Senin, 25 Januari 2016

New features to better understand player behavior with Player Analytics

Posted by Lily Sheringham, Developer Marketing at Google Play

Google Play games services includes Player Analytics, a free reporting tool available in the Google Play Developer Console, to help you understand how players are progressing, spending, and churning. Now, you can see what Player Analytics looks like with an exemplary implementation of Play games services: try out the new sample game in the Google Play Developer Console, which we produced with help from Auxbrain, developer of Zombie Highway 2. The sample game uses randomized and anonymized data from a real game and will also let you try the new features we’re announcing today. Note: You need a Google Play Developer account in order to access the sample game.

Use predictive analytics to engage players before they might churn

To help you better understand your players’ behavior, we’ve extended the Player Stats API in Player Analytics with predictive functionality. The churn prediction method will return data on the probability that the player will churn, i.e., stop playing the game, so you can create content in response to this to entice them to stay in your game. Additionally, the spend prediction method will return the probability that the player will spend, and you could, for example, provide discounted in-app purchases or show ads based on these insights.

Create charts in the new funnels report to quickly visualize sequences of events

The funnels report enables you to create a funnel chart from any sequence events, such as achievements, spend, and custom events. For example, you could log custom events for each step in a tutorial flow (e.g., tutorial step 1, step 2, step 3), and then use the funnel report to visualize the exit points in your tutorial.

Measure and compare the effect of changes and cumulative values by new users with cohort’s report

The cohorts report allows you to take any event such as sessions, cumulative spend, and custom events, and compare the cumulative event values by new user cohorts - providing valuable insight into the impact of your decisions on your gaming model. For example, you can view users that started the day before you made a change and the day after. This allows you to measure and compare the effect of changes made, so if you doubled the price of all your items in your in-game store, you can see if the cumulative sessions started after the change was lower or higher than the users that started before the change.

Updated C++, iOS SDKs and Unity plug-in to support Player Stats API

We have updated the C++ and iOS SDKs, and the Unity plug-in, all of which now support the Player Stats API, which includes the basic player stats as well as spend and churn predictions.

Be sure to check out the sample game and learn more about Play Games Services. You can also get top tips from game developer Auxbrain to help you find success with Google Play game services.

Sabtu, 23 Januari 2016

Play Games Permissions are changing in 2016

Posted by Wolff Dobson, Developer Advocate

We’re taking steps to reduce sign-in friction and unnecessary permission requests for players by moving the Games APIs to a new model. The new interaction is:

  • Players are prompted to sign-in once per account, rather than once per game

  • Players no longer need their account upgraded to Google+ to use Play Games services

  • Once players have signed-in for the first time, they will no longer need to sign in to any future games; they will be automatically signed in

  • Note: Players can turn off auto-sign-in through the Play Games App’s settings


  • Once a user signs in for first time, new games will generally be able to sign in without any user interaction

  • There is no consent screen required for signing in on any particular game. Sign-in will be automatic to each new game.

In order to respect user’s privacy and avoid revealing their real name, we also have to change the way player IDs work.

  • For existing players: Games will continue to get their Google+ ID (also called “player ID” in previous documentation) when they sign in.

  • For new players: Games will get a new player ID which is not the same as the previous IDs we’ve used.

Potential issues

Most games should see no interruption or change in service. There are a handful of cases, however, where some change is required.

Below are some issues, along with potential solutions.

These are:

  1. Asking for the Google+ scope unnecessarily

    • Issue: Your users will get unnecessary, potentially disturbing pop-up consent windows
    • Solution: Don’t request any additional scopes unless you absolutely need them

  2. Using the Play Games player ID for other Google APIs that are not games

    • Issue: You will not get valid data back from these other endpoints.
    • Solution: Don’t use player ID for other Google APIs.

  3. Using mobile/client access tokens on the server

    • Issue: Your access token may not contain the information you’re looking for

      • ...and this is not recommended in the first place.

    • Solution: Use the new GetServerAuthCode API instead.

Let’s cover each of these issues in detail.

Issue: Asking for unnecessary scopes

Early versions of our samples and documentation created a GoogleApiClient as follows:

 // Don’t do it this way!  
GoogleApiClient gac = new GoogleApiClient.Builder(this, this, this)
.addScope(Plus.SCOPE_PLUS_LOGIN) // The bad part
// Don’t do it this way!

In this case, the developer is specifically requesting the plus.login scope. If you ask for plus.login, your users will get a consent dialog.

Solution: Ask only for the scopes you need

Remove any unneeded scopes from your GoogleApiClient construction along with any APIs you no longer use.

 // This way you won’t get a consent screen  
GoogleApiClient gac = new GoogleApiClient.Builder(this, this, this)
// This way you won’t get a consent screen

For Google+ users

If your app uses specific Google+ features, such as requiring access to the player’s real-world Google+ social graph, be aware that new users will still be required to have a G+ profile to use your game. (Existing users who have already signed in won’t be asked to re-consent).

To require Google+ accounts to use your game, change your Games.API declaration to the following:

 .addApi(Games.API, new GamesOptions.Builder()  

This will ensure that your game continues to ask for the necessary permissions/scopes to continue using the player’s real-world social graph and real name profile.

Issue: Using the Player ID as another ID

If you call the Games.getCurrentPlayerId() API, the value returned here is the identifier that Games uses for this player.

Traditionally, this value could be passed into other APIs such as Plus.PeopleApi.load. In the new model, this is no longer the case. Player IDs are ONLY valid for use with Games APIs.

Solution - Don’t mix IDs

The Games APIs (those accessed from all use the Player ID, and as long as you use only those, they are guaranteed to work with the new IDs.

Issue: Using mobile/client access tokens on the server

A common pattern we’ve seen is:

  • Use GoogleAuthUtil to obtain an access token

  • Send this token to a server

  • On the server, call Google to verify the authenticity. This is most commonly done by calling and looking at the response

This is not recommended in the first place, and is even more not-recommended after the shift in scopes.

Reasons not to do this:

  • It requires your app to know the current account the user is using, which requires holding the GET_ACCOUNTS permission. On Android M, this will result in the user being asked to share their contacts with your app at runtime, which can be intimidating.

  • The tokeninfo endpoint isn’t really designed for this use case - it’s primarily designed as a debugging tool, not as a production API. This means that you may be rate limited in the future if you call this API.

  • The user_id returned by token info may no longer be present with the new model. And even if it is present, the value won’t be the same as the new player ID. (See problem 2 above)

  • The token could expire at any time (access token expiration times are not a guarantee).

  • Using client tokens on the server require extra validation checks to make sure the token is not granted to a different application.

Solution: Use the new GetServerAuthCode flow

Fortunately, the solution is known, and is basically the same as our server-side auth recommendations for web.

  1. Upgrade to the latest version of Google Play Services SDK - at least 8.4.87.

  2. Create a server client ID if you don’t already have one

    1. Go to the Google Developer Console, and select your project

    2. From the left nav, select API Manager, then select Credentials

    3. Select “New Credentials” and choose “OAuth Client ID”

    4. Select “Web Application” and name it something useful for your application

    5. The client id for this web application is now your server client id.

  3. In your game, connect your GoogleApiClient as normal.

  4. Once connected, call the following API:

    1. Games.getGamesServerAuthCode(googleApiClient, “your_server_client_id”)

    2. If you were using GoogleAuthUtil before, you were probably calling this on a background thread - in which case the code looks like this:

 // Good way  
GetServerAuthCodeResult result =
Games.getGamesServerAuthCode(gac, clientId).await();
if (result.isSuccess()) {
String authCode = result.getCode();
// Send code to server.
// Good way

  1. Send the auth code to your server, exactly the same as before.

  2. On your server, make an RPC to to exchange the auth code for an access token, probably using a Google Apis Client Library.

    1. You’ll have to provide the server client ID, server client secret (listed in the Developer Console when you created the server client ID), and the auth code.

    2. See more details here: games_discussion_permissions_012316&utm_source=anddev&utm_medium=blog#handlingresponse

    3. No, really:  You should use a Google Apis Client Library to make this process easier.

  3. Once you have the access token, you can now call<app_id>/verify/ using that access token.

    1. Pass the auth token in a header as follows:

      1. “Authorization: OAuth <access_token>”

    2. The response value will contain the player ID for the user. This is the correct player ID to use for this user.

    3. This access token can be used to make additional server-to-server calls as needed.

Note: This API will only return a 200 if the access token was actually issued to your web app.

In summary

Let’s be very clear: If you do nothing, unless you are depending explicitly on Google+ features, you will see no change in functionality, and a smoother sign-in experience.

If you are:

  • Requesting Google+ scopes without using them, it’s a good idea to stop using them from here out.

  • Sending client access tokens to your server, we strongly suggest you use getGamesServerAuthCode() instead.

Thanks, and keep making awesome games!

Jumat, 22 Januari 2016

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Rabu, 20 Januari 2016

Android Developer Story: Music app developer DJIT builds higher quality experiences and successful businesses on Android

Posted by Lily Sheringham, Google Play team

Paris-based DJiT is the creator of edjing, one of the most downloaded DJ apps in the world, it now has more than 60 million downloads and a presence in 182 countries. Following their launch on Android, the platform became the largest contributor of business growth, with 50 percent of total revenue and more than 70 percent of new downloads coming from their Android users.

Hear from Jean-Baptiste Hironde, CEO & Co-founder, Séverine Payet, Marketing Manager, and Damien Delépine, Android Software Engineer, to learn how DJit improved latency on new Android Marshmallow, as well as leveraged other Android and Google Play features to create higher quality apps.

Find out more about building great audio apps and how to find success on Google Play.

Selasa, 19 Januari 2016

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Minggu, 17 Januari 2016

Update !! 5 Harga Laptop Murah Kualitas Bagus Terbaru 2016

Harga Laptop Murah - Update !! 5 Harga Laptop Murah Kualitas Bagus Terbaru 2016 - Banyaknya peminat laptop dengan harga murah di indonesia membuat banyak vendor-vendor laptop bersaing ketat dalam membuat laptop sesuai dengan keinginan masyarakat yaitu laptop murah dengan spesifikasi yang cukup baik, dan terbukti beberapa laptop dengan harga murah merupakan laptop yang cukup banyak pencarinya, salah satu laptop dengan harga termurah yang memiliki spesifikasi keren adalah Asus EEE PC, tapi laptop asus ini tidak kami masukkan kedaftar karena spesifikasinya tidak cukup baik, yah itu dikarenakan harganya berkisar antara 1-3 jutaan.

Laptop Murah Berkualitas memang cukup banyak digemari layaknya laptop gaming yang sangat laris dipasaran, tentunya dengan banyaknya pencari kita bisa melihat kebutuhan akan laptop semakin meningkat, Nah penasaran ingin melihat daftar harga laptop murah berkualitas ? yukk langsung saja mari kita simak berikut.

5 Harga Laptop Murah Kualitas Bagus

Harga Laptop Murah Kualitas Bagus

Harga Laptop
Asus X550DP-XX181D (Laptop Gaming)AMD Quad Core A8-5550M, AMD Radeon HD 8670M (Sun-XT) + AMD Radeon HD 8550, Ram 2GB, HDD 500GB.Rp 4.699.000
Asus A451LB-WX076DIntel Core i3 4010UM, Nvidia Geforce GT 740 2 GB, HDD 500 GB, Ram 4GB, Layar 14 Inci.Rp 5.099.000
HP Notebook 14-d010AUAMD Dual-Core Processor E1-2100 1 GHz, Cache 1MB, AMD Radeon HD 8210G,  Ram 2gb, HDD 320.Rp. 3.349.000
HP Notebook 1000-1431TUProcessor Intel Core i3-3110M 2.4GHz (cache 3Mb), VGA Intel HD Graphics 4000, RAM 2GB DDR3, HDD 500GB, Windows.Rp. 4.700.000
Asus Vivobook s200eAsus Vivobook s200eProcessor Intel Core i3 3217U, 4GB DDR3, HDD 500GB, Layar 11.6 inci, Windows 8.Rp ----

Halaman : [1]  [2]  [3]

Harga Laptop Murah Berkualitas diatas dapat sewaktu-waktu berubah sesuai dengan kondisi dan daerah tmpat tinggal anda, tapi jangan khawatir harga laptop diatas tidak jauh berbeda dengan daerah tempat tinggal anda.

Hanya sekian Daftar Harga Laptop Murah Berkualitas yang bisa kami berikan, Semoga bermanfaat buat anda, Jika anda ingin menyimpan daftar harga laptop diatas anda bisa menekan tombol Ctrl + D untuk membookmark Halaman Website ini.

Update !! 5 Daftar Harga Laptop Murah Berkualitas Terbaru 2016

Laptop Murah Berkualitas - Update !! 5 Daftar Harga Laptop Murah Berkualitas Terbaru 2016 - Laptop Dengan Harga Murah memang menjadi incaran banyak orang, bagaimana tidak dengan harga 2-4 jutaan kita sudah bisa memiliki laptop dengan dukungan spesifikasi yang cukup bagus untuk digunakan bahkan untuk digunakan bermain game pun bisa, tentunya ini sangat menarik perhatian banyak orang untuk memiliki laptop-laptop murah berkualitas, tapi perlu sobat ingat walaupun harga dan spesifikasinya yang cukup menarik pastinya selalu ada kekurangan dan kelebihan yang dimilikinya, tapi tak usah khawatir laptop dengan harga murah berkualitas ini cukup ampuh untuk menemani sobat dalam keseharian.

Nah Salah satu laptop murah berkualitas yang menurut admin cukup keren dan akhir-akhir ini sedang banyak yang mencarinya adalah laptop Asus X200MA, laptop asus ini memang cukup handal dan memiliki spesifikasi yang juga cukup untuk menjalankan berbagai macam aplikasi yang sesuai dengan spesifikasinya, dengan harganya 3 jutaan tapi spesifikasinya seperti Ram 2GB dan Harddisk 500Gb sudah cukup sempurna untuk membatu sobat mengerjakan berbagai PR yang ada.

Nah yang spesial adalah Laptop Acer Aspire E1 422G 45002G75Mn, laptop ini lebih dikenal dengan laptop Gaming dengan harga yang sangat murah sekitar 5 jutaan, tentunya untuk ukuran laptop gaming laptop ini sudah cukup murah dibanding dengan laptop gaming lainnya yang memiliki harga puluhan juta. Jika dilihat spesifikasinya memang cukup gahar dengan Ram 2GB + HDD 750 GB Serta AMD Radeon HD8670 1 GB yang akan membuat anda lebih nyaman bermain game. Oke langsung saja berikut Update 5 Daftar Harga Laptop Murah Berkualitas Terbaru.

Daftar Harga Laptop Murah Berkualitas

Laptop Murah Berkualitas

Harga Laptop
Asus X200MAProcessor Intel Celeron N2840 (up to 2.58GHz, 1M cache), 2 GB DDR3, 500 GB, Intel® HD Graphics, Windows 8.Rp. 3.050.000
Asus X454WAAMD Dual Core E1-6010 (1.35 GHz, 1M cache), 2 GB DDR3L, 500 GB, AMD Radeon R2, Windows 8.Rp. 3.499.000
Asus X453MAIntel® Celeron® Processor N2840 (2.16 GHz, 1M Cache) up to 2.58 GHz, 2 GB DDR3, 500 GB, Intel® HD Graphics, Windows.Rp. 3.649.000
Acer Aspire One Z140Processor Intel N2840, 2 GB, HDD 320 GB, Layar 14 Inci ,Windows 8.1.Rp 3.730.000
Acer Aspire E1 422G 45002G75MnProcessor AMD A4 5000, Vga AMD Radeon HD8670 1 GB, Ram 2Gb DDR3, HDD 750Gb, Layar 14 Inci, Windows 8.Rp 4.950.000

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Jumat, 15 Januari 2016

Create promo codes for your apps and in-app products in the Google Play Developer Console

Posted by Yoshi Tamura, Product Manager, Google Play

Over the past six months, a number of new tools in the Google Play Developer Console have been added to help you grow your app or game business on Google Play. Our improved beta testing features help you gather more feedback and fix issues. Store Listing Experiments let you run A/B tests on your app’s Play Store listing. Universal App Campaigns and the User Acquisition performance report help you grow your audience and better understand your marketing.

Starting today, you can now generate and distribute promo codes to current and new users on Google Play to drive engagement. Under the Promotions tab in the Developer Console, you can set up promo codes for your apps, games, and in-app products to distribute in your own marketing campaigns (up to 500 codes per app, per quarter). Consider using promo codes to reward loyal users and attract new customers.

How to use promo codes

  1. Choose your app in the Developer Console.
  2. Under the Promotions tab choose Add new promotion.

  3. Review and accept the additional terms of service if you haven’t run a promotion before.
  4. Choose from the options available, then generate and download your promo codes.
  5. Distribute your promo codes via your marketing channels such as social networks, in email, on the web, to your app’s beta testers, or in your app or game itself.
  6. Users can redeem your promo codes in a number of ways, including:

  1. From Google Play, using the Redeem menu option.
  2. From your app. They’ll be directed to the Play checkout flow before being redirected back to your app.
  3. By following a link that embeds the promo code (see tips below).

For more details about running a promotion for your app or game, read this article on the Google Play Developer Help Center.

Tips for making the most of promo codes

Some things to keep in mind when running a successful promotion:

  • There’s a limit of 500 promo codes per app every quarter.

  • You can embed your code in a URL so that users don’t have to enter it themselves (for example, if you’re sending your codes in an email). You can use the URL:{CODE} (where {CODE} is a generated promo code).

  • To use promo codes for in-app products, you should implement In-app Promotions in your app. Note that promo codes can’t be used for subscriptions.

  • Review and adhere to the Promotional Code Terms Of Service.

We hope you find interesting ways to use promo codes to find new users and engage existing fans. To learn more about the many tools and best practices you can use to grow your business on Google Play, download our new developer playbook, “The Secrets to App Success on Google Play”.

Kamis, 14 Januari 2016

Using Google Sign-In with your server

Posted by Laurence Moroney, Developer Advocate

This is the third part in a blog series on using Google Sign-In on Android, and how you can take advantage of world-class security in your Android apps. In part 1, we spoke about the user experience improvements that are available to you. In part 2, we then took a deeper dive into the client-side changes to the Google Sign-In APIs that make coding a lot simpler.

In this post, we will demonstrate how you can use Google Sign-In with your backend. By doing so, users signing in on their device can be securely authenticated to access their data on your backend servers.

Using Credentials on your server

First, let’s take a look at what happens if a user signs in on your app, but they also need to authenticate for access to your back-end server. Consider this scenario: You’ve built an app that delivers food to users at their location. They sign into your app, and your app gets their identity. You store their address and order preferences in a database on your server.

Unless your server endpoints are protected with some authentication mechanism, attackers could read and write to your user database by simply guessing the email addresses of your users.

Figure 1. An attacker could submit a fake request to your server with an email address

This isn’t just a bad user experience, it’s a risk that customer data can be stolen and misused. You can prevent this by getting a token from Google when the user signs in to the app, and then passing this token to your server. Your server would then validate that this token really was issued by Google, to the desired user, and intended for your app (based on your audience setting, see below). At this point your server can know that it really is your user making the call, and not a nefarious attacker. It can then respond with the required details.

Figure 2. Attacker’s Forged Tokens will be rejected

Let’s take a look at the steps for doing this:

Step 1: Your Android app gets an ID token (*) after signing in with Google. There’s a great sample that demonstrates this here. To do this, the requestIdToken method is called when creating the GoogleSignInOptions object.

 GoogleSignInOptions gso = new GoogleSignInOptions.Builder(GoogleSignInOptions.DEFAULT_SIGN_IN)  

This requires you to get a client ID for your server. Details on how to obtain this are available here (see Step 4).

Once your Android app has the token, it can POST it over HTTPS to your server, which will then try to validate it.

(*) An ID token is represented using JSON Web Token, as defined by RFC7519 and the OpenID Connect spec. These are an open, industry standard method for representing claims securely between two parties.

Step 2: Your Server receives the token from your Android client. It should then validate the token with methods that are provided in the Google API Client libraries, in particular, verifying that it was issued by Google and that the intended audience is your server.

Your server can use the GoogleIdTokenVerifier class to verify the token and then extract the required identity data. The ‘sub’ field (available from the getSubject() method) provides a stable string identifier that should be used to identify your users even if their email address changes, and key them in your database. Other ID token fields are available, including the name, email address and photo URL. Here’s an example of a servlet that was tested on Google App Engine that can verify tokens using a provided library. These libraries allow you to verify the token locally without a network call for every verification.

 GoogleIdTokenVerifier verifier = new GoogleIdTokenVerifier.Builder(transport, jsonFactory)  
// Here is where the audience is set -- checking that it really is your server
// based on your Server’s Client ID
// Here is where we verify that Google issued the token
GoogleIdToken idToken = verifier.verify(idTokenString);
if (idToken != null) {
Payload payload = idToken.getPayload();
String userId = payload.getSubject();
// You can also access the following properties of the payload in order
// for other attributes of the user. Note that these fields are only
// available if the user has granted the 'profile' and 'email' OAuth
// scopes when requested. (e.g. you configure GoogleSignInOptions like
// the sample code above and got a successful GoogleSignInResult)
// Note that some fields may still be null.
String email = payload.getEmail();
boolean emailVerified = Boolean.valueOf(payload.getEmailVerified());
String name = (String) payload.get("name");
String pictureUrl = (String) payload.get("picture");
String locale = (String) payload.get("locale");
String familyName = (String) payload.get("family_name");
String givenName = (String) payload.get("given_name");

Note that if you have an existing app using GoogleAuthUtil to get a token to pass to your backend, you should switch to the latest ID token validation libraries and mechanisms described above. We’ll describe recommendations for server-side best practices in a future post.

This post demonstrates how to use authentication technologies to ensure your user is who they claim they are. In the next post, we’ll cover using the Google Sign-In API for authorization, so that users can, for example, access Google services such as Google Drive from within your app and backend service.

You can learn more about authentication technologies from Google at the Google Identity Platform developers site.