Kamis, 31 Maret 2016

Get your apps and games ready for space with Google Play (April Fools')

Posted by Lily Sheringham, Google Play team

Google Play lets you distribute your apps and games to over 1 billion active Android users around the world. With advances in space exploration and the advent of galactic tourism, there will be a high number of users beyond this world that developers need to start thinking about, too. Google Play can now help you reach them. We’ve added new features to the Google Play Developer Console and updated the material design guidelines, to help you design, test, and distribute your apps and games in space.

Here’s a look at how The Guardian, one of the largest English-news organizations in the world, enhanced its Android app to enable astronauts and space travellers to stay informed and up-to-date, while in orbit or on the surface of the moon.

"I am pleased to have The Guardian's application to test the growing Interplanetary Internet" says Vint Cerf, distinguished visiting scientist at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory and Google's Chief Internet Evangelist. "The interstellar version is in development and I'm looking forward to having more Google Play apps and games tested in space flight."

Get your apps and games ready for take off today.

Jumat, 25 Maret 2016

Registering OAuth clients for Google Sign-In

Posted by Isabella Chen, Software Engineer, and Laurence Moroney, Developer Advocate

Starting with Google Play services 8.3, we did a major revamp of the Google Sign-In APIs, supporting both client and server auth. Behind the scenes, these APIs use OAuth 2.0 tokens to ensure secure authentication and authorization. To maintain security, we provide tools in the Google Developers Console to register the clients using these tokens.

In this post, we’ll discuss the important task of registering OAuth clients for Google Sign-In, and the tools that we offer to make this as easy as possible.

Here are some scenarios that might apply to you:

  1. Start by creating a project in the Google Developers Console, which registers the client app on your behalf.

  2. If you have a backend server in your project, you’ll need an OAuth client ID for it, too.

  3. And don't forget to register OAuth clients for other test and release versions of your app, too!

In this post, we’ll cover some details on this process and address common pitfalls.

Getting Started - Create a Project in the Google Developers Console.

If you have not used Google Sign-In before, you can start integrating the API into your app by following the ‘Get a configuration file’ steps on this site. You’ll be taken to a setup wizard that will create an OAuth 2.0 client ID as shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1. Configuring your app

Once you’ve specified your app, you’ll be taken to a screen to choose and configure services such as Google Sign-In, Cloud Messaging or Google Analytics that you want your app to be able to use.

Choose Google Sign-In. In order to use it, you’ll need to get the SHA-1 of the signing certificate for your Android app. This can either be a debug or a release certificate, and for the purposes of this blog you’ll look at a debug one, but keep in mind that you’ll need to repeat this process for each package / certificate pair you end up using (described in the last section below).

You can get the debug SHA-1 using the keytool command like this:

keytool -list -v -keystore ~/.android/debug.keystore -alias androiddebugkey -storepass android -keypass android

Once you have your SHA-1, enter it as seen in Figure 2.

Figure 2. Enabling Google Sign-in

Now that your project is set up, you can get started with integrating the Sign-In API. But if you need to configure your project to work with a backend server or additional package name / keystores, keep reading the sections below.

Server Config - Ensure your server is registered within the same project.

If you have your own web or cloud server with data for your application, you’ll need OAuth credentials for your backend. Details on doing this can be found in the ID token and server auth code documentation.

Before using these flows, you’ll need to make sure you register your web server correctly in the Google Developers Console. Once there, you’ll be asked to select your project. See Figure 3.

Figure 3. Going directly to a project in the Google Developers Console.

Once you’ve selected your project, press the ‘Continue’ button, and you’ll go directly to the Credentials tab where all credential types are managed. Check the “OAuth 2.0 client IDs” section, and you will see the “Web client” and “Android client for com.my.package.name” that were created for you by the setup wizard. See Figure 4.

Figure 4. The Credentials Tab on the Developers Console - Web server OAuth client info

Take note of the Client ID for for your Web client, you’ll need it for both your app and server as illustrated below. (If you’ve created your project in the past and there’s no OAuth 2.0 client ID with Type “Web application”, then you will need to create one by selecting ‘New Credentials’ -> ‘OAuth client ID’.)

If you use an ID token flow for backend authentication, when you start developing your Android app, request an ID token in your GoogleSignInOptions, supplying the web client ID for your server:

GoogleSignInOptions gso =
new GoogleSignInOptions.Builder(GoogleSignInOptions.DEFAULT_SIGN_IN)

And then on your server, set the same OAuth client ID for your web application to be the audience:

GoogleIdTokenVerifier verifier =
new GoogleIdTokenVerifier.Builder(transport, jsonFactory)

Successful verification will allow you to authenticate and issue a session for this newly signed-in user.

Alternatively, if you are using the server auth code flow for backend access to Google APIs, request a server auth code in your GoogleSignInOptions on Android, again supplying the web client ID for your server:

GoogleSignInOptions gso =
new GoogleSignInOptions.Builder(GoogleSignInOptions.DEFAULT_SIGN_IN)
.requestScopes(new Scope(Scopes.DRIVE_APPFOLDER))

And then on the server, both the OAuth client ID and the “Client secret” will be useful. The server SDK from Google can directly consume a downloaded JSON configuration file. You can click the download icon to download the JSON file (as shown in Figure 4) and use below code to construct GoogleClientSecrets:

GoogleClientSecrets clientSecrets =

At which point you can access authenticated Google APIs on behalf of the signed-in user. Note that the “client secret” is really a secret that you should never reveal in your Android client.

Handling multiple environments - Registering other client IDs for your project.

Note that it can be common for apps to have different package names as well as different certificates (and thus SHA-1 keys) for various types of environment (such for different developers or test and release environments). Google uses your package name together with SHA-1 signing-certificate fingerprint to uniquely identify your Android application. It’s important to register every package name + SHA1 fingerprint pair in Google Developers Console.

For example, to register the release version of this package, you can do so by selecting ‘New Credentials’ -> ‘OAuth client ID’, shown in Figure 5 below, and then following the steps to add the package name and production keystore SHA-1.

Figure 5. The Credentials Tab on the Developers Console - create additional OAuth client ID

Now you are ready to handle the different environments where your app might be running and release to your users!

Hopefully, this has been helpful to you in understanding how to register for OAuth keys to keep your apps and servers secure. For more information, check out the Google Developers homepage for Identity.

Announcing the 2016 Android Experiments I/O Challenge!

Posted by Roman Nurik, Senior Interactive Designer, and Richard The, Google Creative Lab

Last summer we launched Android Experiments: a showcase of creative Android projects, and an open invitation for all developers to submit their own experiments to the gallery. So far we’ve seen some amazing work from the developer community - from live wallpaper, to watch faces, to interesting hacks of the IOIO board - and we want to see more.

Today we announce the Android Experiments I/O Challenge: a chance for your experiment (and you) to go to I/O 2016!

From now through April 13, you can enter by submitting your experiments to the gallery. The top three winners of the contest will receive a trip to this year’s Google I/O, and the five runner-ups will get the new Nexus 6P.

So what makes a good Android Experiment? It’s a project that utilizes the unique capabilities of the Android platform in an innovative way. Here are a few suggestions:

  • Creative uses of Android’s new or distinctive features

  • Projects that explore how we interact with our devices, in small and big ways

  • Unique visual aesthetics

  • Open source projects that inspire other developers

  • Surprise us - we want to see the amazing things you’re cooking up

All projects on Android Experiments are open source. If you’re not sure where to start take a look on the site gallery, dig in and get inspired.

We can’t wait to see how you’re combining code and creativity! Enter on androidexperiments.com/challenge today.

Senin, 14 Maret 2016

Grow your games business on Google Play: Game parameters management, video recording, streaming ads, and more

Posted by Morgan Dollard, Product Manager of Google Play Games

With mobile gamers across 190 countries, Google Play Games is made up of a vibrant and diverse gaming community. And these players are more engaged than ever. Over the past year, the number of games reaching over 1 million installs grew by 50 percent.

Today, at our annual Developer Day at the Game Developers Conference, we announced new platform and ads tools for developers, of all sizes reach, to reach this global audience and accelerate the growth of their games business. Check out below the full range of features that will help game developers build their apps, grow their user base, and earn more revenue.

Making Google Play Games better for players

In February, we introduced Gamer IDs so that anyone could create a gaming persona. We also simplified the sign-in process for Google Play Games so players could pick up playing their game more quickly. We’re also working on product enhancements to make Play Games a little more social and fun, which will mean more engaged players who’re playing your game for longer. One example is the launch of Gamer friends (coming soon!), where your players can add and interact with their friends from within the Google Play Games app (without needing a Google+ account).

We’re also launching the Indie Corner, a new collection on Google Play, that will highlight amazing games built by indie developers. You can nominate your awesome indie game for inclusion at g.co/indiecornersubmission. We’ll pick the best games to showcase based on the quality of the experience and exemplary use of Google Play game services.

Grow your game with powerful new features from Google Play game services

In January, we added features to Player Analytics, the free reporting tool of Google Play game services, which helps you understand how players are progressing, spending and churning. Today, we previewed some upcoming new tools that would be available in the coming months, including:

  • Game parameters management: With game parameters management, you will be able to update gameplay and game economy parameters without the need for APK changes or resubmitting your app. You’ll be able to optimize virtual goods and currencies from the Developer Console or the Google Play Developer API.

Game parameters management in the Google Play Developer Console

  • Video Recording API: You will be able to easily add video recording to your app and let users share their videos with their friends and on YouTube in a few simple steps. We are also adding live streaming functionality to allow your fans to broadcast their gameplay experiences in real time on YouTube.

  • Predictive Analytics: The Player Stats API now has Predictive Analytics to help you identify which groups of players are likely to spend or churn, and we are adding new predictions for how much a player is likely to spend within 30 days and the probability that a player is a high spender. This allows you to tailor experiences for these players to try to increase their spend or engagement. Learn more about the
    Player Stats API.

“Not showing ads to users that were probable to spend increased number of IAP transactions by 15%.”
– Avetis Zakharyan, CEO Underwater Apps

New ad formats and targeting to find, keep and monetize high-quality gamers

Promoting your game and growing your audience is important, but it’s just as important to reach the right audience for your game, the players who want to open the game again and again. That’s why today we’ve unveiled new features that make it simpler to reach the right audience at scale.

  • Search Trial Run Ads: In the next few weeks, we’ll launch a new way for users to try your game out when they do a search for games on Google through a new ad format, Search Trial Run Ads. After tapping “Try now”, an individual can play your game for up to 10 minutes, and then download the game in full if they choose. These ads will appear to smartphone users on WiFi. Using this format, you can drive qualified users who are likely to stay engaged with your game after install.

SGN’s Search Trial Run Ad for Panda Pop

  • Portrait Video Ads: More than 80% of video ad views in mobile apps on the Google Display Network are from devices held vertically, but often these videos are created for landscape viewing. Over the next few weeks, we’re launching Portrait Video Ads for a full-screen, immersive portrait video experience. Developers have seen significant improvement in both click-through and conversion rates, resulting in lower cost per install and more installs.

  • Active User Targeting for Games: In the coming weeks, we’re rolling out a new type of targeting for Android apps that allows you to show ads to users who have spent more than 30 minutes playing games, or who have played a Google Play Games integrated game, in the last 30 days.

Earn more revenue in your game with AdMob

AdMob helps game developers around the world maximize revenue through in-app advertising. At GDC, we also announced a new way to help you earn more through AdMob Mediation. Rewarded advertising is a popular form of game monetization -- users are given the choice to engage with ads in exchange for an in-app reward. AdMob Mediation will enable you to easily monetize your apps with rewarded video ads from a number of ad providers. Supported networks and platforms include AdColony, AppLovin, Chartboost, Fyber, Upsight and Vungle, with more being added all the time.

You can learn more about this, and all our ads announcements on the Inside AdWords blog.

This is just the start of what we’ve got planned for 2016. We hope you can make use of these tools to improve your game, engage your audience, and grow your business and revenue.

Kamis, 10 Maret 2016

Game developers, get ready for our Developer Day at GDC 2016

Posted by Morgan Dollard, Product Manager of Google Play Games

Next week, we’ll be in San Francisco to host our annual Developer Day at the Game Developers Conference (GDC). Join us to get a first look at our latest efforts to help developers of all sizes build successful mobile games businesses with powerful tools to develop high quality apps, grow a valuable user base, and earn more revenue.

Our Developer Day will take place in room 2020 of the West Hall of Moscone Center on Monday, March 14. Based on your feedback from last year, we're going to keep presentations short and informative with lightning talks around virtual reality, the cloud, ads, and so much more, while dedicating more time to interactive discussions with Google engineers and your peers in the industry.

Here’s a glimpse of the agenda on Monday, March 14:

Opening keynote || 10AM: Be the first to see what’s new and hear about the investments Google is making to help mobile developers grow their game business.

Best practices for success on Google Play || 10:30AM: In this talk, you’ll learn how successful mobile game developers acquire users and bring them back to keep them playing longer.

Lightning talks || 11:15AM: A series of 5-minute talks on innovative technologies to tantalize players, like Project Tango, software to speed and simplify game development, and new ways to predict and prevent user churn.

Interactive roundtables || 2:00PM: After lunch, we’ll break up into interactive roundtables to interact with Google experts and peers on how to build better and more successful games. Ask questions, tell Google product teams what you need, and learn from fellow game developers.

Visit the agenda page to get a full list of our talks and speaker details. Please note that these events are part of the official Game Developer's Conference, so you will need a pass to attend.

For everyone who can’t make it in person, we’ll be live streaming our event on YouTube. Tune in from 10am on Monday, March 18.

Rabu, 09 Maret 2016

First Preview of Android N: Developer APIs & Tools

Posted by Dave Burke, VP of Engineering

Today we’re happy to announce a Developer Preview of the N release of Android! We’re doing something a little different this year by releasing the preview early… really early. By releasing a “work in progress” build earlier in development, we have more time to incorporate developer feedback. Also, the earlier preview allows us to hand off the final N release to device makers this summer, so they can get their hands on the latest version of Android earlier than ever. We’re looking forward to getting your feedback as you get your apps ready for N.

Here are a few APIs and features we want to highlight which are available as a part of the Android N Developer Preview today, with more to come as we continue developing the release:

Multi-window - A new manifest attribute called android:resizableActivity is available for apps targeting N and beyond. If this attribute is set to true, your activity can be launched in split-screen modes on phones and tablets. You can also specify your activity's minimum allowable dimensions, preventing users from making the activity window smaller than that size. Lifecycle changes for multi-window are similar to switching from landscape to portrait mode: your activity can handle the configuration change itself, or it can allow the system to stop the activity and recreate it with the new dimensions. In addition, activities can also go into picture-in-picture mode on devices like TVs, and is a great feature for apps that play video; be sure to set android:supportsPictureInPicture to true to take advantage of this.

Direct reply notifications: The RemoteInput notification API, which was originally added for Android Wear, now works in N for phones and tablets. Using the RemoteInput API enables users to reply to incoming message notifications quickly and conveniently, without leaving the notification shade. Learn more here.

Bundled notifications - With N, you can use the Notification.Builder.setGroup() method to group notifications from the same app together - for example individual messages from a messaging app. Grouped notifications can be expanded into individual notifications by using a two-finger gesture or tapping the new expansion button. Learn more here.

Efficiency - We launched Doze in Marshmallow to save battery when your device is stationary. In N, Doze additionally saves battery whenever the screen turns off. If you’ve already adapted your app for Doze, e.g. by using the GCM high priority message for urgent notifications, then you’re set; if not, here’s how to get started. Also, we’re continuing to invest in Project Svelte, an effort to reduce the memory needs of Android so that it can run on a much broader range of devices, in N by making background work more efficient. If you use JobScheduler for background work, you’re already on the right track. If not, N is a good time to make that switch. And to help you out, we’re making JobScheduler even more capable, so now you can use JobScheduler to react to things like changes to content providers.

Improved Java 8 language support - We’re excited to bring Java 8 language features to Android. With Android's Jack compiler, you can now use many popular Java 8 language features, including lambdas and more, on Android versions as far back as Gingerbread. The new features help reduce boilerplate code. For example, lambdas can replace anonymous inner classes when providing event listeners. Some Java 8 language features --like default and static methods, streams, and functional interfaces -- are also now available on N and above. With Jack, we’re looking forward to tracking the Java language more closely while maintaining backward compatibility.

Get started

The N Developer Preview includes an updated SDK with system images for testing on the official Android emulator and on Nexus 6, Nexus 5X, Nexus 6P, Nexus Player, Nexus 9, and Pixel C devices (and to help test out these features on a tablet, developers can get a $150 discount on Pixel C), as well as on General Mobile 4G (Android One) devices.

This initial preview release is for developers only and not intended for daily use or consumer use. We plan to update the N Developer Preview system images often during the Developer Preview program. As we get closer to a final product, we’ll be inviting consumers to try it out as well.

We are also making it easier for you to try out N on your development devices with the new Android Beta Program. Starting today, you can update your Android devices to the developer preview of N and receive ongoing updates via OTA by visiting g.co/androidbeta.

Click here for more details on getting started with the N Developer Preview and let us know what you think -- the sooner we hear from you, the more of your feedback we can integrate.


Daftar skype untuk edisi maret 2016 atau cara membuat akun skype baru di ponsel android akan kembali saya sampaikan setelah beberapa bulan yang silam di mana saya juga telah mempublikasikan tutorial serupa namun tentu saja ada beberapa hal yang mengalami perubahan dari pada sistem cara pendaftaranya di aplikasi skype untuk perangkat android tersebut.

Mengenai hal itu rasanya saya anggap penting guna kembali mengupdate panduan ini dengan alasan untuk bisa memberikan sesuatu yang terbaru kepada seluruh pengunjung caradaftarbuatakun di mana saja berada. Mengingat bahwa akan situasi juga kondisi perkembangan teknologi dewasa ini yang seolah terus berkembang serta di ikuti oleh adanya inovatip yang jauh lebih baru dan canggih pada hampir semua sistem device android sekaligus dengan dukungan operasi sistem yang juga mengalami peningkatan versi menuju ke arah yang lebih sempurna.

Sebetulnya bukan hanya saja dalam hal proses cara daftar skype terbaru 2016 / buat akun skype  semata yang terus mengalami perubahan tersebut namun masih banyak juga terjadi pada sistem-sitem media jejaring sosial lainya seperti Daftar BBM, Daftar Instagram, Facebook, Wechat,WhatsApp dan masih banyak lagi yang lainya.

Sementara untuk sesion kali ini saya akan menjelaskan bagaimana cara daftar skype atau buat akun skype terbaru untuk edisi terbaru maret 2016. Dan proses lebih jelasnya silahkan anda ikuti semua tahap yang saya berikan berikut di bawah ini :

Daftar Skype Terbaru 2016/Buat Akun Skype

*  Seperti biasa silahkan download dan pasang skype lewat play store di android anda

*  Buka atau jalankan aplikasi skype tersebut

*  Pada halaman pertama klik Buat Akun

Daftar skype

*  Selanjutnya klik Lanjutkan

Daftar skype

*  Di halaman berikutnya silahkan masukan No ponsel yang ada dalam android anda kemudian masukan Nama pengguna Skype lalu masukan kata sandi yang sama sebanyak dua kali setelah itu masukan alamat email anda yang masih aktif jika sudah klik panel panah. Perhatikan gambar

Daftar skype

*  Pada perintah selanjutnya pilihlah salah satu nama pengguna skype yang di sarankan

Daftar skype

*  Untuk perintah di halaman berikutnya anda hanya cukup klik panel panah saja guna melanjutkan proses pendaftaran skype

Daftar skype

*  Kemudian setelah itu klik panel atau tombol Tambahkan teman

Daftar skype

*  Langkah setereusnya anda hanya cukup klik panel panah saja untuk melanjutkan proses buat akun skype

Daftar skype

*  Tahap selanjutnya tuggu sampai PIN yang dikirimkan dapat terdeteksi atau bisa juga anda dengan cara memasukanya secara manual pada kolom yang di sediakan jika sudah klik kembali panel panah di bawahnya

Daftar skype

*  Setelah itu anda tunggu beberapa menit saja sampai terbuka halaman utama bagian depan profil skype baru dan dengan demikian selesailah sudah proses daftar skype terbaru 2016/buat akun skype di perangkat android kesayangan anda.

Daftar skype

Nah begitulah sobat cara daftar skype untuk edisi maret 2016 yang bisa saya sampaikan semoga artikel singkat dan sederhana ini bisa membantu anda sekalian semua yang berkepentingan dengan cara membuat akun skype pada ponsel android.  Selamat mencoba...!

Selasa, 08 Maret 2016

Penyebab Kipas Laptop Berbunyi Bising dan Berisik

Penyebab Kipas Laptop Berbunyi Bising - Penyebab Kipas Laptop Berbunyi Bising dan Berisik - Jika sobat sedang mengalami hal ini, tenang saja, sebelum memperbaiki kipas laptop yang berbunyi bising, terlebih dahulu sobat harus mengetahui apa penyebab dibalik semua ini, Bunyi bising pada laptop sangatlah menggangu, tentu saja ini akan mempengaruhi anda jika sedang ada tugas mendadak dari Guru ataupun Dosen.

Hal yang paling umum terjadi adalah banyaknya debu yang bersarang pada laptop sehingga akan menggangu sirkulasi udara dan perputaran pada kipas, selain itu juga memang ada beberapa hal yang menjadi penyebab atau dalang bunyi bising pada laptop.

Penyebab Kipas Laptop Berbunyi Bising dan Berisik

Penyebab Kipas Laptop Berbunyi Bising

1. Kipas Laptop Kotor
Inilah salah satu penyebab yang biasa menimpa laptop dengan kipas yang berbunyi bising, walaupun kata membersihkan cukup mudah, tapi membersihkan kipas laptop tidak boleh sembarang dan harus berhati-hati jangan sampai merusak komponen lain pada laptop, sebaiknya serahkan ke teknisi yang menyediakan jasa service laptop ataupun kalau ingin mencobanya sendiri, caranya cukup mudah tapi tetap harus berhati-hati, silahkan lihat di youtube.com untuk tutorial membersihkannya.

2. Memaksa Processor Berkerja Keras
Nah membuka beberapa program berat sekaligus tentunya akan membuat processor jadi cepat panas, hal ini juga sudah dijelaskan pada Artikel Penyebab Laptop Cepat Panas, jika processor dipaksa berkerja tentunya kipas pada laptop berusaha untuk terus mendinginkan suhu pada laptop, nah jika sudah diluar batas, biasanya Laptop akan mati secara mendadak.

3. Kipas Laptop Sudah Rusak
Jika sobat sudah memeriksa penyebab lain pada laptop namun tidak menemukan masalahnya, berarti kemungkinan besar kipas laptop anda sudah rusak ataupun longgar, jika hal ini sudah terjadi maka serahkan saja pada orang yang sudah ahli, jika tetap dalam kondisi rusak, mau tidak mau, sobat harus membeli kipas laptop yang baru.

Nah mungkin cukup sekian informasi beberapa penyebab kipas laptop berbunyi bising, yang dapat kami sampaikan, semoga bermanfaat dan sampai jumpa lagi di tips & trik laptop lainnya.

Akibat dan Bahaya Terlalu Lama Menggunakan Laptop/PC

Bahaya Terlalu Lama Menggunakan Laptop - Akibat dan Bahaya Terlalu Lama Menggunakan Laptop/PC - Halo Sobat Tabloidlaptop.com, kali ini kami akan memberikan sedikit informasi mengenai bahaya terlalu lama menggunakan laptop dalam keseharian kita baik dalam berkerja ataupun mengerjakan tugas selama berjam-jam lamanya. Dizaman yang sudah sangat maju ini pastinya sudah lebih banyak orang yang dominan menggunakan Komputer/Laptop di komputer, apalagi para pengawai kantoran saat ini memiliki jam kerja kurang lebih 8 jam perhari di depan layar komputer ataupun laptop, tentunya ini akan menimbulkan efek yang cukup terasa.

Salah satu akibat yang timbul dari penggunaan laptop terlalu lama ini adalah mata menjadi lelah dan dapat menimbulkan dampak buruk bagi mata itu sendiri, tapi yang perlu sobat ketahui bukan hanya masalah pengelihatan saja yang terganggu seperti Minus tapi beberapa bagian tubuh juga merasakan efek akibat terlalu lama didepan layar laptop, Nah berikut beberapa gangguan kesehatan pada bagian tubuh yang diakibatkan terlalu lama di depan komputer.

Bahaya Menggunakan Laptop Terlalu Lama

Bahaya Menggunakan Laptop Terlalu Lama

1. Gangguan Pada Mata
Jika sobat terlalu lama menggunakan laptop ataupun komputer salah satu masalah umum yang paling sering terjadi bagi para pengguna komputer adalah Minus, ini disebabkan mata kita terlalu fokus melihat sesuatu yang berjarak sangat dekat dalam waktu yang sangat lama, sehingga otot mata menjadi tidak optimal dalam melihat jaih atau biasa disebut Miopi. Selain itu masih banyak bahaya yang ditimbulkan seperti mata jadi cepat lelah, mata cepat kering dan menurunkan pengelihatan mata kita.

2. Sakit Pada Punggung
Nah salah satu problem yang sering terjadi jika telalu lama duduk didepan komputer adalah sakit pada bagian punggung, ini disebabkan karena kita telalu lama duduk dalam posisi yang sama dan kadang hingga duduk dengan posisi menunduk mengarah kelayar sehingga posisi duduk tersebut mempengaruhi kesehatan punggung kita.

3. Sakit Leher
Sakit pada leher juga salah satu problema umum jika terlalu lama menggunakan laptop, ini berkaitan erat pada posisi duduk, jika posisi duduk sudah tidak benar maka akan berpengaruh pada posisi leher yang cenderung menekuk sehingga leher menjadi kaku.

4. Sakit Kepala, Mual dan Pusing
Bagi sobat yang terlalu lama menggunakan laptop biasanya merasakan hal yang satu ini, ini bisa saja disebabkan oleh cahaya yang tidak mampu kita lihat dengan mata telanjang atau fluorescent, nah pancaran cahaya inilah yang pada umumnya membuat kepala jadi sakit dan pusing, Ini juga sangat sering terjadi bagi orang yang tidak terbiasa dan baru dalam menggunakan laptop.

5. Jari Terasa Kaku
Salah satu dampak negatif terlalu lama menggunakan laptop adalah membuat jari-jari menjadi kaku dan mati rasa, walaupun efeknya tidak terlalu buruk namun hal ini harus tetap dihindari agar tidak terjadi hal-hal yang tidak diinginkan.


Cara daftar google adsense terbaru 2016 akan saya sampaikan dengan secara sederhana agar mudah di pahami oleh anda yang tergolong masih pemula juga belajar serta baru mengenal apa itu google adsense..? program atau sistem milik perusahan raksasa terbesar di dunia ini memang sangat pantas guna di pelajari sekaligus di coba mengapa demikian...?

Adsense adalah merupakan salah satu sistem unggulan dari google yang bertujuan sebagai media serta sarana yang berkaitan langsung dengan periklanan/advertaising online secara global dan internasional hebat bukan..?  Program ini memberikan berbagai opsih sebagai pilihan guna dapat mendapatkan pendapatan alias hasil berupa uang yang tentu saja sangat pantastik bagi mitra-mitranya di seluruh dunia khususnya dalam hal kerjasama penayangan iklan milik google sendiri

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Dan pada postingan ini saya akan memberikan panduan bagaimana cara daftar google adsense terbaru 2016  melalui situs resminya langsung untuk detailnya silahkan simak saja

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Dan kliklah link tersebut guna melihat isi informasi yang terdapat di dalamnya maka akan nampak seperti yang bisa anda lihat pada contoh gambar di bawah ini

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Dengan demikian selesailah sudah proses cara daftar google adsense terbaru 2016  dan tahap selanjutnya anda harap menunggu sampai ada surat email notifikasi yang menginformasikan bahwa pendaftaran adsense anda telah lolos uji review tahap pertama. Jika lolos biasanya anda langsung di minta meletakan secript iklan pada halaman blog atau website setelah itu anda kembali harap sabar menunggu hingga review ke dua bisa di proses secepatnya

Biasanya pada tahap ini tidak sedikit yang mengalami kegagalan alias di tolak karena berbagai alasan yang di tentukan oleh pihak google adsense. Namun apabila ternyata keberuntungan anda sedang berpihak maka bukan berarti mustahil kalau lamaran anda dapat di terima atau Full affrove dengan di tampilkanya iklan yang sebelumnya anda pasang bisa terlihat. Selamat mencoba semoga sukses...!