnimator) animator).setSupportsChangeAnimations(false);


One component of the AppCompat Support Library has been in providing a consistent set of widgets across all API levels, including the ability to tint those widgets to match your branding and accent colors.

This release adds tint aware versions of SeekBar (for tinting the thumb) as well as ImageButton and ImageView (providing backgroundTint support) which will automatically be used when you use the platform versions in your layouts. You’ll also find that SwitchCompat has been updated to match the styling found in Android 6.0 Marshmallow.


The Design Support Library includes a number of components to help implement the latest in the Google design specifications.

TextInputLayout expands its existing functionality of floating hint text and error indicators with new support for character counting.

AppBarLayout supports a number of scroll flags which affect how children views react to scrolling (e.g. scrolling off the screen). New to this release is SCROLL_FLAG_SNAP, ensuring that when scrolling ends, the view is not left partially visible. Instead, it will be scrolled to its nearest edge, making fully visible or scrolled completely off the screen. You’ll also find that AppBarLayout now allows users to start scrolling from within the AppBarLayout rather than only from within your scrollable view - this behavior can be controlled by adding a DragCallback.

NavigationView provides a convenient way to build a navigation drawer, including the ability to creating menu items using a menu XML file. We’ve expanded the functionality possible with the ability to set custom views for items via app:actionLayout or using MenuItemCompat.setActionView().


The Percent Support Library provides percentage based dimensions and margins and, new to this release, the ability to set a custom aspect ratio via app:aspectRatio. By setting only a single width or height and using aspectRatio, the PercentFrameLayout or PercentRelativeLayout will automatically adjust the other dimension so that the layout uses a set aspect ratio.

Custom Tabs

The Custom Tabs Support Library allows your app to utilize the full features of compatible browsers including using pre-existing cookies while still maintaining a fast load time (via prefetching) and a custom look and actions.

In this release, we’re adding a few additional customizations such as hiding the url bar when the page is scrolled down with the new enableUrlBarHiding() method. You’ll also be able to update the action button in an already launched custom tab via your CustomTabsSession with setActionButton() - perfect for providing a visual indication of a state change.

Navigation events via CustomTabsCallback#onNavigationEvent() have also been expanded to include the new TAB_SHOWN and TAB_HIDDEN events, giving your app more information on how the user interacts with your web content.


The Leanback library makes it easy to build user interfaces on TV devices. This release adds GuidedStepSupportFragment for a support version of GuidedStepFragment as well as improving animations and transitions and allowing GuidedStepFragment to be placed on top of existing content.

You’ll also be able to annotate different types of search completions in SearchFragment and staggered slide transition support for VerticalGridFragment.


Palette, used to extract colors from images, now supports extracting from a specific region of a Bitmap with the new setRegion() method.

SDK available now!

There’s no better time to get started with the Android Support Library. You can get started developing today by updating the Android Support Repository from the Android SDK Manager.

For an in depth look at every API change in this release, check out the full API diff.

To learn more about the Android Support Library and the APIs available to you through it, visit the Support Library section on the Android Developer site.

Rabu, 14 Oktober 2015

Google Play Developer Console introduces Universal App Campaigns and User Acquisition performance reporting

Posted by Frederic Mayot, Google Play team

At Google I/O in May, we previewed some new and powerful tools to help you further grow your business and improve decision making based on smarter insights on Google Play. We are happy to announce that, today, these features are live in the Developer Console.

User Acquisition: AdWords Campaigns

With just a few simple steps, universal app campaigns lets you easily set up ad campaigns from within the Google Play Developer Console and promote your app across Google Play, Google Search, YouTube and the Google Display Network. You will now be able to more effectively find and grow your install base with the help of Google’s unparalleled reach.

App install ads generated from one universal app campaign

Universal app campaigns automatically pull in images, video, and descriptions from your Google Play store listing to generate ad formats that look great wherever they are placed. From there, our systems automatically optimize your campaigns and experiment with different creatives and bids to maximize app install volume as close as possible to your target cost-per-install.

"With universal app campaigns, we only had to set up one campaign that drove more than 10,000 new installs in one month and install volume is continuing to trend up over time. We're also seeing a 20% lower CPI compared to other channels." – José Maria Pertusa, CMO of Linio

To get started with your first campaign, select the User Acquisition tab for your app in the Developer Console and choose ‘AdWords Campaigns.’

User Acquisition: Performance report

When you’re growing an audience for your app, you’ll want to understand where your most valuable users are coming from. The new performance report on the User Acquisition tab in the Developer Console lets you see how people are finding your Play Store listing, how many install your app, and how many go on to make purchases.

The performance report also tracks marketing links tagged with UTM tags, so you’ll be able to get more granular detail on how well your promotion is doing. Once you’ve got visitors to your Play Store listing, you’ll want to start thinking of ways to increase the number of visitors turning into installers. The new Store Listing Experiments feature can help you run A/B tests to do just that.

How to get started in the Developer Console

To learn how to take advantage of these new features in the Developer Console, watch the DevByte video below in which I explain how to set up your first universal app campaign and how to view the new data offered on the performance tab.

We hope you’ll use these user acquisition tools to grow a valuable audience for your app or game. We continue to improve our features for developers based on your feedback – like the recent improvements to beta testing and Store Listing Experiments – in order to help you grow your app or game business globally on Google Play.

Senin, 12 Oktober 2015

Bringing Google Cardboard and VR to the world

Originally posted on the Google Developers Blog

Posted by Brandon Wuest, Software Engineer & Stereoscopic Sightseer

Google Cardboard is bringing virtual reality worldwide. Starting today, the Google Cardboard app is available in 39 languages and over 100 countries on both Android and iOS devices. Additionally, the Cardboard developer docs are now published in 10 languages to help developers build great VR experiences. With more than 15 million installs of Cardboard apps from Google Play, we're excited to bring VR to even more people around the world.

More Works with Google Cardboard viewers

Anyone can make their own Cardboard viewer with the open designs ready for download. If you'd rather not DIY, choose from the growing family of certified viewers, including the Mattel View-Master and Zeiss VR One GX, on sale now.

Better tools for building

The Cardboard SDKs for Android and Unity have been updated to address your top two requests: drift correction and Unity performance. This update includes a major overhaul of the sensor fusion algorithms that integrate the signals from the gyroscope and accelerometer. These improvements substantially decrease drift, especially on phones with lower-quality sensors. The Cardboard SDK for Unity now supports a fully Unity-native distortion pass. This improves performance by avoiding all major plugin overhead, and enables Cardboard apps to work with Metal rendering on iOS and multi-threaded rendering on Android. All of this adds up to better VR experiences for your users.

More places

Finally, to help bring you to more places, you can now explore Google Street View in Cardboard. So, download the updated Google Street View app for Android or iOS, and grab your Cardboard to immerse yourself in destinations around the world.

With Cardboard available in more places, we're hoping to bring the world just a little bit closer to everyone. Happy exploring!

Watch Google Play’s Playtime event: How to find success for your app or game business

Posted by Lily Sheringham, The Google Play team

Google Play has kicked off its annual event series Playtime, which is running in 12 countries globally. Playtime offers developers the opportunity to learn tips and best practices about how to grow your app or games business and succeed on Android and Google Play.

You can now watch the Playtime talks, listed below, on the Android Developers YouTube channel. The playlist opens with a video about inspirational developers who are changing the world around them with their apps.

Build better apps

You say you want a mobile revolution (13 minutes)

There are now more than one billion Android users worldwide—a long way from when we launched the first Android phone back in 2008. Hear the latest about the Android and Google Play momentum.

Build better (25 minutes)

Learn top tips that you should consider when developing and distributing a successful app or game and how you can leverage M, the Google Play Developer Console and Android Studio.

Grow a valuable audience

Grow & engage users from the Google Play Developer Console (7 minutes)

Learn from other developers who have taken advantage of Store Listing Experiments and other tools in the Developer Console to dramatically increase their conversions.

Maximise installs from every channel (11 minutes)

Get insights into how app promotion can help you reach your audience at the right time. Learn how you can maximize installs from every channel, collect data and insights, automate management and drive user engagement and lifetime value.

How to succeed in the kids and family space (22 minutes)

Learn how to design high-quality apps for families and how to successfully engage your audience. You'll also get practical tips to help you boost your reach, retention and revenue.

Engage and retain your app’s users

The rules of games, for apps (24 minutes)

Learn how games drive monetization and how to turn these insights into best practices for apps.

Boost engagement with smarter interactions (28 minutes)

How do you connect with your users? How does your app interact with the world around us? This session highlights the most exciting new developer features of the Android platform to help you improve the way you engage with your app users.

Grow your game business & engage your players

Grow your business with Player Analytics (24 minutes)

Learn how Player Analytics gives game developers unique insight into the first few moments of gameplay, what happens before critical events like churning or spending, and which players are likely to spend and churn.

Smarter player engagement (23 minutes)

Learn how successful game developers make full use of the Google Play platform to engage their players for months, if not years.

The future of gaming at Google (26 minutes)

Learn about the current ecosystem and the features across platforms that will help you achieve success on Android. Hear about virtual reality games and products which will inspire the development of games in the future.

Monetization & international growth

Monetization and pricing strategies for different users (17 minutes)

Get key insights into how having a considered price and revenue optimisation strategy can help you maximize revenue from very different users.

Go global by being local (13 minutes)

Hear pro tips and best practices, including first hand experiences from apps and games developers, that will help you grow the reach of your apps and games globally.

Going global - developers share their tips (22 minutes)

Gain insight into best practices and learn how to develop a successful global app and games business from Google Play and developer panelists from Citymapper, Jelly Button Games, Musixmatch and Social Point.

Developers share their tips for success

Developer talk #1: Material Design for Forza Football (5 minutes)

Learn and get inspired from best practices on Material Design presented by Sebastian Fürle - Android Developer, Football Addicts

Developer talk #2: Directed creativity: From build weeks to billions (11 minutes)

Learn and get inspired from best practices on directed creativity, from building your app to distribution presented by Tom Grinsted - Group Product Manager: Mobile & Devices, Guardian News and Media

Developer talk #3: Building apps for fast growth markets (8 minutes)

Learn about building apps for fast growth and emerging markets from Sergio Cucinella - Software Engineer, Truecaller

For more videos about Android development and finding success on Google Play, subscribe to the Android Developers channel on YouTube and follow +Android Developers.