Sabtu, 28 November 2015

Spesifikasi dan Harga Acer Aspire ES1-421, Laptop Gaming Murah

Acer Aspire ES1-421 - Spesifikasi dan Harga Acer Aspire ES1-421, Laptop Gaming Murah - Nah bagi sobat yang mencari laptop gaming yang murah mungkin tidak ada salahnya untuk melirik produk buatan acer ini, seiring banyaknya laptop gaming dengan spesifikasi luar biasa dan harganya yang sangat mahal, membuat banyak orang berfikir membeli laptop gaming memerlukan budget yang cukup besar, tapi jangan salah kali ini acer meluncurkan salah satu produknya untuk memenuhi berbagai jenis aktifitas seperti desain grafis, editing, membuat karakter 3d seperti muvizu dan masih banyak lagi.

Acer Aspire ES1-421 ini dibekali dengan processor AMD Quad Core A8-6410 dengan kecepatan up to 2.40 ghz, tentunya dengan processor ini sobat bisa mendapatkan laptop dengan kemampuan performa yang cukup bagus selain itu Acer Aspire ES1-421 ini juga turut dibekali dengan Ram sebesar 4GB DDR3 yang terbilang memiliki kinerja dan kecepatan yang stabil, Sehingga saat menggunakan Acer Aspire ES1-421 ini sobat akan mendapatkan pengalaman baru dengan performa dan kinerja dari Acer Aspire ES1-421 yang cukup mumpuni.

Selain itu VGA yang digunakan pada laptop Acer Aspire ES1-421 ini adalah AMD Radeon R5 sudah sangat bisa menjalankan berbagai program aplikasi atau game menengah kebawah, jadi sobat tidak usah khawatir untuk urusan grafis. Nah ukuran layar pada laptop Acer Aspire ES1-421 ini berukuran 14 inch dengan resolusi 1366x768 yang cukup baik untuk dipandang. nah bagi sobat yang ingin melihat spesifikasi dan harga Acer Aspire ES1-421 langsung saja berikut spesifkasi dan harga Acer Aspire ES1-421 terbaru.

Spesifikasi dan Harga Acer Aspire ES1-421

Display14 Inch HD (1366 x 768) display
ProcessorAMD Quad Core A8-6410 (2.0 GHZ, 2M Cache) Up to 2.40 GHz
GrapichsAMD Radeon R5 Graphics
Harddisk500 GB
MemoryRam 4 GB DDR3 Max. Memori 8 GB
KonektifitasBluetooth® 4.0, WiFi 802.11 B/G/N
Web cameraHD (720p)
AudioHigh-definition audio
I/O Port
  • USB 3.0
  • 1x USB 2.0
  • HDMI® port with HDCP support
  • Card Reader

Harga Acer Aspire ES1-421

Harga BaruHarga Terbaru

Baca Juga : 
Harga Asus A455LF, Laptop Grafis Mantap
Laptop Gaming, Asus ROG GL552JX

Bisa sobat lihat bahwa harga Acer Aspire ES1-421 diatas dibandrol dengan harga yang terbilang murah untuk sebuah laptop yang memiliki spesifikasi cukup mumpuni untuk menjalankan berbagai program aplikasi seperti corel ataupun adobe ilustrator, Selain itu dengan harga 4 jutaan sobat sudah bisa memiliki laptop Acer Aspire ES1-421 dengan fitur-fitur yang cukup lengkap seperi Webcam, USB, HDMI, Cardreader, dan masih banyak lagi.

Perlu sobat ketahui bahwa harga laptop Acer Aspire ES1-421 diatas dapat sewaktu-waktu berubah sesuai dengan daerah tempat tinggal anda masing-masing, tapi sobat tidak perlu khawatir karena harga diatas tidak jauh berbeda dengan harga Acer Aspire ES1-421 di daerah anda. oke mungkin hanya sekian informasi yang dapat saya sampaikan, semoga bermanfaat dan bisa menjadi referensi bagi sobat semua, terima kasih telah berkunjung di pada artikel Spesifikasi dan Harga Laptop Acer Aspire ES1-421 Terbaru.

Senin, 23 November 2015

Android Studio 2.0 Preview

Posted by, Jamal Eason, Product Manager, Android

One the most requested features we receive is to make app builds and deployment faster in Android Studio. Today at the Android Developer Summit, we’re announcing a preview of Android Studio 2.0 featuring Instant Run that will dramatically improve your development workflow. With Android Studio 2.0, we are also including a preview of a new GPU Profiler.

All these updates are available now in the canary release channel, so we can get your feedback. Since this initial release is a preview, you may want to download and run an additional copy of Android Studio in parallel with your current version.

New Features in Android Studio 2.0

Instant Run: Faster Build & Deploy

Android Studio’s instant run feature allows you to to quickly see your changes running on your device or emulator.

Getting started is easy. If you create a new project with Android Studio 2.0 then your projects are already setup. If you have a pre-existing app open Settings/Preferences, the go to Build, Execution, Deployment → Instant Run. Click on Enable Instant Run... This will ensure you have the correct gradle plugin for your project to work with Instant Run.

Enable Instant Run for Android Studio projects

Select Run as normal and Android Studio will perform normal compilation, packaging and install steps and run your app on your device or emulator. After you make edits to your source code or resources, pressing Run again will deploy your changes directly into the running app.

New Run & Stop Actions in Android Studio for Instant Run

For a more detailed guide setup and try Instant Run, click here.

GPU Profiler

Profiling your OpenGL ES Android code is now even easier with the GPU Profiler in Android Studio. The tool is in early preview, but is very powerful and not only shows details about the GL State and Commands, you can record entire sessions and walk through the GL Framebuffer and Textures as your app is running OpenGL ES Code.

Android Studio GPU Profiler

To get started, first download the GPU Debugging Tools package from the Android Studio SDK Manager.
Click here for more details about the GPU Profiler tool and how to set up your Android app project for profiling.

What's Next

This is just a taste of some of the bigger updates in this latest release of Android Studio. We'll be going through the full release in more detail at the Android Developer Summit (livestreamed on Monday and Tuesday). Over the next few weeks, we'll be showing how to take advantage of even more features in Android Studio 2.0, so be sure to check back in.

If you're interested in more Android deep technical content, we will be streaming over 16 hours of content from the inaugural Android Developer Summit over the next two days, and together with Codelabs, all of this content will be available online after the Summit concludes.

Android Studio 2.0 is available today on the Android Studio canary channel. Let us know what you think of these new features by connecting with the Android Studio development team on Google+.

Minggu, 22 November 2015

Spesifikasi dan Harga Asus A455LF Terbaru, Grafis Mantap!

Asus A455LF - Spesifikasi dan Harga Asus A455LF Terbaru, Grafis Mantap! - Asus kembali meluncurkan produk terbarunya dengan harga dan spesifikasi yang berbeda tentunya, Nah tentu saja semakin banyak pilihan laptop berkualitas yang bisa anda pilih sebagai laptop andalan anda, salah satunya adalah Asus A455LF, Asus A455LF memiliki spesifikasi yang cukup gahar dengan harga yang cukup terjangkau sekitar 7 jutaan saja, tapi tentunya itu tidak sebanding jika dilihat dari spesifikasinya yang memiliki performa yang oke.

Dibekali dengan processor Intel Core i5 berkecepatan 2.2Ghz up to 2.70 Ghz, tentunya dapat menjalankan berbagai aplikasi-aplikasi dengan sangat lancar dengan performanya yang bertenaga, selain itu Ram pada laptop Asus A455LF ini berukuran 4GB DDR3 juga cukup besar apalagi jika anda menggunakan laptop hanya untuk mengerjakan aktifitas yang ringan-ringan saja, tapi pastinya laptop ini diciptakan dengan spesifikasi yang siap tempur dengan berbagai aplikasi yang sesuai.

Nah Selain itu VGA Yang digunakan adalah NVIDIA GeForce GT930M 2GB, jadi uruan grafis anda sudah tidak perlu khawatir lagi, karena sudah dibekali dengan vga yang cukup keren, selain itu bagi anda yang suka menyimpan data-data berukuran super besar di laptop anda mungkin Harddisk Dengan Ukuran 500GB sudah cukup, tapi jika anda sering menyimpan master-master aplikasi atau game, mungkin saja ukuran 500GB belum cukup, tapi sobat bisa mengantisipasinya dengan membeli harddisk eksternal berukuran 500GB-1TB.

Spesifikasi dan Harga Laptop Asus A455LF

Asus A455LF

Layar14 Inch Resolusi 1366 x 768
ProcessorIntel® Core™ i5-5200U 
Kecepatan Processor(2.2 GHz, 3M Cache) up to 2.70 GHz
Harddisk500 GB
KoneksiBluetooth® 4.0, WiFi 802.11 B/G/N
Baterai2 Cell
Port I/O
  • 1x USB 3.0
  • 2x USB 2.0
  • HDMI
  • VGA port

Baca Juga : Laptop Gaming, Harga Asus ROG GL552JX

Harga Asus A455LF

Harga BaruHarga Bekas
Harga Laptop Asus

Bisa dilihat harga Asus A455LF ini dibandrol dengan harga 7Jutaan saja, dan banyak fitur-fitur pada laptop Asus A455LF ini seperti Bluetooth® 4.0, WiFi 802.11 B/G/N, HDMI, VGA Port, USB 3.0, Dengan ukuran battery 2 Cell mungkin sudah cukup untuk menemani anda bermain menggunakan Asus A455LF dengan puas.

perlu anda ketahui bahwa harga Asus A455LF dapat sewaktu-waktu berubah sesuai dengan kondisi dan daerah tempat tinggal sobat, oke mungkin cukup sekian informasi spesifikasi dan harga laptop Asus A455LF yang dapat kami sampaikan, semoga bermanfaat dan bisa menjadi referensi bagi anda semua, terima kasih telah berkunjung di hargalaptop99 pada artikel Spesifikasi dan Harga Asus A455LF Terbaru.

Jumat, 20 November 2015

Harga Asus ROG GL552JX, Spesifikasi Laptop Gaming Mantap !

Asus ROG GL552JX -  Harga Asus ROG GL552JX, Spesifikasi Laptop Gaming Mantap ! - Siapa yang tidak kenal dengan merk sejuta umat ini, saya rasa sobat sudah mengetahuinya, kali ini asus kembali meluncurkan produk laptop Gaming Terbarunya dengan spesifikasi yang tinggi yang dapat digunakan sebagai tempat bermain game dengan grafis yang keren, selain itu, urusan desain dan game laptop ini bisa menjadi andalan untuk melakukan aktifitas sehari-hari anda dengan kinerja yang cepat dari Asus ROG GL552JX-XO139D.

Spesifikasi Asus ROG ini sangatlah mantap digunakan untuk bermain game degan spesifikasi processornya menggunakan Intel® Core™ i7 4720HQ dengan kecepatan 2.6 GHz (6M Cache, up to 3.6 GHz) tentunya akan berkerja dengan sangat baik, Selain itu Ram yang disediakan pada Asus ROG GL552JX ini sebesar 4GB, Cukup untuk menjalankan berbagai game dengan sangat lancar, tapi jika sobat ingin memainkan game yang berspesifikasi dahsyat, mungkin sobat perlu menambahkan Ram agar kecepatan pada laptop lebih stabil dan tidak gampang heng. Nah bagi sobat yang penasaran melihat spesifikasi lengkap dari Asus ROG GL552JX ini langsung saja kalau begitu mari kita lihat spesifikasi Asus ROG GL552JX berikut.

Jika dilihat dari spesifikasinya, Asus ROG GL552JX ini memiliki ukuran layar 15.6 inch dengan rasio 16:9 berresolusi 1366×768, tentunya dengan ukuran layar yang besar, membuat aktifitas gaming anda semakin nyaman dan lebih seru, Selain itu dengan dimensi laptop Asus ROG GL552JX berukuran 385 x 255 x 32.4mm ukuran desain dari laptop yang cukup besar memang agak menggangu jika digunakan dan dibawa kemana-mana tapi ini akan sangat mendukung anda dalam bermain game dengan ukuran laptop yang cukup besar.

Spesifikasi Asus ROG GL552JX

Asus ROG GL552JX

Ukuran(WxDxH)385 x 255 x 32.4 mm
Ukuran Layar 15.6 Inch 16:9 HD (1366×768)
ChipsetIntel® HM86 Express Chipset
ProcessorIntel® Core™ i7 4720HQ 2.6 GHz (6M Cache, up to 3.6 GHz)
  • Integrated Intel® HD Graphics 4600
  • NVIDIA® GeForce® GTX 950M 4GB DDR3 VRAM
Harddisk1 TB 5400 rpm
RAM4 GB DDR3L 1600 Mhz
OpticalSuper-Multi DVD
  • Integrated 802.11 b/g/n
  • BT 4.0
Web CameraHD Web Camera
Card Reader3 in 1 ( SD/ SDHC/ SDXC/ MMC)
AudioSonicMaster Built-in Speakers And Analog Microphone
Baterai4Cells 3200 mAh
I/O Port
  • 1 x Microphone-in/Headphone-out jack
  • 1 x VGA port/Mini D-sub 15-pin for external monitor
  • 2 x USB 3.0 port(s)
  • 1 x USB 2.0 port(s)
  • 1 x RJ45 LAN Jack for LAN insert
  • 1 x HDMI
  • 1X AC adapter plug
Sistem OperasiWindows 8.1 Pro
Simak Juga : Laptop Gaming Asus X550DP
Salah satu hal yang paling berperan penting Adalah Grafis, di Asus ROG GL552JX sobat bisa mengatur Grafis sesuai kebutuhan, Jika sobat hanya menggunakan laptop untuk perkerjaan ringan saja sobat bisa mengatur Intel HD, Sedangkan jika sobat ingin melakukan aktitifitas yang cukup berat, sobat bisa menggunakan Nvidia Sebagai Default. Seri VGA yang digunakan pada laptop Asus ROG GL552JX yaitu Intel HD Graphics 4600 dengan performa yang biasa, dan jika sobat mengingkan performa yang powerfull sobat dihadapkan dengan seri NVIDIA® GeForce GTX 950M yang memiliki kinerja dan performa sangat baik dilengkapi dengan memori grafis berukuran 4GB DDR3.

Nah bagi sobat yang penasaran dengan harga Asus ROG GL552JX ini tenang saja karena kami telah mendapatkan harga dari dari sumber yang terpercaya, Oke langsung saja berikut harga Asus ROG GL552JX.

Harga Asus ROG GL552JX
Harga BaruHarga Bekas
Rp. 12.300.000
Simak Juga : Harga HP Pavilion x2
Perlu sobat ketahui bahwa harga Asus ROG GL552JX diatas dapat sewaktu-waktu berubah sesuai dengan daerah tempat tinggal anda masing-masing. Nah jika sobat ingin menyimpan spesifikasi dan harga Asus ROG GL552JX diatas sobat bisa menekan tombol CTRL+D pada computer sobat, Oke mungkin cukup sekian informasi yang dapat kami sampaikan, semoga bermanfaat dan terima kasih telah berkunjung di pada artikel Harga Asus ROG GL552JX, Spesifikasi Laptop Gaming Mantap !.

Kamis, 19 November 2015

Android Studio 1.5

Posted by, Jamal Eason, Product Manager, Android

Android Studio 1.5 is now available in the stable release channel. The latest release is focused on delivering more stability, with most of the enhancements being made under the hood (along with addressing several bugs).

Some of the specific bug fixes, include the ability to use short names when code-completing custom views.

In addition to the stability improvements and bug fixes, we’ve added a new feature to the memory profiler. It can now assist you in detecting some of the most commonly known causes of leaked activities.

There are also several new lint checks. Here's one below which warns you if you are attempting to override resources referenced from the manifest.

If you’re already using Android Studio, you can check for updates from the navigation menu (Help → Check for Update [Windows/Linux] , Android Studio → Check for Updates [OS X]). For new users, you can learn more about Android Studio, or download the stable version from the Android Studio site.

As always, we welcome your feedback on how we can help you. You can also connect with the Android developer tools team via Google+. And don’t worry about what’s in the box from the video. It’s nothing. Really. Forget I mentioned it.

Android Developer Story: Gifted Mom reaches more mothers across Africa with Android

Posted by Lily Sheringham, Google Play team

Gifted Mom is an app developed in Cameroon which provides users with basic, yet critical information about pregnancy, breastfeeding and child vaccinations. The widespread use of Android smartphones in Africa has meant that Gifted Mom has been able to reach more people at scale and improve lives.

Watch the creators of Gifted Mom, developer Alain Nteff and doctor Conrad Tankou, explain how they built their business and launched Gifted Mom on Google Play. They also talk about their plans to grow and help people in other developing countries across the continent in the next three years, in order to ultimately tackle maternal and infant mortality.

Find out more about building apps for Android and how to find success on Google Play.

Rabu, 18 November 2015

Hungering for Game Utilities?

Posted by Alex Ames, Fun Propulsion Labs*

Originally posted to the Google Developers blog

At Fun Propulsion Labs we spend some of our time building sample games to help demonstrate how to make easy-to-build, performant, cross-platform games. With the growth of Google Cardboard, we got to work and over many long evenings, feeding our animal hunger on sushi, we came up with Zooshi. Zooshi is an open source, cross-platform game written in C++ which supports:

  • Android, Android TV, Windows, OSX, and Linux

  • Google Cardboard

  • Google Play Games Services sign-in and leaderboards on Android

  • Level customization

Zooshi serves as a demonstration of how to build Android games using a suite of newly released and updated open source game technologies from Google:

  • Motive drives our Animation system, giving life and movement to the characters and environment.

  • CORGI, the Component Oriented Reusable Game Interface, is an Entity-Component system designed to allow users to define complicated game objects as collections of modular, custom-defined behaviors.

  • FlatUI is a straightforward immediate mode GUI system with a light footprint that makes building up user interfaces a breeze.

  • Scene Lab allows designers to design levels and edit entities from right in the game without needing to use an external editor.

  • Breadboard provides an easy to use node based scripting system for editing entity behaviors that's accessible to designers without deep knowledge of programming.

  • FPLBase is a cross-platform API layer, for abstracting low-level tasks like reading input and creation of graphical contexts.

As in our previous release, Pie Noon, we also made extensive use of Flatbuffers, Mathfu, fplutil, and WebP.

You can download the game in the Play Store and the latest open source release from our GitHub page. We invite you to learn from the code to see how you can apply these libraries and utilities in your own Android games. Take advantage of our discussion list if you have any questions, and don’t forget to toss some sushi around while you’re at it!

* Fun Propulsion Labs is a team within Google that's dedicated to advancing gaming on Android and other platforms.

API 23 SDK now available for Android Wear

Posted by Wayne Piekarski, Developer Advocate

The new LG Watch Urbane 2nd Edition LTE is the first watch to run Android 6.0 Marshmallow (API 23) for Android Wear. Currently, all other Android Wear watches implement API 22, and in the coming months, these will receive an OTA update for API 23 as well.

So what does this mean for you as an Android Wear developer? You will need to ensure that your apps are compatible with both API 23 and API 22 watches. While you can start implementing the new features in this post, you still need to maintain backwards compatibility until all watches are upgraded.

New permissions model and samples

API 23 introduces a new runtime permissions model for both phones and watches. The new permissions model allows users to pick and choose which permissions to grant apps at the time of use. In addition, new permissions settings allow users to turn on and off app permissions at any time.

To use the new permissions model on Wear, read Permissions on Android Wear. This training guide provides an in-depth discussion of Wear-specific scenarios, such as when your Wear app relies on a phone-side permission. In addition, all of the Android Wear samples have been updated to use the new permissions model, and a new RuntimePermissionsWear sample shows how to handle permission requests across devices.

When you are ready, you can update your application on both the phone and watch side to use compileSdkVersion 23 and targetSdkVersion 23. Make sure that you check and request the permissions needed by your app at runtime, on both the phone and the watch. It is important that you do not change targetSdkVersion to 23 until you have implemented the permission checks properly, since it changes how the system installs and runs the app. For example, an API call that might have previously returned a result could now fail, causing the app to behave in unexpected ways.

-round and -notround resource qualifiers

API 23 makes it easier to build apps for both round and square Android Wear watches. We listened to your feedback and added new resource qualifiers for -round and -notround, so you can use the resource system to load the appropriate images, layouts, and strings based on the type of watch you are working with. You can also combine this with existing resource qualifiers -hdpi, -tvdpi, -280dpi, and -360dpi for the various Android Wear watches that are currently available. All of the existing classes in the wearable UI library, such as WatchViewStub, BoxInsetLayout, and WearableFrameLayout will continue to work as well, so you do not need to change your code. The -round and -notround resource qualifiers will not work on API 22 devices, so you cannot assume they will be available until all devices are on API 23.

Watches with speakers

The LG Watch Urbane 2nd Edition LTE is the first watch to include speaker support, so you can now add sounds to your Wear app. You can play audio files using the same APIs that are available on Android phones, such as AudioTrack, MediaPlayer, and ExoPlayer. Check out the sample and documentation to learn how to detect when the speaker is available on a Wear device and play sounds through it.

Intel x86 support

The new TAG Heuer Connected, along with other upcoming Android Wear watches, is based on Intel x86 processors. If you are working only with Java code, your apps will automatically work on any architecture. However, if you’re using the NDK, you’ll need to provide both armeabi-v7a and x86 shared libraries in your wearable APK. Since only one wearable app can be bundled in a phone app, it is not possible to deliver different APKs to different watches based on architecture. If your wearable APK is missing an x86 library, it will fail to install on x86 watches with INSTALL_FAILED_NO_MATCHING_ABIS and code -113.

If you are using Android Studio, you will need to adjust your build.gradle file to include:

ndk {
abiFilters = ['armeabi-v7a','x86']

If you are using the NDK directly, you will need to modify your file to use:

APP_ABI := armeabi-v7a x86

These changes should only be made for the wearable APK, and you can continue to support other ABIs on the phone side. You can test your application by checking if it works on the x86 emulator provided by the SDK Manager.

Updated emulator

New Android Wear emulator images for API 23 and x86 watches are available to download from the SDK Manager in Android Studio. We have also added profiles that represent every available Android Wear watch, so you can easily test on any device you want. It is also important that you understand and test all the combinations of phones (API <= 22, API = 23) and wearables (API 22, API 23), so that your app works for all users.

Updates to existing watches

The new emulator images allow you to get started immediately with testing and deploying updated apps for users with API 23 watches. The schedule for updating existing Android Wear watches via OTA updates has not been announced yet. We will announce the update schedule on the Android Wear Developers Google+ community. We’ll also let you know when the rollout is complete, and API 22 support for Android Wear is no longer needed.

Selasa, 17 November 2015

An updated app guide and new video tips to help you find success on Google Play

Posted by Dom Elliott, The Google Play Apps & Games team

Last year, we introduced our first playbook for developers, “The Secrets to App Success on Google Play”, to help you grow your app or game business, which has been downloaded more than 200,000 times.. Many new features have since been announced on the platform – from Store Listing Experiments and beta testing improvements to App Invites and Smart Lock for Passwords.

Get the second edition of “The Secrets to App Success on Google Play”

Hot off the press, you can now download the second edition to learn about all the new tools and best practices for improving the quality of your app, growing a valuable audience, increasing engagement and retention, and earning more revenue.

Get the book on Google Play in English now or you can sign-up to be notified when the booklet is released in the following languages: Bahasa Indonesia, Deutsch, español (Latinoamérica), le français, português do Brasil, tiếng Việt, русский язы́к, ไทย, 한국어, 中文 (简体), 中文 (繁體), 日本語. Based on your feedback, the guide was updated to work seamlessly in the Google Play Books app. If you prefer, you can also download a PDF version from the Android Developers website.

New videos with tips to find success on Google Play

To accompany the guide, watch the first two episodes in a new ten-part video series of actionable tips you can start using today to achieve your business objectives. Subscribe to the Android Developers channel on YouTube and follow +Android Developers to watch the new videos as they’re released weekly.

Two new videos will be released each week in the ten-part series

on the Android Developer YouTube channel.

Let us know your feedback

Once you’ve checked out the guide and the videos, we’d again love to hear your feedback so we can continue to improve our developer support, please let us know what you think.

Minimum purchase price for apps and in-app products reduced on Google Play

Posted by Alistair Pott, Product Manager, Google Play

Available in more than 190 countries, Google Play is a global platform for developers to build high quality apps and successful businesses. But every market has its own unique challenges and opportunities. Purchasing behavior, in particular, varies significantly between markets. So to provide developers with more flexibility, we've worked to adapt Google Play pricing options to better suit local consumers and make content more accessible.

Following a successful pilot in India earlier this year, today, developers have the option to reduce the price of their premium titles and in-app products in 17 more countries to these new minimum thresholds:

Countries affected:

  • Brazil: R$ 0.99 (was R$2.00)

  • Chile: CLP $200.00 (was CLP $500.00)

  • Colombia: COP$ 800.00 (was COP$ 2000.00)

  • Egypt: E£2 Previous (was E£7)

  • Hungary: Ft 125.00 (was Ft 225.00)

  • Indonesia: Rp 3,000.00 (was Rp 12,000.00)

  • Malaysia: RM 1.00 (was RM 3.50)

  • Mexico: MXN$ 5.00 (was MXN$ 9.90)

  • Nigeria: ₦40 (was ₦195)

  • Peru: S/. 0.99 (was S/. 3.00)

  • Philippines: ₱15.00 (was ₱43.00)

  • Poland: zł1.79 (was zł2.99)

  • Russia: руб 15.00 (was руб 30.00)

  • Saudi Arabia:﷼ 0.99 (was 4.00﷼)

  • South Africa: R3.99 (was R10.00)

  • Thailand: ฿10.00 (was ฿32.00)

  • Turkey: ₺0.59 (was ₺2.00)

  • Ukraine: ₴5.00 (was ₴8.00)

  • Vietnam: ₫6,000 (was ₫21,000.00)

You can lower the price of your apps and games right away by visiting the Google Play Developer Console and clicking on “Pricing & Distribution” or “In-app Products” for your apps.

We hope this change allows you to reach more people around the world so that you can continue to grow your business on Google Play.