Rabu, 30 September 2015

Android Studio 1.4

Posted by, Jamal Eason, Product Manager, Android

Today we are releasing the 1.4 update to the Android Studio stable release channel. Most of the work and enhancements for Android Studio 1.4 are under the hood. However we have a handful of new features that we hope you enjoy and integrate into your workflow.

Note that some of new features (e.g. vector assets) require you to use Gradle Plugin 1.4 for your app project. The beta version of the Gradle plugin (1.4.0-beta3 ) is available today on jcenter with the final version coming in the next few weeks.

New Features in Android Studio 1.4

Design Tools

  • Vector Assets

    Starting with API 21, you can use Vector Drawables for image assets. For most apps, using VectorDrawables decreases the amount of density dependent drawables you need to maintain, and will also give you sharp image assets regardless of the screen device densities your app supports.

    With Android Studio 1.4, we are making the process of importing SVG images or Material icons much easier. If you update your Gradle Android plugin to 1.4.0-beta3 (or higher) in the project structure dialogue or your project build.gradle file ( 'com.android.tools.build:gradle:1.4.0-beta3'
    ), you can now use the new Vector Asset Studio by right-clicking the res/drawable folder in your project and selecting New → Vector Asset from the content menu.

    We are also excited to offer backwards compatibility for your vector assets in Android Studio 1.4. Once you have a vectorDrawable image in your res/drawable, the Gradle plugin will automatically generate raster PNG images for API level 20 and below during build time. This means you only need to update and maintain your vector asset for your app project and Android Studio can take care of image conversion process. Note, it is still best practice to create density dependent launcher icons in your res/mipmap folder. Learn more by watching the DevByte video on the new Vector Asset Studio tool.

  • Theme Editor

    We understand that managing your app theme and style can be a bit complex. With Android Studio 1.4, we are releasing a preview of the Theme Editor to help with this task. This first version of the Theme Editor is focused on editing and updating the material theme colors (colors.xml) in your app project. In future releases, we will cover more attributes of your app theme and styles files. To access the editor, navigate from top level menu Tools → Android → Theme Editor.

  • Project Templates

    We know many of you use the New Project Wizard app templates to start a new app project or to quickly add an activity to an existing app. To help with the visual design of your apps, we updated the app templates to include the Android Design Support Library alongside the AppCompat Support library.

    From the template wizard you can start projects with a basic blank template with a floating action button or start from a range of user interface components such as the navigation drawer, or AppBar with scrolling view. We also re-introduced the empty app template for those who want minimum code generation when adding an activity to your project.

    With Android Studio 1.4, you can also validate your apps on the new Nexus 5X and Nexus 6P screen sizes.

Performance Monitors

  • GPU Rendering Monitor

    Now it is possible to quickly inspect the GPU rendering performance of your app. To enable GPU monitoring, make sure you turn on monitoring for your Android hardware device or emulator under Setting → Developer Options → Profile GPU rendering → In adb shell dumpsys gfxinfo . To learn more about the GPU rendering results, check out the developer documentation.

  • Network Monitor

    With Android Studio 1.4, you can also monitor the network usage of your app. With the monitor you can track the transmit and receive rates of your app over time.

Developer Services

  • Firebase

    It is now even easier to add a Firebase mobile backend to your Android app. Firebase includes data storage, user authentication, static hosting, and more. To access the feature, navigate from the top level menu and select File → Project Structure → Cloud. Learn more about Firebase in this tutorial.

Whats Next

For current developers on Android Studio, you can check for updates from the navigation menu (Help → Check for Update [Windows/Linux] , Android Studio → Check for Updates [OS X]) . For new users, you can learn more about Android Studio on the product overview page or download the stable version from the Android Studio download site.

We welcome feedback on how we can help you. Connect with the Android developer tools team on Google+.

Selasa, 29 September 2015

Android 6.0 Marshmallow coming to devices soon

Posted by, Dave Burke, VP of Engineering, Android

Starting next week, Android 6.0 Marshmallow will begin rolling out to supported Nexus devices around the world, including Nexus 5, Nexus 6, Nexus 7 (2013), Nexus 9, Nexus Player, and Android One. At the same time, we’ll be pushing the Android 6.0 source to the Android Open Source Project (AOSP), which marks the official beginning of public availability.

Today we also introduced two great new Nexus devices that will be among the first to run the Android 6.0 Marshmallow platform. These devices let your apps use the latest platform features and take advantage of the latest hardware optimizations from our partners. Let’s take a look at how to make sure your apps look great on these new devices.

Introducing Nexus 5X and Nexus 6P

Nexus 5X

Nexus 6P

The Nexus 5X is built in partnership with LG. It’s equipped with a 5.2-inch FHD LCD 1080p display, a Snapdragon™ 808 processor (1.8 GHz hexa-core, 64-bit), and a 12.3 MP rear camera. Offering top-line performance in a compact, lightweight device.

The Nexus 6P, built in partnership with Huawei, has a 5.7-inch WQHD AMOLED display, Snapdragon™ 810 v2.1 processor (2.0 GHz octa-core 64-bit), front-facing stereo speakers, and a 12.3 MP rear camera, all housed in a diamond-cut aluminum body.

Both devices have USB Type-C ports and fingerprint sensors, and include the latest hardware features for Android, such as: Android Sensor Hub, low-power Wi-Fi scanning with channel selection, batching, and BSSID hotlists, Bluetooth 4.2 with ultra low-power BLE notifications, and more.

Get your apps ready

Take some time to make sure your apps and games are ready to give your users the best mobile experience on these devices.

Check your assets

Resolution Screen size Density
Nexus 5X 1920 x 1080 px
(730 x 410 dp)
normal 420 dpi
Nexus 6P 2560 x 1440 px
(730 x 410 dp)
normal 560 dpi

Nexus 5X has a quantized density of 420 dpi, which falls in between the xhdpi and xxhdpi primary density buckets. Nexus 6P has a density of 560 dpi, which falls in between the xxhdpi and xxxhdpi buckets. The platform will scale down any assets from a higher resolution bucket, but if those aren’t available, then it will scale up the assets from a lower-density bucket.

For best appearance in the launcher, we recommend that you provide at least an xxxhdpi app icon because devices can display large app icons on the launcher.

For the rest of your assets, you can consider using vector assets or optionally add versions for the next-higher density bucket. This provides a sharper visual experience, but does increase apk size, so you should make an appropriate decision for your app.

Make sure you are not filtered on Google Play

If you are using the <compatible-screens>: element in your AndroidManifest.xml file, you should stop using it because it’s not scalable to re-compile and publish your app each time new devices come out. If you must use it, make sure to update your manifest to add a new configuration for Nexus 5X, since it uses a new density bucket (420). Otherwise, your app may be filtered from Google Play on these devices.

Wrapping up M Developer Preview

After three preview releases, and with the final OTA coming soon, it’s time to wrap up the Android M Developer Preview. The feedback you’ve provided has helped make Android 6.0 a great platform for apps and games. Developers in more than 200 countries have been using the Developer Preview to get their apps ready for Android 6.0 Marshmallow users everywhere.

More developer resources

If you haven’t taken a look at Android 6.0 Marshmallow yet, visit developer.android.com/mm for complete information about about what’s new for developers and important changes to plan for in your apps — runtime permissions, Doze and App Standby idle modes, Auto Backup for Apps, fingerprint support, and others.

We’ve also produced a playlist of developer videos to help you get the most out of all the new features in Android 6.0 Marshmallow. Check it out below.

Final testing and updates

Now is the time to finish up testing and prepare for publishing. You can use the Developer Preview 3 system images for final testing until early October. After the Android 6.0 public release, you’ll be able to download final images from the Nexus factory images page, and final emulator images from Android Studio.

Reminder: Devices flashed with an M Developer Preview build won’t receive the Android 6.0 update automatically. You’ll need to manually flash those devices to a public released image first.

Upload your apps to Google Play

When your apps are ready, you can update them to Google Play via the Developer Console on all release channels (Alpha, Beta & Production). For apps that target API level 23, Google Play will provide the new optimized download and autoupdate flow based on the runtime permissions model in Android 6.0. Give it a try!

To make sure that your updated app runs well on Android 6.0 Marshmallow and older versions, we recommend that you use the newly improved beta testing feature on Google Play to get early feedback. You can then do a staged rollout as you release the new version to all users.

What’s next?

In mid-October, we’ll be turning down the M Developer Preview community and the M Developer Preview issue tracker. If you've filed bugs against the preview, and you'd like to keep these open against the Android 6.0 final builds, you can file a new issue in the AOSP issue tracker.

Thanks to everyone who participated in the Android M Developer Preview. Let us know how this year’s preview met your needs by taking a short survey. Your feedback helps shape our future releases.

Senin, 28 September 2015

Daftar Laptop Asus Harga 6 Jutaan Terbaru 2016

Laptop Asus Harga 6 Jutaan - Daftar Laptop Asus Harga 6 Jutaan Terbaru 2016 - Nah setelah kemarin kita telah membahas daftar harga laptop asus dengan harga 4 jutaan hingga harga laptop asus 5 jutaan, Pada kesempatan kali ini saya akan membahas seputar daftar harga laptop asus harga 6 jutaan, yang mungkin bisa berguna buat anda dan bisa menjadikan referensi anda dalam membeli sebuah laptop asus yang berkualitas.

Spesifikasi pada laptop asus harga 6 jutaan ini mungkin sudah tidak diragukan lagi, pasalnya telah banyak produk asus dengan harga 6 jutaan yang menggunakan processor intel core i3 ataupun intel core i5, dan juga ukuran ram pada daftar harga laptop asus 6 jutaan ini terbilang cukup besar, sekitar 2-8gb ram ddr3, Mungkin dengan ukuran ram 2 GB sampai 8GB sangat dapat memenuhi kebutuhan aktifitas online anda sehari-hari.

Daftar Laptop Asus Harga 6 Jutaan

Laptop Asus Harga 6 Jutaan

Nah Pada desain laptop asus harga 6 jutaan juga cukup menarik, dengan model asus yang memiliki ciri khas tersendiri, dan juga perpaduan warna dan bentuk laptop asus menjadikan laptop asus semakin menarik perhatian para calon pelanggannya, Fitur-fitur pada laptop asus juga sangat beragam tentunya, dengan berbagai fitur tersebut bisa anda manfaatkan untuk membantu anda dalam tugas perkerjaan sehari-hari anda, seperti webcam, bluetooth, dan masih banyak lagi.

Tipe Laptop
Harga Laptop Asus
Asus H100TAM-DK022P
Rp 6,019,000
Asus P450LDV-WO317D
Rp 6,049,000
Asus EeeTop 2013IUKI-B071M
Rp 6,099,000
Asus Transformer Book TP300LD-DW102D
Rp 6,199,000
Asus VivoBook S300CA-C1040H
Rp 6,237,000
Asus Transformer Book TP300LD-DW102H
Rp 6,273,400
Asus A450LD-WX036D
Rp 6,299,000
Asus X550ZE-XX033D
Rp 6,330,000
Asus Pro PU301LA-RO116D 
Rp 6,399,000
Asus A46CB-WX024D 
Rp 6,543,000
Asus ZENBOOK UX32A-R3024H 
Rp 6,578,000
Asus Transformer Book TP300LD-DW010D 
Rp 6,599,000
Asus Eee PC VX6S-BLK040M Lamborghini 
Rp 6,600,000
Asus A455LB-WX001D 
Rp 6,699,000
Asus X450LD-WX025D
Rp 6,699,000
Asus A43SD-VX748D 
Rp 6,700,000 
Asus X551CA-HCL1201L 
Rp 6,803,600
Asus A451LB-WX077DRp 6,899,000
Asus VivoBook S300CA-C1041H Rp 6,908,000
Asus S46CB-WX004H Rp 6,787,000

Halaman : [1]  [2]  [3]  [4]  [5]

[6]  [7]  [8]  [9]  [10]

Nah daftar harga laptop asus diatas dapat sewaktu-waktu berubah tanpa ada pemberitahuan dari pihak hargalaptop99 dan perbedaan pada harga sesuai dengan daerah tempat tinggal anda masing-masing.
Oke mungkin hanya sedikit yang dapat saya sampaikan, semoga bermanfaat dan bisa menjadi bahan referensi anda dalam membeli suatu produk laptop asus dengan harga 6 jutaan, Terima kasih telah berkunjung dan membaca artikel kami yang berjudul, Daftar Harga Laptop Asus Harga 6 Jutaan.

Support for 100MB APKs on Google Play

Posted by Kobi Glick, Google Play team

Smartphones are powerful devices that can support diverse tasks from graphically intensive games to helping people get work done from anywhere. We understand that developers are challenged with delivering a delightful user experience that maximizes the hardware of the device, while also ensuring that their users can download, install, and open the app as quickly as possible. It’s a tough balance to strike, especially when you’re targeting diverse global audiences.

To support the growing number of developers who are building richer apps and games on Google Play, we are increasing the APK file size limit to 100MB from 50MB. This means developers can publish APKs up to 100MB in size, and users will see a warning only when the app exceeds the 100MB quota and makes use of Expansion Files. The default update setting for users will continue to be to auto-updating apps over Wi-Fi only, enabling users to access higher quality apps and games while conserving their data usage.

Even though you can make your app bigger, it doesn’t always mean you should. Remember to keep in mind the following factors:

  • Mobile data connectivity: Users around the world have varying mobile data connectivity speeds. Particularly in developing countries, many people are coming online with connections slower than those of users in countries like the U.S. and Japan. Users on a slow connection are less likely to install an app or game that is going to take a long time to download.

  • Mobile data caps: Many mobile networks around the world give users a limited number of MB that they can download each month without incurring additional charges. Users are often wary of downloading large files for fear of exceeding their limits.

  • App performance: Mobile devices have limited RAM and storage space. The larger your app or game, the slower it may run, particularly on older devices.

  • Install time: People want to start using your app or game as quickly as possible after tapping the install button. Longer wait times increase the risk they’ll give up.

We hope that, in certain circumstances, this file size increase is useful and enables you to build higher quality apps and games that users love.

Kamis, 24 September 2015

Android Development Patterns: A Series on Best Practices for Android Development

Posted by, Ian Lake, Developer Advocate

One of the benefits of Android development is the flexibility provided by the large number of APIs in the Android framework and Support Library, not even including the Google Play services APIs. However, that can be a lot to understand, particularly when confronted with multiple options or design decisions. Thankfully, things are about to get a lot clearer with a new series: Android Development Patterns.

The goal of Android Development Patterns is to focus on the fundamental components and best practices that can make the biggest difference in your app. We spend time talking about the why behind each API, so that you know exactly what is best for your situation.

Centered on Android framework APIs, the Android Support Library, and high level app structure and design, we’ll augment the many videos on the Android Developers YouTube channel to bring the focus back towards Android development at its core.

Android Development Patterns are more than just videos. You’ll find written pro-tips from in-house experts at Google, such as Joanna Smith and Ian Lake, every week through the Android Development Patterns Google+ Collection.

Watch all of Android Development Patterns!

Always-on Android Wear apps with the Google Maps API

Originally posted on the Geo Developers Blog

Posted by Ankur Kotwal, Developer Advocate

Some Android Wear apps are most useful when they are always available to the user, even at a glance. Now, with Google Play Services 8.1, the Google Maps Android API supports ambient mode, the API that provides always-on capabilities. In ambient mode, the map adjusts its style to provide a simplified, low-color rendering of the map. All markers, objects, and UI controls disappear, keeping the map on the screen while letting the user know that it is not currently ready to accept user input. An important advantage is the camera position and zoom level are retained, thus keeping the user’s context within the map.

The screenshot below show how maps appear in interactive mode and in ambient mode.

To implement ambient mode in your maps, follow these steps:

  1. Set your your targetSDKVersion to 22 or higher

  2. Add the following dependencies to build.gradle for your app to add the wearable support library.
     dependencies {
        compile 'com.google.android.support:wearable:1.2.0'
        provided 'com.google.android.wearable:wearable:1.0.0'

  3. Add the wearable shared library entry into the wearable app manifest:
      <uses-library android:name="com.google.android.wearable"
                    android:required="false" />

  4. Add the WAKE_LOCK permission to the handheld and wearable app manifest:
    <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.WAKE_LOCK" />

  5. Have your Activity extend WearableActivity. This will provide the overrides that notify your app when the wearable enters, exits and provides screen updates in ambient mode.

  6. In the onCreate() method of your activity, call the setAmbientEnabled() method. This tells the framework that the app should enter ambient mode rather than returning to the watch face.

  7. Set your map to support ambient mode. You can do this by setting the attribute map:ambientEnabled="true"
in the activity's XML layout file, or programmatically by setting GoogleMapOptions.ambientEnabled(true). This informs the API to pre-load necessary map tiles for ambient mode.

  • When the activity switches to ambient mode, the system calls the onEnterAmbient() method in your wearable activity. Override onEnterAmbient() and call MapFragment.onEnterAmbient() or MapView.onEnterAmbient(). The map changes to a non-interactive, low-color rendering of the map.

  • When in ambient mode, your app can update the display every minute by overriding onUpdateAmbient(). If you need more frequent updates, check out this guide.

  • When the activity leaves ambient mode, the system calls the onExitAmbient() method in your wearable activity. Override onExitAmbient() and call MapFragment.onExitAmbient() or MapView.onExitAmbient(). The map returns to the normal rendering and is now ready to accept user input.

  • With always-on maps on Android Wear, you can now show maps at a glance. For more information on these APIs check out the documentation and the sample code.

    Google Play services 8.1: Get ready for Marshmallow!

    Posted by, Laurence Moroney, Developer Advocate

    With the rollout of Google Play services 8.1 finally finished, there’s a lot of new information to share with developers about the release!

    Marshmallow Permissions

    Android 6.0 (Marshmallow) has introduced a new permissions model allowing users to control app permissions at runtime. As an app developer, it’s important for you to adopt this and give your users good control over the permissions your app needs. You can find more details here.

    If your app is using Google Play services SDK versions prior to 8.1, you must update to use this new version to ensure your app is fully compatible with Android 6.0. This will enable you to manage the permission flows appropriately for your app and avoid any potential connection issues. For more details, and a step-by-step guide to what your app should do for the best user experience, take a look at this blog post on the Android Developers site.

    App Invites

    App Invites allows you to grow your apps audience by letting existing Android and iOS users invite their Google contacts via email or SMS to try your app out. Google Play services 8.1 adds the ability for developers to customize the email invitation, including adding a custom image, and specifying a call-to-action button text. These improvements should help developers increase user engagement and conversions with app invites.

    Ambient Mode Maps

    Android Wear provides a feature called ambient mode, enabling apps to stay visible, even when they aren’t actively being used. Now, with Google Play services 8.1, the Google Maps Android API supports ambient mode. In this mode, a simplified low-color rendering of the map will be seen. This reduces power consumption by lighting fewer pixels, but the camera and zoom level are retained, so user context will be kept. To learn more about ambient mode, check out this blog post.

    Nearby Status Listener

    Google Nearby allows you to build simple interactions between nearby devices. A new addition in Google Play services allows your app to receive callbacks when an active Nearby publish or subscribe expires. This frees you from tracking the TTL and allows your app's UI to accurately reflect whether Nearby is active or not.

    Play Games Player Stats API

    The new Play Games Player Stats API allows you to build better, smarter, games. It will let you tailor user experiences to specific segments of players and different stages of the player lifecycle. For example, you can give your most valuable players that are returning from a break in play a special welcome back message and reward.

    Breaking Changes

    In this release, there are some changes to GoogleApiClient and PendingResult, making them abstract classes, which may lead to breaking changes in your code. Learn more about these changes and how to handle them in the release notes.

    SDK Now available!

    You can get started developing today by downloading the Google Play services SDK from the Android SDK Manager. To learn more about Google Play services and the APIs available to you through it, visit our documentation on Google Developers.

    Google Play services 8.1 and Android 6.0 Permissions

    Posted by, Laurence Moroney, Developer Advocate

    Along with new platform features, Android 6.0 Marshmallow has a new permissions model that streamlines the app install and auto-update process. Google Play services 8.1 is the first release to support runtime permissions on devices running Android 6.0. and will obtain all the permissions it needs to support its APIs. As a result, your apps won’t normally need to request permissions to use them. However, if you update your apps to target API level 23, they will still need to check and request runtime permissions, as necessary.

    To update your Google Play services apps to handle the latest permissions model, it’s good practice to manage the user’s expectations in setting permissions that the runtime may require. Below are some best practices to help you get started.

    Before you begin...

    For the purposes of this post, ensure that your API level and Target SDK are set to at least 23. Additionally, ensure that, for backwards compatibility, you are using the V4 support library to verify and request permissions. If you don’t have it already, add it to your gradle file:


    You’ll also need to declare Permissions in your AndroidManifest.xml file. There’s no change here. Whatever permissions your app has always needed should be declared in your AndroidManifest.xml file with the uses-permission tag. Here’s an example:

    <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION"/>

    Documentation on maps and location, including a walkthrough on connecting may be found here.

    Step 1. Manage Connections to the GoogleApiClient

    Make sure that you are handling connection failures on GoogleApiClient correctly, and that you are using the proper resolution process as outlined here. Note that if Google Play services itself is missing permissions, the user flow to fix them will be handled for you automatically if you follow this methodology.

    Here’s an example:

    public void onConnectionFailed(ConnectionResult result) {
          if (mResolvingError) {
                 // Already attempting to resolve an error.
          } else if (result.hasResolution()) {
                 try {
                       mResolvingError = true;
                       result.startResolutionForResult(this, REQUEST_RESOLVE_ERROR);
                 } catch (SendIntentException e) {
                       // There was an error with the resolution intent. Try again.
          } else {
                 // Show dialog using GooglePlayServicesUtil.getErrorDialog()
                 mResolvingError = true;

    Step 2. Verify Permissions before calling APIs

    It’s easy to assume that once you can connect, and you’ve declared the required permissions for APIs that you want to use in your AndroidManifest.xml file, that future calls will be fine. However, it is vital to ensure that you have the required permission before calling an API or connecting to the GoogleApiClient. This can be done using the checkSelfPermission method of ActivityCompat, Fragment or ContextCompat.

    If the call returns false, i.e. the permissions aren’t granted, you’ll use requestPermissions to request them. The response to this will be returned in a callback which you will see in the next step.

    Here’s an example:

    private static final int REQUEST_CODE_LOCATION = 2;
    if (ActivityCompat.checkSelfPermission(this, Manifest.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION)
                    != PackageManager.PERMISSION_GRANTED) {
     // Request missing location permission.
        new String[]{Manifest.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION}, 
    } else {
     // Location permission has been granted, continue as usual.
     Location myLocation = 

    Step 3. Implement the request permission callback.

    In step 2, if the permission wasn’t granted by the user, the requestPermissions method was called to ask the user to grant them. The response from the user is captured in the onRequestPermissionsResult callback. You need to implement this, and always check the return values because the request could be denied or cancelled. Note that you might need to request multiple permissions here -- this sample just checks for a single permission -- you may need to check for more.

    public void onRequestPermissionsResult(int requestCode, 
                                          String[] permissions,
                                          int[] grantResults) {
         if (requestCode == REQUEST_CODE_LOCATION) {
              if(grantResults.length == 1 
           && grantResults[0] == PackageManager.PERMISSION_GRANTED) {
              // success!
              Location myLocation =
         } else {
         // Permission was denied or request was cancelled

    Step 4. Show permission rationale

    If the user has previously denied the permission request, your app should display an additional explanation before requesting the permission again. Indeed, if the permissions are non trivial for the core features of the app, and the user is confused as to why they are needed, it would be recommended to guide them.

    In this case, before the call to requestPermissions (step 2, above), you should call shouldShowRequestPermissionRationale, and if it returns true, you should create some UI to display additional context for the permission.

    As such your code from Step 2 might look like this:

    private static final int REQUEST_CODE_LOCATION = 2;
    if (ActivityCompat.checkSelfPermission(this, Manifest.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION)
                    != PackageManager.PERMISSION_GRANTED) {
     // Check Permissions Now
      if (ActivityCompat.shouldShowRequestPermissionRationale(this,
                    Manifest.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION)) {
            // Display UI and wait for user interaction
      } else {
                 this, new String[]{Manifest.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION}, 
    } else {
         // permission has been granted, continue as usual
         Location myLocation = 

    Note that in this case your user may still deny the permissions, in which case you will need to craft your app so as not to be in a situation where a denied permission affects parts of the app where it shouldn’t. Refer to the best practices section on the Android developer’s site for more details and guidance.

    If you’ve built any applications that use Google Play services, I’d recommend that you download the Google Play services 8.1 SDK, and rebuild your applications using it, testing against the most recent versions of Android 6.0, which you can download from the Android Developers site.

    Useful resources:

    Get started with building for Android 6.0

    Android Permissions design guidelines

    Google IO 2015 Session on Android M Permissions

    Samples for Google Play services 8.1 with coding best practices

    Rabu, 23 September 2015


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    Blackberry ID Reset

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    6. Klik Change your Blackberry ID password

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    7.  Pada tahap ini anda kembali di minta untuk memasukan kembali jawaban yang sama seperti tadi sebelumnya, terus di kolom New Password/kata sandi baru yah di isi dengan kata sandi yang baru begitu juga pada kolom Confirm Password lalu setelah itu klik Submite

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    8.  Selanjutnya anda tunggu sebentar sampai terbuka pesan sebagai berikut. Lihat gambar di bawah

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    Baca juga Cara memnuat akun google play store baru di android

    Senin, 21 September 2015

    Introducing Android Developer Nanodegree in India with Udacity—1000 scholarships available

    Originally posted on the Google India blog

    Posted by Peter Lubbers, Senior Program Manager, Google

    With a vision to transform India into a hub of high-quality mobile developers for global and local apps, we’re delighted to announce the launch of a program to offer Android Developer Nanodegrees in India in partnership with Udacity. The Android Nanodegree is an education credential that is designed to help developers learn new skills and advance their careers in a few months—from anywhere on any device—at their own pace.

    The Udacity Android Nanodegree program comprises of courses developed and taught by expert Google instructors from the Google Developer Relations team and will include project reviews, mentorship and career services from Udacity. The curriculum will be updated regularly with new releases and will provide developers with a certificate that will help them to be a more marketable Android developer.

    With 3 million software developers, India is already the second largest developer population in the world, but we still lag behind in creating world-class apps. With the launch of this program we want to bridge the gap by providing India’s developer community with an easy way to learn and build high quality apps for the world. Today, only less than 2% of apps built in India feature in top 1000 apps globally and our goal is to raise this to 10% in next three years.

    The Udacity Android Nanodegree program is open for enrollment from today. The program takes an average of 6-9 months to complete and costs Rs. 9,800 per month with Udacity refunding 50 percent of the tuition upon completion. Google and Tata Trusts have partnered to give 1000 scholarships for the Android Nanodegree to deserving students and will be available from today. Interesting applicants can visit https://www.udacity.com/india for more information.

    Speaking about their association with the Android Nanodegree program, Mr. Venkat - Managing Director of Tata Trusts said, “India has one of the youngest population of developers, where the average age of a developer is just 25 years old. While the last decade has established India as the largest provider of a skilled IT workforce to the world, there is an opportunity to help our young developers and equip them to compete on a global stage through educational and skill building programs. As part of our association, we’re glad to announce 500 free scholarships for the complete Android Nanodegree."