Selasa, 08 Maret 2016

Penyebab Kipas Laptop Berbunyi Bising dan Berisik

Penyebab Kipas Laptop Berbunyi Bising - Penyebab Kipas Laptop Berbunyi Bising dan Berisik - Jika sobat sedang mengalami hal ini, tenang saja, sebelum memperbaiki kipas laptop yang berbunyi bising, terlebih dahulu sobat harus mengetahui apa penyebab dibalik semua ini, Bunyi bising pada laptop sangatlah menggangu, tentu saja ini akan mempengaruhi anda jika sedang ada tugas mendadak dari Guru ataupun Dosen.

Hal yang paling umum terjadi adalah banyaknya debu yang bersarang pada laptop sehingga akan menggangu sirkulasi udara dan perputaran pada kipas, selain itu juga memang ada beberapa hal yang menjadi penyebab atau dalang bunyi bising pada laptop.

Penyebab Kipas Laptop Berbunyi Bising dan Berisik

Penyebab Kipas Laptop Berbunyi Bising

1. Kipas Laptop Kotor
Inilah salah satu penyebab yang biasa menimpa laptop dengan kipas yang berbunyi bising, walaupun kata membersihkan cukup mudah, tapi membersihkan kipas laptop tidak boleh sembarang dan harus berhati-hati jangan sampai merusak komponen lain pada laptop, sebaiknya serahkan ke teknisi yang menyediakan jasa service laptop ataupun kalau ingin mencobanya sendiri, caranya cukup mudah tapi tetap harus berhati-hati, silahkan lihat di untuk tutorial membersihkannya.

2. Memaksa Processor Berkerja Keras
Nah membuka beberapa program berat sekaligus tentunya akan membuat processor jadi cepat panas, hal ini juga sudah dijelaskan pada Artikel Penyebab Laptop Cepat Panas, jika processor dipaksa berkerja tentunya kipas pada laptop berusaha untuk terus mendinginkan suhu pada laptop, nah jika sudah diluar batas, biasanya Laptop akan mati secara mendadak.

3. Kipas Laptop Sudah Rusak
Jika sobat sudah memeriksa penyebab lain pada laptop namun tidak menemukan masalahnya, berarti kemungkinan besar kipas laptop anda sudah rusak ataupun longgar, jika hal ini sudah terjadi maka serahkan saja pada orang yang sudah ahli, jika tetap dalam kondisi rusak, mau tidak mau, sobat harus membeli kipas laptop yang baru.

Nah mungkin cukup sekian informasi beberapa penyebab kipas laptop berbunyi bising, yang dapat kami sampaikan, semoga bermanfaat dan sampai jumpa lagi di tips & trik laptop lainnya.

Akibat dan Bahaya Terlalu Lama Menggunakan Laptop/PC

Bahaya Terlalu Lama Menggunakan Laptop - Akibat dan Bahaya Terlalu Lama Menggunakan Laptop/PC - Halo Sobat, kali ini kami akan memberikan sedikit informasi mengenai bahaya terlalu lama menggunakan laptop dalam keseharian kita baik dalam berkerja ataupun mengerjakan tugas selama berjam-jam lamanya. Dizaman yang sudah sangat maju ini pastinya sudah lebih banyak orang yang dominan menggunakan Komputer/Laptop di komputer, apalagi para pengawai kantoran saat ini memiliki jam kerja kurang lebih 8 jam perhari di depan layar komputer ataupun laptop, tentunya ini akan menimbulkan efek yang cukup terasa.

Salah satu akibat yang timbul dari penggunaan laptop terlalu lama ini adalah mata menjadi lelah dan dapat menimbulkan dampak buruk bagi mata itu sendiri, tapi yang perlu sobat ketahui bukan hanya masalah pengelihatan saja yang terganggu seperti Minus tapi beberapa bagian tubuh juga merasakan efek akibat terlalu lama didepan layar laptop, Nah berikut beberapa gangguan kesehatan pada bagian tubuh yang diakibatkan terlalu lama di depan komputer.

Bahaya Menggunakan Laptop Terlalu Lama

Bahaya Menggunakan Laptop Terlalu Lama

1. Gangguan Pada Mata
Jika sobat terlalu lama menggunakan laptop ataupun komputer salah satu masalah umum yang paling sering terjadi bagi para pengguna komputer adalah Minus, ini disebabkan mata kita terlalu fokus melihat sesuatu yang berjarak sangat dekat dalam waktu yang sangat lama, sehingga otot mata menjadi tidak optimal dalam melihat jaih atau biasa disebut Miopi. Selain itu masih banyak bahaya yang ditimbulkan seperti mata jadi cepat lelah, mata cepat kering dan menurunkan pengelihatan mata kita.

2. Sakit Pada Punggung
Nah salah satu problem yang sering terjadi jika telalu lama duduk didepan komputer adalah sakit pada bagian punggung, ini disebabkan karena kita telalu lama duduk dalam posisi yang sama dan kadang hingga duduk dengan posisi menunduk mengarah kelayar sehingga posisi duduk tersebut mempengaruhi kesehatan punggung kita.

3. Sakit Leher
Sakit pada leher juga salah satu problema umum jika terlalu lama menggunakan laptop, ini berkaitan erat pada posisi duduk, jika posisi duduk sudah tidak benar maka akan berpengaruh pada posisi leher yang cenderung menekuk sehingga leher menjadi kaku.

4. Sakit Kepala, Mual dan Pusing
Bagi sobat yang terlalu lama menggunakan laptop biasanya merasakan hal yang satu ini, ini bisa saja disebabkan oleh cahaya yang tidak mampu kita lihat dengan mata telanjang atau fluorescent, nah pancaran cahaya inilah yang pada umumnya membuat kepala jadi sakit dan pusing, Ini juga sangat sering terjadi bagi orang yang tidak terbiasa dan baru dalam menggunakan laptop.

5. Jari Terasa Kaku
Salah satu dampak negatif terlalu lama menggunakan laptop adalah membuat jari-jari menjadi kaku dan mati rasa, walaupun efeknya tidak terlalu buruk namun hal ini harus tetap dihindari agar tidak terjadi hal-hal yang tidak diinginkan.


Cara daftar google adsense terbaru 2016 akan saya sampaikan dengan secara sederhana agar mudah di pahami oleh anda yang tergolong masih pemula juga belajar serta baru mengenal apa itu google adsense..? program atau sistem milik perusahan raksasa terbesar di dunia ini memang sangat pantas guna di pelajari sekaligus di coba mengapa demikian...?

Adsense adalah merupakan salah satu sistem unggulan dari google yang bertujuan sebagai media serta sarana yang berkaitan langsung dengan periklanan/advertaising online secara global dan internasional hebat bukan..?  Program ini memberikan berbagai opsih sebagai pilihan guna dapat mendapatkan pendapatan alias hasil berupa uang yang tentu saja sangat pantastik bagi mitra-mitranya di seluruh dunia khususnya dalam hal kerjasama penayangan iklan milik google sendiri

Pada era yang serba teknologi nan cangih ini tentu pasti situasi demikian ini akan sangat penting dan tepat sekali untuk di ketahui juga di pelajari artinya bahwa kiprah dari adanya jaringan internet yang sudah meluas ini harus bisa di manfaatkan secara postif  sekaligus menjadi sarana atau media yang bisa menghasilkan uang tambahan. Oleh karena itu bagi anda yang memang sangat berminat untuk menjadi member/mitra atau bergabung di sistem program adsense

Dan pada postingan ini saya akan memberikan panduan bagaimana cara daftar google adsense terbaru 2016  melalui situs resminya langsung untuk detailnya silahkan simak saja

Cara Daftar Google Adsense Terbaru 2016

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Untuk mengetahui lebih pasti anda bisa buka tab baru lalu masuk ke alamat email gmail yang di gunakan untuk daftar google adsense tadi lantas lihat di inbox pesan maka anda akan menemui sebuah link yang di dalamnya berisi informasi mengenai akun Adsense

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Dan kliklah link tersebut guna melihat isi informasi yang terdapat di dalamnya maka akan nampak seperti yang bisa anda lihat pada contoh gambar di bawah ini

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Dengan demikian selesailah sudah proses cara daftar google adsense terbaru 2016  dan tahap selanjutnya anda harap menunggu sampai ada surat email notifikasi yang menginformasikan bahwa pendaftaran adsense anda telah lolos uji review tahap pertama. Jika lolos biasanya anda langsung di minta meletakan secript iklan pada halaman blog atau website setelah itu anda kembali harap sabar menunggu hingga review ke dua bisa di proses secepatnya

Biasanya pada tahap ini tidak sedikit yang mengalami kegagalan alias di tolak karena berbagai alasan yang di tentukan oleh pihak google adsense. Namun apabila ternyata keberuntungan anda sedang berpihak maka bukan berarti mustahil kalau lamaran anda dapat di terima atau Full affrove dengan di tampilkanya iklan yang sebelumnya anda pasang bisa terlihat. Selamat mencoba semoga sukses...!

Senin, 07 Maret 2016

Inilah 5 Penyebab Utama Laptop Jadi Cepat Panas

Penyebab Laptop Cepat Panas - Inilah 5 Penyebab Utama Laptop Jadi Cepat Panas - Panas pada laptop merupakan salah satu kondisi dimana laptop sedang tidak memiliki sirkulasi udara yang baik, hal ini bisa kita lihat perbedaan pada PC dan Laptop, Personal Computer (PC) memiliki ruang yang cukup besar pada bagian dalam CPU yang membuat sirkulasi udara pada PC tetap lancar, Tentunya hal ini sangat berbeda dengan Laptop yang kurang memiliki ruang yang cukup besar pada bagian dalamnya, ini dikarenakan laptop saat ini dirancang dengan desain yang lebih minimalis dan sangat tipis, sehingga komponen-komponen yang terdapat didalam komputer menjadi sangat padat dan membuat sirkulasi udara didalam laptop tidak leluasa seperti PC.

Selain itu ada beberapa penyebab lain yang membuat laptop jadi cepat panas, Nah berikut 5 Penyebab Laptop cepat panas yang kami simpulkan dari beberapa sumber, oke langsung saja, berikut.

Penyebab Laptop Cepat Panas

Penyebab Laptop Cepat Panas
Penyebab Laptop Cepat Panas
1. Terlalu Lama Menggunakan Laptop
Lamanya waktu penggunaan pada laptop merupakan hal yang paling sering kita temui yang membuat laptop jadi cepat panas, hal ini wajar saja, karena beberapa komponan didalam laptop berkerja sangat lama dan terjadi peningkatan suhu akibat dari lamanya penggunaan laptop, sehingga hal ini menyebabkan laptop cepat panas.
Baca Juga : Bahaya dan Akibat Terlalu Lama Menggunakan Laptop

2. Kipas Laptop Tidak Berfungsi Normal/Rusak
Nah kipas yang tidak normal pada laptop juga merupakan salah satu penyebab laptop cepat panas, bagaimana tidak, Kipas pada laptop sangat berperan penting dalam hal suhu didalam laptop, jika kipas pada laptop tidak berfungsi sesuai fungsinya maka akan menyebabkan sirkulasi udara didalam laptop menjadi tidak lancar. Sehingga yang terjadi adalah hawa didalam laptop menjadi panas. Salah satu contoh kipas yang sudah tidak normal/rusak adalah, kipas laptop memiliki bunyi yang sangat menggangu (bising).
Baca Juga : Penyebab Kipas Laptop Berbunyi Bising dan Berisik

3. Salah Meletakkan Laptop
Pernah bermain laptop diatas kasur, bantal, sofa ? nah tanpa kita sadari bermain laptop diatas kasur ataupun bantal membuat sirkulasi udara tidak baik dan menjadi tidak lancar, karena tertutup oleh "empuknya" bantal ataupun kasur sobat, sehingga kipas tidak dapat menghisap udara yang lebih sejuk dan hanya menghisap udara yang kotor (debu dari bantal/kasur), jadi bagi sobat yang sering melakukan hal ini, harap untuk selalu memberikan alas yang cukup keras pada laptop.

4. Memaksakan Processor Diluar Kemampuan
Nah hal ini biasanya terjadi pada seseorang yang hanya tahu menginstall beberapa aplikasi tanpa membaca minimal spesifikasi yang diperlukan software tersebut, sehingga jika software terbut dijalakankan, membuat laptop berkerja diluar kemampuan sehingga laptop jadi lebih cepat panas dan bahkan laptop mati secara tiba-tiba.

5. Pasta Processor Kering (Thermal Paste)
Apakah sobat tahu jika pada bagian atas processor terdapat pasta yang bertujuan untuk mengurangi panas yang dihasilkan processor ?, nah permasalahan ini biasanya terjadi pada laptop yang sudah berumur, dikarenakan pasta processor sudah kering, sehingga sobat harus segera membeli pasta processor dan taruh pada bagian atas processor agar laptop tidak cepat panas.

Nah Mungkin cukup sekian informasi beberapa Penyebab Laptop Cepat Panas yang dapat kami sampaikan, semoga bermanfaat dan bisa menjadi bahan pembelajaran agar terhindar dari kesalahan-kesalahan yang membuat laptop jadi lebih cepat panas, Sekian dan terima kasih telah berkunjung di

Sabtu, 05 Maret 2016


Lupa kata sandi bbm atau lupa password bbm di android 2016 serta cara menganggulanginya seperti apa berikut langkah-langkah dalam mengatasi maslah tersebut yang sering sekali terjadi pada pengguna blackberry messenger di android,pada umumnya masalah ini bisa di katakan sepele namun jangan pula kita menggangapnya mudah apalagi bagi anda yang masih belum paham serta mengetahui secara pasti bagaimana solusinya.

Nah oleh karena itu di kesempatan kali ini saya kembali akan menguraikan sekaligus memberikan panduan yang di lengkapi gambar guna memecahkan persoalan yang boleh di bilang sangat sering kali di alamai oleh siapa saja bahkan terhadap saya sendiri sekalipun

Untuk itu bagi sobat yang sedang mengalami hal demikian tersebut alangkah baiknya meluangkan sedikit waktu untuk menyimak baik-baik tutorial yang berkaitan dengan cara mengatasi lupa kata sandi bbm atau lupa password bbm di android ini agar dapat melakukanya dengan berhasil dan sukses

Guna lebih jelasnya silahkan ikuti semua tahap atau langkah yang saya sampaikan berikut di bawah ini 

Lupa Kata Sandi Bbm Atau Lupa Password Bbm Di Android

lupa kata sandi bbm

*  Pertama lakukan Sign In atau Masuk ke Id BBM melalui aplikasinya seperti biasanya

*  Kedua Klik Lupa Kata Sandi

lupa kata sandi bbm

*  Langkah ke tiga masukan alamat email yang di gunakan untuk masuk ke bbm sebelumnya serta jangan lupa juga masukan beberapa hurup capta alias keamanan yang di berikan pada kotak yang telah di sediakan jika anda masih binggung coba perhatikan gambar berikut. Apabila sudah klik Kirim

lupa kata sandi bbm

*  Pada halaman perintah selanjutnya anda cukup klik saja OK 

*  Tahap ke lima anda buka tab baru pada browser lalu buka alamat email yang di gunakan tadi sebelumnya dan coba buka kotak pesan karena akan anda temui sebuah link yang di kirimkan ke alamat email tersebut seperti contoh gambar di bawah. Dan kliklah link tersebut untuk mengetahui perintah selanjutnya

lupa kata sandi bbm

*  Langkah ke enam klik Ganti kata sandi Blackberry Anda

lupa kata sandi bbm

*  Langkah ke tujuh yaitu anda harap memasukan kata sandi untuk bbm yang baru pada kolom Kata Sandi Baru serta masukan ulang kata sandi yang sama pada kotak konfirmasi kata sandi dan jika sudah klik Kirim

lupa kata sandi bbm

* Sampai tahap ini anda tunggu beberapa menit saja sampai keluar informasi pesan yang isinya adalah kata sandi anda berhasil di ubah dengan demikian selesai sudah proses cara mengatasi maslah lupa kata sandi bbm atau lupa password bbm di android dan tentu saja sejak saat itu pula anda sudah bisa kembali menggunakan atau mengakses/masuk ke aplikasi bbm dengan akun id yang tidak berubah namun hanya kata sandinya saja yang sudah anda ganti

lupa kata sandi bbm

Demikianlah sedikit panduan mengenai soal cara mengatasi lupa kata sandi bbm pada perangkat os android yang dapat saya sampaikan semoga berguna juga membantu sobat sekalian semua mohon maaf jika ada kekeliruan kata atau kalimat yang saya uraikan pada postingakn kali ini.

Rabu, 02 Maret 2016

Find success on Google Play: What app developers can learn from games

Posted by Matteo Vallone, Business Development Manager at Google Play

(As a way to reach more app developers and help them grow successful businesses on Google Play, this post was first published on The Next Web – Ed.)

There is much common ground between freemium apps and games businesses when it comes to achieving success. Users are, however, more used to paying for games than apps, stemming from the history of traditional gaming consoles. Moreover, mobile games are also able to easily offer ‘virtual goods’ across a range of price points to suit every pocket. This means that game developers have had plenty of opportunity to learn about how to improve onboarding, conversion, and ultimately the user Lifetime Value (LTV). So what can app developers learn from game developers? Here are some best practice tips and insights from successful game developers that can be applied to many apps, today.

Drive app success the game developer way:

1. Optimize retention before investing in acquisition

Retention is king, and retention drives conversion. For games developers, retention is the key measure of game quality and whether it appeals to players.

Most game developers will “soft launch” to beta testing communities or test markets. During this phase, the game is tweaked to optimize retention by looking into specific areas, such as tutorial completion, level difficulty and conversion. Developers can then track retention using the Cohorts reports in Google Analytics. Once retention is satisfactory, the developer can go to full launch and start investing in user acquisition.

2. Retain users with step-by-step engagement

The first seven days after install are the most critical for retention: users install several apps to try them, and decide in the first few days which ones they want to keep using. If you can retain for that time span, your app is more likely to become part of the user’s daily routine.

There are some simple ways to progressively build user engagement. It’s important to present a strong story that explains why that app is relevant to the user, while introducing them to key features. Then place features that offer the user value early, so they can be found without much effort.

This is a not a one-size-fit-all. To find the right solution, a developer needs to first make assumptions on what user flows can improve retention and then run A/B tests to validate or correct them. For example, a developer could think that introducing sign-in later in the user flow might improve retention. Also, the developer needs to keep in mind what the key long term engagement metrics are for the individual app (such as photos uploaded or the number of articles read) and measure the impact of the different onboarding flows on those metrics as well.

In general, these principles are good places to start optimizing your onboarding:

  • Look for ways to let the users experience the app straight away, rather than taking them through a long, complex setup.

  • Present “activation moments” — such as registering an account, uploading a video, or finding friend — gradually

  • Start by requiring minimal investment by the user, then ask them for more details as they are needed to use the apps features.

  • Treat permissions as a service for the user. For example, if you want users to register, show them in advance that, by making their experience more personal, they’ll get more value from the app.

In this example, OkCupid tried different onboarding flows and found the most engaging version increased seven-day retention by over 20 percent.

Finally, ensure the user can understand the value of your app before you start asking them to pay. Game developers are particularly good at letting their users try most or all product features for free in in a set number of days or sessions.

A great tool to help analyze how users are engaging (or not) with the app is through the Flow Report in Google Analytics. Using this report, a developer can see how users navigate through the app and where they leave to identify potential roadblocks.

3. Target the right offers at the right users

Understanding different groups of users in-app purchase behavior is the key to devising strategies to encourage them to spend.

Start by identifying groups of users by how they spend and much they are likely to spend. It may be by age group, the channel that brought the install, or in-app behaviour. Use the Segment builder in Google Analytics to identify and define these groups of users. Then, tailor in-app purchase offers to match the segments spending behavior. For example, for segments where multiple users tend to spend more in one go, but spend infrequently, offer them in-app features bundled together.

4. Offer in-app purchases when users are most likely to spend

Users are also more likely to spend, if the purchasing experience is frictionless, and even more so when they can see how the expenditure will add value. So:

  • Present purchase opportunities to users when they’re most likely to need or want it — and explain to the user why it’s relevant.

  • Make purchasing accessible easily from within the app with a minimum number of taps. For example, offer an upgrade button on the footer of relevant screens.

TomTom added a countdown to indicate when the free service runs out (counted in kilometers travelled). The counter includes a button to upgrade offering a one tap in-app purchase.

Like all good game developers, they focus on building good experiences that retain and engage users through constant testing and analytics. First impressions are important, so users need to be able to quickly understand the importance of the app and easily navigate through the onboarding experience. And to start generating revenue, it is important to be thoughtful about how to make in-app purchases actionable.

Watch Matteo’s Playtime 2015 session ‘The rules of games, for apps’ to hear more in-depth insights which app developers can learn from games with best practices and developer examples:

You can also watch the other sessions from Google Playtime 2015 to learn more about tools and best practices which can help you find success with business on Google Play.

Selasa, 01 Maret 2016

Explore the new Google Play Developer Policy Center

Posted by Atul Kumar, Google Play Policy

More than 1 billion Android users come to Google Play every month to discover their favorite apps and games, enabling developers to reach a vast global audience and build successful businesses on the platform. To maintain a positive experience for both users and developers, the Google Play Developer Program Policies play a central role in helping make Google Play an open, safe and enjoyable ecosystem by educating the community and defining appropriate content and activities in the store.

We constantly listen to our developers and users to maintain fair and defined policies and look for ways to improve how we communicate those policies to help developers avoid accidental pitfalls. As part of that effort, we’ve redesigned our Developer Program Policy Center to communicate our policies with greater transparency and clarity. This redesign includes:

  • Thematic organization of policies, so it is easier for developers to find relevant policies and understand the broad principles behind them

  • Visual examples and detailed guidelines for the most common violations based on developer feedback

  • Expanded information on our policy enforcement to help resolve violations

  • A visual refresh embracing Material Design to help developers more intuitively find the information they are looking for on mobile or desktop

From making it easier to self-correct minor violations in minutes using the app publishing status feature to improving our policy communication, the new policy center is part of our ongoing effort to improve the developer experience. We invite you to explore the new policy center and and share your feedback.

Kamis, 25 Februari 2016

New tools for ratings & reviews on Google Play to engage and understand your users

Posted by Fergus Hurley, Product Manager, Google Play

Millions of users rate and review your apps every day on Google Play. From feature requests to technical issues, ratings and reviews offer a wealth of information about what people like and dislike. Since 2013, you’ve been able to reply to reviews on Google Play, giving you a direct communication channel with your most engaged users. You've told us you value having this channel because it helps you iterate on user feedback faster on Android than other platforms. In the last few months, we’ve made a number of improvements in the Google Play Developer Console to help you better analyze and manage ratings and reviews so that you can improve your app experience and boost its rating.

Improvements to ratings and reviews

We recently revamped ratings and reviews with features you can now find on dedicated pages in the Developer Console:

The new ratings page in the Google Play Developer Console

  • See ratings over time: See how your rating changes daily, weekly, and monthly and easily spot any changes when you release a new version of your app.

  • Ratings breakdown: Break down your rating by country, language, device, app version, or Android version.

The new reviews page in the Google Play Developer Console

  • Review highlights: See common themes from what users say in reviews of your app – these are the same highlights that users see on the Play Store. Review highlights are shown when you have a high enough volume of reviews and are updated regularly to reflect the latest user experiences with your app.

  • Device metadata: See certain device data such as RAM, CPU, and screen size so you can more easily identify problems users are mentioning in user reviews and debug such issues.

  • Search review text: Search inside reviews to see what people are saying about a particular topic or keyword.

  • Replies & updates to reviews: When you reply to reviews, the user receives an email. Now, you can also opt-in to be emailed if the user updates their review or rating.

Learn from other developers on how to make the most of ratings and reviews

Photo Editor by Aviary is a photo editing app with a strong focus on simplicity and intuitive use. Ratings and reviews and other Android features allow Aviary to iterate on builds two to three times faster compared to other platforms while being in a regular dialogue with their users.

Glu Mobile is a mobile gaming company known for Racing Rivals, Cooking Dash 2016 and its upcoming Taylor Swift game. Ratings and reviews features help Glu engage their audience, gather feedback, and manage user satisfaction. “Google’s review highlights allow us to see a snapshot of game features users like or dislike at a glance. We monitor review trends, watch out for notifications, and respond to reviews for our games,” says Niccolo de Masi, Glu Mobile CEO. Here are some tips Glu is using to master ratings and reviews in the Developer Console:

  1. Reply to reviews: Reply to user reviews of your game in the Google Play Developer Console. Help them with their issues or let them know that you're considering their feature suggestions. A positive experience could result in the user increasing their rating.
  2. Use search: You can now search within all reviews and apply search filters for rating, language, app version, device and more. Use this feature to find specific user feedback, for example, on new content you’ve added.
  3. Take action: Now, you can be notified when a user answers you or updates their review. You can immediately start working on improvements if you learned about an issue. If the feedback is positive, engage with your community and turn satisfied users into fans.
  4. Analyze over time: Analyze ratings over time to learn more about how user satisfaction improves as you update your game. This allows you to understand if your latest feature update or bug fix results in higher user satisfaction.
  5. Identify key themes: Google Play automatically surfaces review highlights that users are mentioning about your game. This makes it quick for you to analyze reviews and understand user feedback.

We hope these tools help you better engage with your audience and improve your app. Visit the Developer Console Help Center to find out more about seeing and managing ratings and reviews. For more tools and best practices to help you grow a successful business, download The Secrets to App Success on Google Play.

Google’s Launchpad Accelerator successfully takes off. Apply to join the June class.

Posted by Roy Glasberg Global Lead, Launchpad Program & Accelerator

Last month, 24 promising startups from India, Indonesia, and Brazil came to Silicon Valley to participate in Google’s Launchpad Accelerator, a new program that provides late-stage startups (mobile apps) with mentoring and resources to successfully scale in their local economies.

During the intensive two-week Accelerator kickoff in our Mountain View headquarters, Google engineers from 11 product areas, as well as experts from other companies, were on hand to provide startups with mentorship on how to scale and monetize their apps, and ultimately, build successful businesses. Now back in their home countries, the teams will continue developing their products with the support of up to $50,000 in equity-free funding, six more months of ongoing mentorship, and a breadth of developer tools from the Launchpad Accelerator program.

So far, many startup participants have already seen an immediate impact. Two weeks after attending the kickoff event, Brazilian mobile game developer UpBeat Games was featured on Google Play and saw a 1,000% increase in app installations in Asia, as well as a 200% overall increase in active users, by leveraging analytics to better understand their users.

According to UpBeat Games founder Vinicius Heimbeck, “By working one-on-one with the mentors, we learned that we needed to be a data-driven company. We now have the right analytics tools to measure the results of our efforts and to learn from them to optimize the user experience. This all directly impacted our huge success once we were featured on Google Play.”

eFishery, an Indonesian startup that produces smart automated fish feeders, turned its focus on scaling since attending Launchpad Accelerator. “The mentors gave us great insight about how to build a scalable product and how to engage billions of users,” said co-founder and CEO Gibran Chuzaefah Amsi El Farizy. “We received both technical and practical advice on our business, from building back-end technology to embracing failure with the right mindset.”

Apply now for Launchpad Accelerator
We are also excited to announce the second class for Launchpad Accelerator which will begin in June 2016.

If you are a startup from India, Indonesia, Brazil, or Mexico (a new addition!) and are interested in participating in the next wave, we encourage you to apply here by March 31. We expect to continue adding more countries to the program in the future, so be on the lookout!

Rabu, 24 Februari 2016

Android Support Library 23.2

Posted by Ian Lake, Developer Advocate

Android Support Library 23.2

When talking about the Android Support Library, it is important to realize this isn’t one monolithic library, but a whole collection of libraries that seek to provide backward-compatible versions of APIs, as well as offer unique features without requiring the latest platform version. Version 23.2 adds a few new support libraries as well as new features to many of the existing libraries.

Support Vector Drawables and Animated Vector Drawables

Vector drawables allow you to replace multiple png assets with a single vector graphic, defined in XML. While previously limited to Lollipop and higher devices, both VectorDrawable and AnimatedVectorDrawable are now available through two new Support Libraries support-vector-drawable and animated-vector-drawable, respectively.

Android Studio 1.4 introduced limited support for vector drawables by generating pngs at build time. To disable this functionality (and gain the true advantage and space savings of this Support Library), you need to add vectorDrawables.useSupportLibrary = true to your build.gradle file:

 // Gradle Plugin 2.0+  
android {
defaultConfig {
vectorDrawables.useSupportLibrary = true

You’ll note this new attribute only exists in the version 2.0 of the Gradle Plugin. If you are using Gradle 1.5 you’ll instead use

 // Gradle Plugin 1.5  
android {
defaultConfig {
generatedDensities = []

// This is handled for you by the 2.0+ Gradle Plugin
aaptOptions {
additionalParameters "--no-version-vectors"

You’ll be able to use VectorDrawableCompat back to API 7 and AnimatedVectorDrawableCompat on all API 11 and higher devices. Due to how drawables are loaded by Android, not every place that accepts a drawable id (such as in an XML file) will support loading vector drawables. Thankfully, AppCompat has added a number of features to make it easy to use your new vector drawables.

Firstly, when using AppCompat with ImageView (or subclasses such as ImageButton and FloatingActionButton), you’ll be able to use the new app:srcCompat attribute to reference vector drawables (as well as any other drawable available to android:src):

app:srcCompat="@drawable/ic_add" />

And if you’re changing drawables at runtime, you’ll be able to use the same setImageResource() method as before - no changes there. Using AppCompat and app:srcCompat is the most foolproof method of integrating vector drawables into your app.

You’ll find directly referencing vector drawables outside of app:srcCompat will fail prior to Lollipop. However, AppCompat does support loading vector drawables when they are referenced in another drawable container such as a StateListDrawable, InsetDrawable, LayerDrawable, LevelListDrawable, and RotateDrawable. By using this indirection, you can use vector drawables in cases such as TextView’s android:drawableLeft attribute, which wouldn’t normally be able to support vector drawables.

AppCompat DayNight theme

While enabling the use of vector graphics throughout your app is already a large change to AppCompat, there’s a new theme added to AppCompat in this release: Theme.AppCompat.DayNight.

Prior to API 14, The DayNight theme and its descendents DayNight.NoActionBar, DayNight.DarkActionBar, DayNight.Dialog, etc. become their Light equivalents. But on API 14 and higher devices, this theme allows apps to easily support both a Light and Dark theme, effectively switching from a Light theme to a Dark theme based on whether it is ‘night’.

By default, whether it is ‘night’ will match the system value (from UiModeManager.getNightMode()), but you can override that value with methods in AppCompatDelegate. You’ll be able to set the default across your entire app (until process restart) with the static AppCompatDelegate.setDefaultNightMode() method or retrieve an AppCompatDelegate via getDelegate() and use setLocalNightMode() to change only the current Activity or Dialog.

When using AppCompatDelegate.MODE_NIGHT_AUTO, the time of day and your last known location (if your app has the location permissions) are used to automatically switch between day and night, while MODE_NIGHT_NO and MODE_NIGHT_YES forces the theme to never or always use a dark theme, respectively.

It is critical that you test your app thoroughly when using the DayNight themes as hardcoded colors can easily make for unreadable text or icons. If you are using the standard TextAppearance.AppCompat styles for your text or colors pulled from your theme such as android:textColorPrimary, you’ll find these automatically update for you.

However, if you’d like to customize any resources specifically for night mode, AppCompat reuses the night resource qualifier folder, making it possible customize every resource you may need. Please consider using the standard colors or taking advantage of the tinting support in AppCompat to make supporting this mode much easier.

Design Support Library: Bottom Sheets

The Design Support Library provides implementations of many patterns of material design. This release allows developers to easily add bottom sheets to their app.

By attaching a BottomSheetBehavior to a child View of a CoordinatorLayout (i.e., adding app:layout_behavior=""), you’ll automatically get the appropriate touch detection to transition between five state:

  • STATE_COLLAPSED: this collapsed state is the default and shows just a portion of the layout along the bottom. The height can be controlled with the app:behavior_peekHeight attribute (defaults to 0)

  • STATE_DRAGGING: the intermediate state while the user is directly dragging the bottom sheet up or down

  • STATE_SETTLING: that brief time between when the View is released and settling into its final position

  • STATE_EXPANDED: the fully expanded state of the bottom sheet, where either the whole bottom sheet is visible (if its height is less than the containing CoordinatorLayout) or the entire CoordinatorLayout is filled

  • STATE_HIDDEN: disabled by default (and enabled with the app:behavior_hideable attribute), enabling this allows users to swipe down on the bottom sheet to completely hide the bottom sheet

Keep in mind that scrolling containers in your bottom sheet must support nested scrolling (for example, NestedScrollView, RecyclerView, or ListView/ScrollView on API 21+).

If you’d like to receive callbacks of state changes, you can add a BottomSheetCallback:

 // The View with the BottomSheetBehavior  
View bottomSheet = coordinatorLayout.findViewById(;
BottomSheetBehavior behavior = BottomSheetBehavior.from(bottomSheet);
behavior.setBottomSheetCallback(new BottomSheetCallback() {
public void onStateChanged(@NonNull View bottomSheet, int newState) {
// React to state change
public void onSlide(@NonNull View bottomSheet, float slideOffset) {
// React to dragging events

While BottomSheetBehavior captures the persistent bottom sheet case, this release also provides a BottomSheetDialog and BottomSheetDialogFragment to fill the modal bottom sheets use case. Simply replace AppCompatDialog or AppCompatDialogFragment with their bottom sheet equivalents to have your dialog styled as a bottom sheet.

Support v4: MediaBrowserServiceCompat

The Support v4 library serves as the foundation for much of the support libraries and includes backports of many framework features introduced in newer versions of the platform (as well a number of unique features).

Adding onto the previously released MediaSessionCompat class to provide a solid foundation for media playback, this release adds MediaBrowserServiceCompat and MediaBrowserCompat providing a compatible solution that brings the latest APIs (even those added in Marshmallow) back to all API 4 and higher devices. This makes it much easier to support audio playback on Android Auto and browsing through media on Android Wear along with providing a standard interface you can use to connect your media playback service and your UI.


The RecyclerView widget provides an advanced and flexible base for creating lists and grids as well as supporting animations. This release brings an exciting new feature to the LayoutManager API: auto-measurement! This allows a RecyclerView to size itself based on the size of its contents. This means that previously unavailable scenarios, such as using WRAP_CONTENT for a dimension of the RecyclerView, are now possible. You’ll find all built in LayoutManagers now support auto-measurement.

Due to this change, make sure to double check the layout parameters of your item views: previously ignored layout parameters (such as MATCH_PARENT in the scroll direction) will now be fully respected.

If you have a custom LayoutManager that does not extend one of the built in LayoutManagers, this is an opt-in API - you’ll be required to call setAutoMeasureEnabled(true) as well as make some minor changes as detailed in the Javadoc of the method.

Note that although RecyclerView animates its children, it does not animate its own bounds changes. If you would like to animate the RecyclerView bounds as they change, you can use the Transition APIs.

Custom Tabs

Custom Tabs makes it possible to seamlessly transition to web content while keeping the look and feel of your app. With this release, you’ll now be able to add actions to a bottom bar for display alongside the web content.

With the new addToolbarItem() method, you’ll be able to add up to currently 5 (MAX_TOOLBAR_ITEMS) actions to the bottom bar and update them with setToolbarItem() once the session has begun. Similar to the previous setToolbarColor() method, you’ll also find a setSecondaryToolbarColor() method for customizing the background color of the bottom bar.

Leanback for Android TV

The Leanback Library gives you the tools you need to easily bring your app to Android TV with many standard components optimized for the TV experience. The GuidedStepFragment received a significant set of improvements with this release.

The most visible change may be the introduce of a second column used for action buttons (added by overriding onCreateButtonActions() or calling setButtonActions()). This makes it much easier to reach completion actions without having to scroll through the list of available GuidedActions.

Speaking of GuidedActions, there’s a number of new features to allow richer input including editable descriptions (via descriptionEditable()), sub actions in the form of a dropdown (with subActions()), and a GuidedDatePickerAction.

These components should make it much easier for you to get information from the user when absolutely required.

Available Now

Version 23.2 of the Android Support Library is available via your SDK Manager and Android Studio. Take advantage of all of the new features as well as additional bug fixes starting now! As always, file bug reports at and connect with other developers on the Android Development Google+ community.