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Tampilkan postingan dengan label Google Play services. Tampilkan semua postingan

Jumat, 25 Maret 2016

Registering OAuth clients for Google Sign-In

Posted by Isabella Chen, Software Engineer, and Laurence Moroney, Developer Advocate

Starting with Google Play services 8.3, we did a major revamp of the Google Sign-In APIs, supporting both client and server auth. Behind the scenes, these APIs use OAuth 2.0 tokens to ensure secure authentication and authorization. To maintain security, we provide tools in the Google Developers Console to register the clients using these tokens.

In this post, we’ll discuss the important task of registering OAuth clients for Google Sign-In, and the tools that we offer to make this as easy as possible.

Here are some scenarios that might apply to you:

  1. Start by creating a project in the Google Developers Console, which registers the client app on your behalf.

  2. If you have a backend server in your project, you’ll need an OAuth client ID for it, too.

  3. And don't forget to register OAuth clients for other test and release versions of your app, too!

In this post, we’ll cover some details on this process and address common pitfalls.

Getting Started - Create a Project in the Google Developers Console.

If you have not used Google Sign-In before, you can start integrating the API into your app by following the ‘Get a configuration file’ steps on this site. You’ll be taken to a setup wizard that will create an OAuth 2.0 client ID as shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1. Configuring your app

Once you’ve specified your app, you’ll be taken to a screen to choose and configure services such as Google Sign-In, Cloud Messaging or Google Analytics that you want your app to be able to use.

Choose Google Sign-In. In order to use it, you’ll need to get the SHA-1 of the signing certificate for your Android app. This can either be a debug or a release certificate, and for the purposes of this blog you’ll look at a debug one, but keep in mind that you’ll need to repeat this process for each package / certificate pair you end up using (described in the last section below).

You can get the debug SHA-1 using the keytool command like this:

keytool -list -v -keystore ~/.android/debug.keystore -alias androiddebugkey -storepass android -keypass android

Once you have your SHA-1, enter it as seen in Figure 2.

Figure 2. Enabling Google Sign-in

Now that your project is set up, you can get started with integrating the Sign-In API. But if you need to configure your project to work with a backend server or additional package name / keystores, keep reading the sections below.

Server Config - Ensure your server is registered within the same project.

If you have your own web or cloud server with data for your application, you’ll need OAuth credentials for your backend. Details on doing this can be found in the ID token and server auth code documentation.

Before using these flows, you’ll need to make sure you register your web server correctly in the Google Developers Console. Once there, you’ll be asked to select your project. See Figure 3.

Figure 3. Going directly to a project in the Google Developers Console.

Once you’ve selected your project, press the ‘Continue’ button, and you’ll go directly to the Credentials tab where all credential types are managed. Check the “OAuth 2.0 client IDs” section, and you will see the “Web client” and “Android client for com.my.package.name” that were created for you by the setup wizard. See Figure 4.

Figure 4. The Credentials Tab on the Developers Console - Web server OAuth client info

Take note of the Client ID for for your Web client, you’ll need it for both your app and server as illustrated below. (If you’ve created your project in the past and there’s no OAuth 2.0 client ID with Type “Web application”, then you will need to create one by selecting ‘New Credentials’ -> ‘OAuth client ID’.)

If you use an ID token flow for backend authentication, when you start developing your Android app, request an ID token in your GoogleSignInOptions, supplying the web client ID for your server:

GoogleSignInOptions gso =
new GoogleSignInOptions.Builder(GoogleSignInOptions.DEFAULT_SIGN_IN)

And then on your server, set the same OAuth client ID for your web application to be the audience:

GoogleIdTokenVerifier verifier =
new GoogleIdTokenVerifier.Builder(transport, jsonFactory)

Successful verification will allow you to authenticate and issue a session for this newly signed-in user.

Alternatively, if you are using the server auth code flow for backend access to Google APIs, request a server auth code in your GoogleSignInOptions on Android, again supplying the web client ID for your server:

GoogleSignInOptions gso =
new GoogleSignInOptions.Builder(GoogleSignInOptions.DEFAULT_SIGN_IN)
.requestScopes(new Scope(Scopes.DRIVE_APPFOLDER))

And then on the server, both the OAuth client ID and the “Client secret” will be useful. The server SDK from Google can directly consume a downloaded JSON configuration file. You can click the download icon to download the JSON file (as shown in Figure 4) and use below code to construct GoogleClientSecrets:

GoogleClientSecrets clientSecrets =

At which point you can access authenticated Google APIs on behalf of the signed-in user. Note that the “client secret” is really a secret that you should never reveal in your Android client.

Handling multiple environments - Registering other client IDs for your project.

Note that it can be common for apps to have different package names as well as different certificates (and thus SHA-1 keys) for various types of environment (such for different developers or test and release environments). Google uses your package name together with SHA-1 signing-certificate fingerprint to uniquely identify your Android application. It’s important to register every package name + SHA1 fingerprint pair in Google Developers Console.

For example, to register the release version of this package, you can do so by selecting ‘New Credentials’ -> ‘OAuth client ID’, shown in Figure 5 below, and then following the steps to add the package name and production keystore SHA-1.

Figure 5. The Credentials Tab on the Developers Console - create additional OAuth client ID

Now you are ready to handle the different environments where your app might be running and release to your users!

Hopefully, this has been helpful to you in understanding how to register for OAuth keys to keep your apps and servers secure. For more information, check out the Google Developers homepage for Identity.

Selasa, 01 Maret 2016

Explore the new Google Play Developer Policy Center

Posted by Atul Kumar, Google Play Policy

More than 1 billion Android users come to Google Play every month to discover their favorite apps and games, enabling developers to reach a vast global audience and build successful businesses on the platform. To maintain a positive experience for both users and developers, the Google Play Developer Program Policies play a central role in helping make Google Play an open, safe and enjoyable ecosystem by educating the community and defining appropriate content and activities in the store.

We constantly listen to our developers and users to maintain fair and defined policies and look for ways to improve how we communicate those policies to help developers avoid accidental pitfalls. As part of that effort, we’ve redesigned our Developer Program Policy Center to communicate our policies with greater transparency and clarity. This redesign includes:

  • Thematic organization of policies, so it is easier for developers to find relevant policies and understand the broad principles behind them

  • Visual examples and detailed guidelines for the most common violations based on developer feedback

  • Expanded information on our policy enforcement to help resolve violations

  • A visual refresh embracing Material Design to help developers more intuitively find the information they are looking for on mobile or desktop

From making it easier to self-correct minor violations in minutes using the app publishing status feature to improving our policy communication, the new policy center is part of our ongoing effort to improve the developer experience. We invite you to explore the new policy center and and share your feedback.

Kamis, 25 Februari 2016

New tools for ratings & reviews on Google Play to engage and understand your users

Posted by Fergus Hurley, Product Manager, Google Play

Millions of users rate and review your apps every day on Google Play. From feature requests to technical issues, ratings and reviews offer a wealth of information about what people like and dislike. Since 2013, you’ve been able to reply to reviews on Google Play, giving you a direct communication channel with your most engaged users. You've told us you value having this channel because it helps you iterate on user feedback faster on Android than other platforms. In the last few months, we’ve made a number of improvements in the Google Play Developer Console to help you better analyze and manage ratings and reviews so that you can improve your app experience and boost its rating.

Improvements to ratings and reviews

We recently revamped ratings and reviews with features you can now find on dedicated pages in the Developer Console:

The new ratings page in the Google Play Developer Console

  • See ratings over time: See how your rating changes daily, weekly, and monthly and easily spot any changes when you release a new version of your app.

  • Ratings breakdown: Break down your rating by country, language, device, app version, or Android version.

The new reviews page in the Google Play Developer Console

  • Review highlights: See common themes from what users say in reviews of your app – these are the same highlights that users see on the Play Store. Review highlights are shown when you have a high enough volume of reviews and are updated regularly to reflect the latest user experiences with your app.

  • Device metadata: See certain device data such as RAM, CPU, and screen size so you can more easily identify problems users are mentioning in user reviews and debug such issues.

  • Search review text: Search inside reviews to see what people are saying about a particular topic or keyword.

  • Replies & updates to reviews: When you reply to reviews, the user receives an email. Now, you can also opt-in to be emailed if the user updates their review or rating.

Learn from other developers on how to make the most of ratings and reviews

Photo Editor by Aviary is a photo editing app with a strong focus on simplicity and intuitive use. Ratings and reviews and other Android features allow Aviary to iterate on builds two to three times faster compared to other platforms while being in a regular dialogue with their users.

Glu Mobile is a mobile gaming company known for Racing Rivals, Cooking Dash 2016 and its upcoming Taylor Swift game. Ratings and reviews features help Glu engage their audience, gather feedback, and manage user satisfaction. “Google’s review highlights allow us to see a snapshot of game features users like or dislike at a glance. We monitor review trends, watch out for notifications, and respond to reviews for our games,” says Niccolo de Masi, Glu Mobile CEO. Here are some tips Glu is using to master ratings and reviews in the Developer Console:

  1. Reply to reviews: Reply to user reviews of your game in the Google Play Developer Console. Help them with their issues or let them know that you're considering their feature suggestions. A positive experience could result in the user increasing their rating.
  2. Use search: You can now search within all reviews and apply search filters for rating, language, app version, device and more. Use this feature to find specific user feedback, for example, on new content you’ve added.
  3. Take action: Now, you can be notified when a user answers you or updates their review. You can immediately start working on improvements if you learned about an issue. If the feedback is positive, engage with your community and turn satisfied users into fans.
  4. Analyze over time: Analyze ratings over time to learn more about how user satisfaction improves as you update your game. This allows you to understand if your latest feature update or bug fix results in higher user satisfaction.
  5. Identify key themes: Google Play automatically surfaces review highlights that users are mentioning about your game. This makes it quick for you to analyze reviews and understand user feedback.

We hope these tools help you better engage with your audience and improve your app. Visit the Developer Console Help Center to find out more about seeing and managing ratings and reviews. For more tools and best practices to help you grow a successful business, download The Secrets to App Success on Google Play.

Jumat, 11 Desember 2015

One tap sign-up and automatic sign-in without password entry using Smart Lock

Posted Steven Soneff, Product Manager, Google Identity

More than 30 percent of users signing in to the Netflix app on Android no longer have to enter a password thanks to Google’s Smart Lock for Passwords. Learn more

It’s been six months since the launch of Smart Lock for Passwords and we are thrilled with the impact it has made in getting users signed back in to many of their favorite apps. Million of users have been seamlessly signed in using saved accounts for over 40 major apps when going from one Android device to another or from Chrome to Android and vice versa. This first wave of developers have realized that removing the friction of sign-in increases user re-engagement, monetization opportunities, and cross-device analytics, improving the value and experience of their users.

The New York Times has seen 80 percent of their new sign-in events assisted by Smart Lock. Meanwhile, the Netflix customer support team found over a 20 percent reduction in support cases related to account recovery for their Android user base. Users strongly choose to stay signed in across their devices with over 60 percent opt-in to save sign-in info for major Smart Lock-enabled apps. And many of these developers were able to realize these gains with less than a day’s work by making only client-side changes to their app. To learn more about Smart Lock for Passwords, visit our developer site.

What’s New

With the latest release of Google Play services, we’ve made some enhancements to the Smart Lock for Passwords API to help you sign up new users or sign existing users in more quickly. Using the new method to retreive sign-in "hints", your users will see a dialog with a list of email addresses that they can select in a single tap:

This new experience is particularly important with Android Marshmallow’s runtime permissions model. To simplify and improve the user experience, this dialog doesn’t require device permissions and includes any email addresses that the user has saved with Smart Lock, not just the accounts on the device. This means that you can improve your sign-in and sign-up flows so that most of your users never need to type their email address. Apps using this dialog have seen nearly three-quarters of users select an entry shown, improving sign-up rates.

Next, after the user has tapped and shared their email address, with some server-side support, a sophisticated app can fully tailor the sign-in flow. By using the email address, you can check your database to see if a user has already registered for an account. You can then intelligently render either the sign-in or sign-up screens with the user’s email address, name and profile photo pre-filled.

Skipping the Password Altogether

It’s possible to do even better: if the user chooses a Google account from the dialog, an OpenID Connect ID Token is provided. This can save your app from having to verify email addresses for new accounts or skip the password altogether for returning users. ID tokens are also used by Google Sign-In to authenticate in place of a password, and are a strong assertion from Google that the owner of the given email address is present. If users on your site recover their passwords by email, then an ID token from Google is giving you the same assertion that the user owns the email address and is signed in to this device with that email address. You can also consider presence of ID token in addition to the password a signal to prevent password cracking and abuse.

We’ve found that the majority of users on Android use the email address that’s signed in on their device as their account for third-party apps, so this means seamlessly signing in most of your returning users, or creating a new account with one tap!

Code Samples and User Flow

Here’s a recap of how to streamline your app’s sign-in flow:

When your app starts, request stored Smart Lock credentials, and go straight to the user’s content when possible. Create a request for password or Google credentials, then listen for a callback with the results. Sign in immediately if stored user credentials (username / password, ID token, etc.) is available.

 CredentialRequest request = new CredentialRequest.Builder()  
.setAccountTypes(IdentityProviders.GOOGLE) // you can add other identity providers, too
Auth.CredentialsApi.request(mCredentialsApiClient, request).setResultCallback(
new ResultCallback<CredentialRequestResult>() {
public void onResult(CredentialRequestResult result) {
if (result.getStatus().isSuccess()) {
handleCredential(result.getCredential()) // sign in automatically!

When the user wants or needs to sign in with their email address, show the picker to help them input it. Create a request for hints, pass control to the system to display UI, and handle the result when the user selects an entry.

 HintRequest hintRequest = new HintRequest.Builder()  
PendingIntent intent = Auth.CredentialsApi.getHintPickerIntent(mCredentialsApiClient,
startIntentSenderForResult(intent.getIntentSender(), RC_HINT, null, 0, 0, 0);
onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent data) {
switch (requestCode) {
case RC_HINT:
if (resultCode == RESULT_OK) {
Credential hint = data.getParcelableExtra(Credential.EXTRA_KEY);

The result from the hint request will contain the user’s selected identifier and an ID token if it is a Google account on the device. If you use the ID token, you must send and verify it on your server for security. Note that this token will also include a claim if the email address is verified, so you can skip any email verification step. If no token is present, or you can’t do server-side validation, just pre-fill the email field for the user.

 handleCredential(Credential credential) {  
if (!credential.getIdTokens().isEmpty()) {
credential.getIdTokens().get(0).getIdToken(); // send the ID token string to your server
} else {
// otherwise, try fill the sign-in form fields and submit if password is available

On your server, after validating the ID token, use it to create an account or sign the user in without need for their password. Google provides libraries to do token validation, or you can use an open-source implementation. The ID token contains the user’s email address, and you can look it up in your database to determine whether an account needs to be created.

 GoogleIdTokenVerifier verifier = new GoogleIdTokenVerifier.Builder(transport, jsonFactory)  
GoogleIdToken idToken = verifier.verify(idTokenString);
if (idToken == null) {
Log.w(TAG, "ID Token Verification Failed, check the README for instructions.");
GoogleIdToken.Payload payload = idToken.getPayload();
Log.d(TAG, "IdToken:Email:" + payload.getEmail());
Log.d(TAG, "IdToken:EmailVerified:" + payload.getEmailVerified());
// based on the email address, determine whether you need to create account
// or just sign user in

Then save the user’s email address credential “hint” in Smart Lock for automatic sign-in next time. Simply call the Credentials API save method with the hint and either set the user-entered password, or set the account type if you logged the user in with an ID token.

 Credential credential = new Credential.Builder(hint)  
// if you signed in with ID token,
// set account type to the URL for your app (instead of a password field)
Auth.CredentialsApi.save(mCredentialsApiClient, credential).setResultCallback(
new ResolvingResultCallbacks<Status>(this, RC_SAVE) {

Learn More

To learn more about the basics of a Smart Lock API integration, check out our code lab for a step-by-step guide. We’re excited to make authentication without passwords possible via Smart Lock and are looking forward to a world where not only credentials can be managed more effectively, but apps can get their users signed in and up quickly and securely without the friction of typing usernames and passwords. We’d love to hear your feedback or questions!

Rabu, 09 Desember 2015

Android Developer Story: SGN game ‘Cookie Jam’ increases user conversions with Store Listing Experiments

Posted by Lily Sheringham, Google Play team

Founded in 2010, SGN is a Los Angeles based mobile game developer with hit titles including Cookie Jam, Panda Pop, Juice Jam and Book of Life: Sugar Smash. They now have more than 200 employees and are one of the fastest growing cross-platform gaming developers.

SGN used Store Listing experiments to test multiple variants across their portfolio of games. For Cookie Jam, they saw an 8 percent increase in conversions simply by changing the background color of their app icon. They also saw increased installs following tests with the Panda Pop app icon and by changing the character in their Book of Life: Sugar Smash app icon.

Watch Josh Yguado, Co-founder and President of SGN, and Matthew Casertano, SVP of Game Operations, talk about how using Store Listing Experiments helped SGN improve their ROI, conversion rates and gamer retention.

Find out more about how to run tests on your Store Listing to increase installs and achieve success with the new guide to ‘Secrets to App Success on Google Play’.

Kamis, 19 November 2015

Android Developer Story: Gifted Mom reaches more mothers across Africa with Android

Posted by Lily Sheringham, Google Play team

Gifted Mom is an app developed in Cameroon which provides users with basic, yet critical information about pregnancy, breastfeeding and child vaccinations. The widespread use of Android smartphones in Africa has meant that Gifted Mom has been able to reach more people at scale and improve lives.

Watch the creators of Gifted Mom, developer Alain Nteff and doctor Conrad Tankou, explain how they built their business and launched Gifted Mom on Google Play. They also talk about their plans to grow and help people in other developing countries across the continent in the next three years, in order to ultimately tackle maternal and infant mortality.

Find out more about building apps for Android and how to find success on Google Play.

Kamis, 12 November 2015

Improvements to Sign-In with Google Play services 8.3

Posted by Laurence Moroney, Developer Advocate

With Google Play services 8.3, we’ve been hard at work to provide a greatly improved sign-in experience for developers that want to build apps that sign their users in with Google. To help you better understand some of these changes, this is the first in a series of blog posts about what’s available to you as a developer. In this post, we’ll discuss the changes to the user experience, and how you can use them in your app, as well as updates to the API to make coding Sign-In with Google more straightforward. On Android Marshmallow, this new Sign-In API has removed any requirement for device permissions, so there is no need to request runtime access to the accounts on the device, as was the case with the old API.

User Experience Improvements

We’ve gotten lots of feedback from developers about the user experience of using Google’s social sign-in button. Many of you noted that it took too many steps and was confusing for users. Typically, the experience is that the user touches a sign in button, and they are asked to choose an account. If that account doesn’t have a Google+ profile, they need to create one, and after that they have to give permissions based on the type of information that the app is asking for. Finally, they get to sign in to the app.

With the new API, the default set of permissions that the app requests has been reduced to basic profile information and optionally email address as demonstrated here. This introduces opportunities for much streamlined user experience: the first improvement here is in the presentation of the button itself. We had received feedback that the Google+ branding on the Sign-In button made it feel like the user would need to share Google+ data, which most apps don’t use. As such, the SignInButton has been rebranded with the reduced scopes -- it now reads ‘Sign In with Google’, and follows the standard Google branding for use with basic profile information.

After this, the user flow is also more straightforward. Instead of subsequent screens where a Google account is picked based on the email addresses registered on the device, followed by a potential ‘Create Google+ Profile’ dialog, followed by a permissions consent dialog, like this:

The user experience has changed to a single step, where the user chooses their account and gives consent. If they don’t have a Google+ profile, they don’t need to create one, eliminating that step. Additional consent dialogs come later, and are best requested in context so that the user understand why you might ask for access to their calendar or contact, and they are only prompted at the time that this data is needed.

We hope that a streamlined, one-tap, non-social sign-in option with additional OAuth permissions requested in context will help improve your sign-in rates and make it a breeze to sign-in with Google.

Check out some live apps that use the new API, including Instacart, NPR One, and Bring!

In the next post we’ll build on this by looking at some of the changes in the API to make coding apps that use Sign-In with Google even easier.